The General Conversation Area

haha, hey i liked it. (for those not privy to our emails.... my gf made me a card on, the card has about 12 blocks on the front, each block has a different picture of me and her together)

Have chilli peanuts from sainsburys ^____^ bring on the heat!!
Normally my plan for valentines is to activate my hibernation chamber, and sleep for the whole day. I have a meeting today however for my dissertation. That ain't gonna go as planned so i'll grin n bare it. Shall be at uni from 2 till 6 working on this damned thing mind you so i guess i'll miss most of the day anyways

Welcome back(again) Voddas. No drunken visit to the chat for this one as well? ;p

Saying that. I'm also considering WHY THE HELL I SET UP MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. Dear god, i'm a fool for doing so, i tells ya. It'll come back to hit me somethin fierce in the end.
Arbalest said:
Welcome back(again) Voddas. No drunken visit to the chat for this one as well? ;p

I missed it :( Voddas, any chance of a repeat performance? :p

Arbalest said:
Saying that. I'm also considering WHY THE HELL I SET UP MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. Dear god, i'm a fool for doing so, i tells ya. It'll come back to hit me somethin fierce in the end.

And on this note... i turn my directions to facebook..... actively hunting down arby :p

Watched the black swan over the weekend..... weird and f***ed up don't do it justice, yes i know its meant to be a play about the black swan... and the film shows you the story of the black swan ( you'll see what i mean by that, you get shown the story 2 ways one is obvious, the other...not so) but at times i cringed and was tempted to leave the film there. sort of glad i kept with it.... but a note to the weary - not exactly what i'd expect from natalie portman. great acting but at times alittle too convincing... as if you'd probably brick yourself if you where in the room with her character (towards the end)
Tachi- said:
Arbalest said:
Welcome back(again) Voddas. No drunken visit to the chat for this one as well? ;p

I missed it :( Voddas, any chance of a repeat performance? :p


Don't think I made too much of a spectacle of myself if I recall. I was pritty damn drunk though. Heh.

I haven't seen Black Swan yet but plan to watch it eventually. If not only becasue of the awards it has been nominated for.

I have seen The Kings Speech however. Very good film! Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush play the parts superbly!


Sorry, change of subject! I just had an offer on my house!!! They offered 7k under the asking price though... *grumble*

I've called them back and refused without giving them an alternative. Hopefully they'll come back with a higher offer. *waits patiently*
Voddas said:
Tachi- said:
Arbalest said:
Welcome back(again) Voddas. No drunken visit to the chat for this one as well? ;p

I missed it :( Voddas, any chance of a repeat performance? :p


Don't think I made too much of a spectacle of myself if I recall. I was pritty damn drunk though. Heh.

I haven't seen Black Swan yet but plan to watch it eventually. If not only becasue of the awards it has been nominated for.

I have seen The Kings Speech however. Very good film! Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush play the parts superbly!


Sorry, change of subject! I just had an offer on my house!!! They offered 7k under the asking price though... *grumble*

I've called them back and refused without giving them an alternative. Hopefully they'll come back with a higher offer. *waits patiently*

:lol: Damn, wasn't hoping for a spectacle, but hoped to see if you where funnier :p

too right, 7k under asking price is a joke. these aren't times of charity ;)

i might have to look at the kings speech, see how good it is.

Afternoon memo

Eating pic'n'mix still... getting that sickly feeling.
Well... I have the house on the market for £65,000 and they came in with an offer of £58,000 originally. Now, my house is worth more than £65,000 but I put it on lower so I would get more interest (and becasue I could afford to).

So I called them back and told them "no" and nothing more (no other suggested amounts). I can't start haggling with such a low offer. Then, within about 5mins of me telling them this, they called back with an offer of £59,500.

I told them that raising it by £1,500 wasn't going to cut it so told them that the lowest I would even consider dropping to would be £62,500 (which is a fcuking steal!). They called back and said they wouldn't go higher than £59,500 so I said "Fare Enough" and left it at that.
Maybe they think I'll come back with a lower offer, or they just can't afford it? Either way, they'll be waiting a long time if they think I'll lower.


That was all rather exciting. :D
had power cut today, so from 8.30 till 10 i was keeping myself amused,

Now to get on with some work.... and then browse the forums.

how's everyone?
Morning Tachi,

Seems to be another quiet one today so far. Hopeing it stays like this as I just can't be arsed today. Had a rough night. Had a nice romantic meal planned at home for me and Sarah and we ended up fighting! lol

Sucked balls really.... we don't fight that much either. But it happens in long relationships. Just part of the building blocks of life. Just a shame about the timeing. ¬_¬
Mornin mate,

Sorry to hear bout the fighting :/ realy is the worst timing for one. i think its safe to say, never fight over the remote... it'll never work in your favour :p

hope its just a small argument mind, should be back to normal soon?

