The General Conversation Area

memorium said:
chaos said:
memorium said:
just about to watch the Korea DPR vs Brazil game, anyone else watching it? This is going to be intense
I've headed to a Brazilian bar called Favela in Old Street. Place was packed, couldn't even move, btu the atmosphere there with loads of Brazilians watching it was amazing. When Maicon scored the first goal, I thought I was back home. I only missed the fireworks...
It was a good match, if only Kaka played as he usually does and the brazilian defense didn't left the N.Korea guy on his own in front of the goal, this would have been a fantastic match to remember.

yeah, i was sort of expecting Brazil to win, but there's no denying that DPR was a solid team, their defence was difficult to break through

Maicon's goal was a bit of a fluke though, i think he was meant to pass it to someone that was more central to the goal, but if he did intentionally did that to score, then i applaud the guy :)
Well, consdiering all the North Korea history in football, I guess that everybody expected Brazil to win, what most people didn't agree on was the actual score. Me and most of my friends were betting 2x0 / 3x0, but North Korea was a graceful opponent.

N. Korea was difficult to break through, as they simply moved everybody back to defense whenever Brazil went on attacking, which is only sensible when you face a much stronger opponent.

Maicon's goal was intentional, of course! =D

Zin5ki said:
memorium said:
yeah, i was sort of expecting Brazil to win, but there's no denying that DPR was a solid team, their defence was difficult to break through
I watched the closing minutes with my half-Brazilian flatmate. It was quite amusing to see how poorly she accepted the end result, in spite of the fact her team won.
Here's the thing, for us brazilians winning is important, but we actually want to see beautiful matches. A good match doesn't need any winners, but from my perspective a few of the players were half-assed there, sort of doing it because they've been forced to do so and not because they are representing our nation.

Kaka was terrible at the match, everybody in the bar booed him out.

Arbalest said:
As for how i'm doing, job hunting is crap. So far i'm naught for...well, many. I've searched and found near enough anything, and i'm running outta options here.
Good luck with the job hunting, man.

Chaos: Yeah its not bad at all, safety pins, scissors, bandages, alcohol wipes, a 3 way sling for your arm (or head if you know the technique). all for a quid :)
Hey all. Sorry I haven't been too active lately, Works been wiping me out the past couple of weeks...Finally got some breathing space now, so I'm gonna use it to the fullest.

If anyone can help me with the Agarest problem in the Games Section of the forums, Id much appreciate it. I should never had gone out to get it tbh... lol.

Good luck Arby. I know those pains of recent times. May be slow at times, but I hope you keep at it and grab the right one for ya.
How's everyone else doing?
Sounds good Tachi. Will check if they have them at my nearest store.

Chaz - I'm doing great, thanks for asking. Totally knackered after download last week and two night-outs this week (Brazil vs Korea DPR match and Stone Temple Pilots gig yesterday).

I might have some good news (at least for me) soon-ish.
chaos said:
Here's the thing, for us brazilians winning is important, but we actually want to see beautiful matches.
I suppose that's quite easy for you to say — you do have a habit of winning quite a lot of them, so you can afford to focus upon matters of quality instead.
Zin5ki said:
chaos said:
Here's the thing, for us brazilians winning is important, but we actually want to see beautiful matches.
I suppose that's quite easy for you to say — you do have a habit of winning quite a lot of them, so you can afford to focus upon matters of quality instead.
I din't mean it like that, although after re-reading it, I realize how bad it sounds.

Yes, we are kinda like that not only with our national team, but also with our regular clubs.
Jungle Boogie! Jungle Boogie!
*shuffles into the room doing an awkward dance*#

Afternoon people how are we all? I'm having one of those days where it's so busy that my brain has snapped and I'm feeling a little strange! How are you all dooo.....
*his tie catches his eye and starts giggling and flicking it*
Oh dear... the catnips got him, nya. ;)
Hey Voddas. Thats a great song to dance to, whether or not it makes you look like a prat or not. So what's on your tie that's grabbed your attention? Is it a gimmick one?
Time to call to call my friends in the white coats to help escort you to your new "home" (funny farm)

I'm fine cheers, just had to pick up some pregnancy kits at lunch *facepalms*
Tie is plain black... it's like looking into the abyss! *leans back and gargles*

Will this day ever end!!!!?!!! WELL?!!!

Edit: Wait... did you just say Pregnancy Kits Tachi?
Hey Voddas, you look quite happy today =)

Tachi- said:
I'm fine cheers, just had to pick up some pregnancy kits at lunch *facepalms*
Been there, done that and I was lucky. Best of luck to you as well.

Worst of all was actually HIV test. Not sure how these are done today, but back in the day, you would need wait up to six months after having had unprotected sex to do the test and see how's things were. That was a nightmare.
yes yes...i'm a genius and have managed to possibly mess up the missus insides, shes said that if she is then she'll be in the GP next week getting the abortion tablet... hopefully it doesn't come to that, but as she's late....we can't be too careful.

and on a similar note, another genius:

Nice Pac-man-tat. :p

I'm okay really. I'm starting to get to the point where I'm just ignoring the work I need to do. I'm going to leave it till tomorrow. I've done way too much today and finally I can feel my brain reforming from the goop it had become.

Edit: I guess congratulations aren't in order then....
I'm sorting that out when I'm at home by eating up all the Calippos I've been building up until recently, and then having one when needed.

As for the Pac-tat, there's a major error... The ghost cant fit in the gaps! XD
Voddas said:
Edit: I guess congratulations aren't in order then....

haha, Although i'm more than fine with the concept of having one....... im too young, i've not got a house of my own, not married and don't have a job in IT thats not getting a chance to come to be...

Failing the abortion....kayls is getting pushed down some stairs, or i'll drink stella all night and beat her up, that'll solve it :p
(joking ofcorse)

I'm as laid back as usual, everythings fixable.
Fare enough Tachi, fare enough. I'm planning on getting a critter next year! That's the plan anyway. =P

Anyway, only a short stop for me. I'm off to the shop and to get out of the office before the voices in my head make me kill someone.

Laters :D
Name it Edmund xD

When i have kids, they'll be brought up on anime and together we will convert the missus to anime :) then i can force the kids into 1 room and devote a whole room to me.... surround sound, 50 inch HD tv, ps3 (or ps4 if its out in another 5 years lol) anime shelves and posters, all sorts of equipment (IT equipment ofcorse).
Nice to see people have plans for the future. I kinda always go with the flow. I have an overall idea of what I want in my life and I just work around that.

Perhaps, I'm too laid back?