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I enjoyed Wolverine for the mutants... that's mostly the reason. I used to be a Marvel madman! Not so much now. Still lovin the movies tho. It was quite tongue in cheek in parts but I'll forgive them for it. ^^

What exam you got first then... (I remember my exams) *shudders*

I do not envy you Arbalest

@Ryo: I agree on the claw comment. They did look out of place... in quality of CGI taht is. Not that a man had metal claws.

EDIT: Sorry, I totaly jumped Tachi and Jayme there. :twisted:

I took film studies and I got a B :) Hope you do too(if not better).
Well i went in with so-so expectations, but that never really helped either. I think if the CGi was a little better i would have liked it a bit more, but it just had me laughing at bits.

On exams, first exam is Multivariable Calculus and Real Analysis B, if you are wondering yes its maths i'm doing here at uni ;p. Exam on Friday is Pure Maths, which i am absolutely dreading.

I expect it won't be so bad when i get into the exams, but the run up is horrid, and studying is annoying when all you have around you is distractions.
You are a braver man than I Arb. Maths would send me to an early grave. I got a C in GCSE maths and have never had to take a maths test since. Thank god! If you do well, it'll put you in a good position like.
Fingers crossed aye. ^^

I thought the CGI was managable imo. It definately wasn't the best but we have such a high standard now, we expect the best (and so we should) It was good enough for me anyway.

I'm off now!! Catch you laters. *exits window right*

EDIT: @Tachi: ...True ;)
Hah, i passed my standard grade maths with a 1(equivalent to your GCSE roughly) which was the top grade, and passed higher maths with a B. Then i get into uni hoping for it to go alright, and i find myself struggling badly. I made it through first year alright, this year i'm hoping i do the same, but gah its annoying.
lol cya all,

i'm afraid i'll have to go downstairs from the new office....and right next door....To the NHS HQ of a pub i start off at on a friday night ^__^

for our good work during the move....the managers paying :D

*grabs coat and heads for the door*

-sadly my electronic card isn't when i walk upto a doesn't open like something out of star trek *sigh*-

Aion said:
Velcro dots. I hate them. Seriously, I do.

Ever since I picked up my Naruto manga set I've faced a battle with the 6 dots (3 each side) that keep the right-hand side of the case shut. Once the original ones became unstuck, they refused to hold for long. I've tried buying new ones, using glue to hold them...everything.

Last night I'd had enough and went for the glue. I put a little (liquid type) on the back of the 2 that were unstuck, which were still connected to the 2 on the other side and I held the case shut. What happened? Well, they stuck all right - so tight the case wouldn't open without brute force. The glue had somehow leaked through to the other side, making the glue hold the case shut.

I eventually removed them and used some of my last dots to replace some that couldn't be used, but now the top of the case isn't too tight...despite it staying shut. What I really need to do is remove all the dots, try to get the glue residue off and start afresh. But that's difficult when eBay is the only way I know of to acquire velcro dots for cheap...

I even stuck 2 dots at the top (there were only 3 dots originally) to try and hold it back when the velcro hell started and it still kept (and keeps opening).


...any people with velcro dot buying/sticking knowledge on here? Pros only, please.

i feel for ya man i really do. know what pisses me off, when there's grammar mistakes in manga I've bought. Really its just so annoying that i feel like penciling in the characters myself, if it wasn't for the fact how utterly stupid it may look.
Afternoon (just) all! :)

Busy today so will be here moer in mind than in body!

I checked out your new scetches too Black. Nice. :thumb:
Hi mono and Voddas :p

How are you today mono?

@Voddas thanks for the comments Vod :thumb: what did you think of the bottom right one though may i ask?
I'm good thanks mono although i'll be disappearing myself at about one so i can go and meet my girlfriend to sort some stuff out for october and then i'm out at 4 for a night out.