Had a alright evening, only real problem i had was with the family.... mum and sister looking online at shelters for dogs, they where looking at puppies. My dad doesn't want to know and tbh neither do i.

Spoke to kayls about getting a house together maybe next year, that then turned into what dog she want to buy when were settled in. She wants a st. bernard..... its not a dog, thats a bear with a dogs face. i've said that i'd only want a british bulldog, i'd have him sat on the sofa, with a yorkshire cap on his head and a little tie on, with a bone sicking out of his mouth like a cigar, he'd be called winston or mutley, i'd teach him to say "alright" in dog talk, have him greet me when i enter the house or a room with "alright" :lol:

Mum and sister want to go pick up this puppy they've seen, might be going to see it on saturday..... to me its to soon, i don't want another dog till i'm in a house of my own.

bloody mother keeps going on her laptop, it reduces the internet connectivity upstairs ¬___¬

been looking at eureka seven, looks alright.
Nah, not a huge fight mate. It'll have blown over by the time I finish work. Just one of those things. :roll:

You been checking out Eureka Seven? Thought you might like it. It's no Gurren Lagann mind, by a stretch.

I want a dog eventually. Probably wait untill I have a kid so they can go up together. My personal preference on dog would have to be a Spaniel. I guess you kind of lean towards what you know. I grew up with one and loved it like any other member of the family (as you are familliar with). I guess we might be implanted with it from childhood (can't think of the word).

HahHAAA! The couple from yesterday have requested a second viewing this Friday! :D
Voddas said:
Nah, not a huge fight mate. It'll have blown over by the time I finish work. Just one of those things. :roll:

You been checking out Eureka Seven? Thought you might like it. It's no Gurren Lagann mind, by a stretch.

Yeah gunna give it a go, if its not primarily a mecha it should be alright

Voddas said:
I want a dog eventually. Probably wait untill I have a kid so they can go up together. My personal preference on dog would have to be a Spaniel. I guess you kind of lean towards what you know. I grew up with one and loved it like any other member of the family (as you are familliar with). I guess we might be implanted with it from childhood (can't think of the word).

Yeah they say mans best friend, its not just a saying, i can't imagine too long in my life that we haven't had a dog. first dog was a terrier i think, small little thing called sam, we couldn't bring him to luton with us because we had to rent for a year before getting our house. he ended up going to live on a farm back in yorkshire, chasing rats and things.

You've seen byron haven't you? he was a big boxer, bloody muscle machine, witha heart of pure gold. just been looking at bulldog puppies.... :( i think its the look that they give you that makes you see them as equals. byron had so many different faces, confused, annoyed, playful, unsure, surprised, cheeky. don't think its easy to do it, but i know why some people go out and buy another dog straight away.... its that loneliness in the house when you don't have a little person with a huge personality walking around the house doing their own thing, even when everyone else is away from the house, just to hear a dog walking around the house :/

I'd go out and buy a bulldog tomorrow... but still don't know if thats the right thing to do, kayls said to me "if we had a kid and it died, would you just give up and never have another one" which sort of hit home, :/ just unsure whats right.

Voddas said:
HahHAAA! The couple from yesterday have requested a second viewing this Friday! :D

:p stick to your guns lad,
Yeah, I know what you mean. I can still remember the sound of my child hood dog's claws tapping on the kitchen tiles like it were only yesterday. =)

My mum was the same when it came to lose and replace. When a pet dies, she can only last a little over a month before we hear of another new member to the troop. In total we've had 7 dogs and three cats! I guess that's just how some people cope.

My dad's different, he's only had one dog that died at the age of 13. He's never considered another but he loved that dog to bits.

Anyway!! Let us change the subject to something more upbeat!

I've played some Red Dead and loving it! Not got very far in the story yet but that's mainly because I like to wander the land on new sandbox games. =D

edit: Hell it's quiet on AUKN today! Tumble weeds a plenty!
I agree :)

I was playing red dead too, online though. sat up till 2am having a private duel between me and another guy. fighting on mountains/great plains, shooting each other, respawning and then carrying on firing at each other, at one moment we where sniping each other from tree to tree.

looking to buy the normal game though ( although i could get about 30% of the normal games trophys from playing online, id rather get the normal game for laughs) online the game is completely the same as the normal game, sat playing poker lastnight for about an hour. walked away with $600 profit but then lost connection to the internet so lost it all X(

cureently broke 2 of 3 horses of the apocalypse, was given death upon completing the main story. just War on the loose now.

