The General Conversation Area

chaos said:
Northampton? No man, wrong direction, listen to me - London - come on, repeat after me - London! That's where I am, so there's where the fun is! ;)

haha, believe me, i'd prefer to be in london, but its just not cost effective for me just yet :/

Hi everyone :D

How are you all?

Hello little one :D you okay?

Foxstripe said:
Tachi yeah im up to series 4 on Naruto, just trying to find £30 for the next season.....sigh

Its really quite nice not posting a number everytime I type now haha, missing out numbers was a pain!!

Ok Black Lagoon is the next one for me. I'll have a look and see what Play have it for

*crosses fingers its 99p* haha im a dreamer

Give me 30 seconds and i'll try find you a bargain, sod paying £30 for it, do you want brand new or second hand?

£14.99 new, free postage
£15 preowned free postage
Give me 30 seconds and i'll try find you a bargain, sod paying £30 for it, do you want brand new or second hand?

Brand new preferably, dont like the brown stuff :)
Hiya Black and Tachi :D

I'm okay Black and Tachi, I have just finished the last of my coursework for medical science so I will be getting a MM overall :D

I had a great Birthday Black ^_^
I got money, clothes, gift cards, chocolates, books and Monopoly Deal.

An MM is a Merit Merit which is I think is equivalent to either a C or B at A level
Hey Mono,

Happy Birthday for whenever it was :) *presents gift*

£14.99, thats a bargain!!!

Just got confirmed my Bank of Tokyo interview for Tuesday or Wednesday GULP, im so rubbish at interviews, I say the dumbest things
Well i'm going to head off now, gotta meet my finacee from work :) nice chatting to you all again (and nice mini debate type thing in that other thread tach ;) )

Will try to come here more often but i can't promise anything

Later guys :)
Hello Mono, congrats!

BlackWolf said:
I'm great, finally got a job, my story has been submitted to a publisher for the first time (i'm expecting a rejection email next week) and i'm riding an all time high (this will not last i'm expecting, it never does)
Best of luck! Once again, don't think negatively!

Tachi- said:
chaos said:
Northampton? No man, wrong direction, listen to me - London - come on, repeat after me - London! That's where I am, so there's where the fun is! ;)

haha, believe me, i'd prefer to be in london, but its just not cost effective for me just yet :/
Just get a better paying job, just like I did =)

BTW - I've got myself a new job as an IT consultant now.
Nicely done chaos.

I'm now out of the exam period and into the freedom of Summer. Got home from uni this morning and got a week and a half to relax until my holiday job starts up again.

Just playing a bit of Rock Band 2 now. Might start DB Kai shortly, possibly having that mark my entrance to being 20 (b'day tomorrow) and holy crap I won't be a teenager anymore :s

How are people planning to spend the weekend?
I have some news of my own. I have been offered a new job! It will mean commuting into London, but long train rides are perfect for reading manga.

@Foxstripe - Good luck with your interview on Tuesday. Is that a UK based job? And can you speak much Japanese?

@Black Wolf - Rejection is part of the game. (You don't know how many rejections I had before I got my first article in print.) Stay positive and keep trying.

@Tachi - I agree with what Chaos has said. You really have to come to London. Hurry up and finish off that application form.

@Mono - Happy belated birthday wishes.

M.G xx
I'm pretty much relaxing today, glad that New Zealand drew against Italy, you can never predict the next World Cup result.

I might as well guess that there will be another surprise result that Ivory Coast will win 1 - 0 later today against Brazil.

I was very lucky today to get my hands on a handheld console that I haven't played since my days at Primary School, thats the Sega Game Gear.

It all works except for the sound but its fun to play Sonic and Wonder Boy on there again.
I now reach you from the blustery backwaters of my hometown.

Travelling up the A1 is actually quite relaxing, I find. Alas, the kestrels, red kites and occasional buzzards of Middle England are far outnumbered by ubiquitous and unoriginal red crosses displayed on poorly-maintained vehicles. Vans especially.
Zin5ki said:
You should warm the house, so to speak. Serve Pimm's.
Sure thing. You're coming, I hope. You never fail to entertain me =)

memorium said:
Zin5ki said:
You should warm the house, so to speak. Serve Pimm's.
i second the idea of serving Pimm's
Pimm's. I've never thought that a drink with cucumber in it, would be any good. I was amazed the first time I had it.

Manga Girls said:
I have some news of my own. I have been offered a new job! It will mean commuting into London, but long train rides are perfect for reading manga.
Congrats! Enjoy your manga reading commutes.

Manga Girls said:
@Tachi - I agree with what Chaos has said. You really have to come to London. Hurry up and finish off that application form.
You see? London is the place to be man!

Reevothemusefan said:
I might as well guess that there will be another surprise result that Ivory Coast will win 1 - 0 later today against Brazil.
Boooo, anyway, it was a surprise to me. I didn't expect them to win 3x1 against a team that had Drogba. I was expecting a more modest win, like 2x0 and was always, I was counting on a better defense from Brazil, which never seems to be the case. I like the goalkeeper, but the deffenders... :/