The 4 horses are so cool though, unlimited stamina, war = fire damage, pestilence = lives through everything including jumping off a cliff, death = kills anything in its path, famine..... unlimited stamina is as far as it goes, no special powers really.

Beware cougars...... yes the middle aged kind, AND the big cat kind :p the sneeky sods will claw you from behind in some sort of wild west "drive by happy slap" usually instant death.
Well... like I said I haven't played much, so most of what you just said just went straight over my head. lol
I haven't seen a cougar yet but I've heard one growl a few times I think, while galloping around.

Can't wait to get more involved in the story. :D

Think I might have timed it slightly wrong though (getting the game). As I've mentioned in past, I go threw stints of either cramminig games in or cramming anime in... I think I feel myself switching back to anime slightly...

It's a pain in the **** having limited free time. I don't have the advantage of being able to do both! Curse my getting olderness!
Voddas said:
Well... like I said I haven't played much, so most of what you just said just went straight over my head. lol
I haven't seen a cougar yet but I've heard one growl a few times I think, while galloping around.

Can't wait to get more involved in the story. :D

Think I might have timed it slightly wrong though (getting the game). As I've mentioned in past, I go threw stints of either cramminig games in or cramming anime in... I think I feel myself switching back to anime slightly...

It's a pain in the **** having limited free time. I don't have the advantage of being able to do both! Curse my getting olderness!

oh right :p well everything about horses of the apocalypse are only available if you buy the undead pack from the ps store or bought the seperate disc that i have, it has all the online multiplayer modes and undead nightmare campaign.

all the animals on your game are the normal ones, in my version rabbits and things aren't about unless i go online.

but yes.... cougars are usually in the middle of desert area...they can be in forests too so be careful. sly sods jump out and mug you in the blink of an eye.

looking online for decent prices.... can i spare £20 :p

Yeah i slotted in some anime last week, this weeks more on gaming, maybe try a week of each? might work out.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Arbalest said:
Saying that. I'm also considering WHY THE HELL I SET UP MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. Dear god, i'm a fool for doing so, i tells ya. It'll come back to hit me somethin fierce in the end.

You really did it? I though you despised Facebook? Surely it can't be that bad, right? ,its not like everyone hates you for some reason or something?
Probably the same reason I hate it... I hate talking to people I know and seeing them doing social things I'm not. Godot suffers from a similar ailment but is braver than most.
I've attempted to do one week anime and another week games. I can't leave things alone untill their done though! I struggle to play two games at once not to mention more than one anime at a time. I'm very impatient when it comes to those things. =P

If I have a full anime series (which is usually the case), I'm almost guarunteed to watch it straight threw without watching anything else. At the moment I'm going threw the process with Xam'd : Lost Memories.

Edit: That was a slow response from me sorry. :p

Afternoon peoples!
Jayme said:
Stuart-says-yes said:
Arbalest said:
Saying that. I'm also considering WHY THE HELL I SET UP MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. Dear god, i'm a fool for doing so, i tells ya. It'll come back to hit me somethin fierce in the end.

You really did it? I though you despised Facebook? Surely it can't be that bad, right? ,its not like everyone hates you for some reason or something?
Probably the same reason I hate it... I hate talking to people I know and seeing them doing social things I'm not. Godot suffers from a similar ailment but is braver than most.

why the hell are you friends with me then? or have you managed to block my updates?

Voddas said:
I've attempted to do one week anime and another week games. I can't leave things alone untill their done though! I struggle to play two games at once not to mention more than one anime at a time. I'm very impatient when it comes to those things. =P

If I have a full anime series (which is usually the case), I'm almost guarunteed to watch it straight threw without watching anything else. At the moment I'm going threw the process with Xam'd : Lost Memories.

Edit: That was a slow response from me sorry. :p

Afternoon peoples!

yes, taking ages ;)

And reading that... reminds me of a msn article i read earlier (was gunna email it to you) 10 things one sex can do that the other can't.
one of them was "men can't multitask past drinking a pint and scratching their balls"

prove em wrong voddas, play anime games, drink a pint and do the stratch! lol
how you finding Xam'd?