The General Conversation Area

I don't really need one yet, but as with most things i buy, its premeditated. So when i do pass my driving and buy myself a little corsa, i won't get myself lost.
(Me and street names are useless, but i can remember directions by the surroundings and the way the road looks.....if that makes sense)

Just gave one of my colleagues a shaving lesson, it was her own fault for starting me off, on that subject. She commented that my goatie was looking more like a beard. So she's now been taught in the arts of shaving.
Shaving what exactly? :p

I know what you mean about the directions issue. I too rely on memory and landmarks when I'm driveing/traveling. I'm crap at remembering road names or even Motorway exits numbers. Hills, houses and other things of the like are my maps.
:lol: Shaving facial hair only, if anyone wishes to use the art of shaving in other areas of the body, that's nothing to do with me lol.

Well i was looking on google the other day and was able to find both grandparents houses, my cousins house in knutsford all due to the local places, for instance; there's a row of trees around the edge of the park opposite my cousins house, the only place that has 2 trees rather than 1 in the row is the one directly opposite my cousins :p

Whilst eating my nacho's and subway a song came into my head....Burt Bacharach: what the world needs now, is love sweet love.

After alot of fighting with the web restrictions...i'm now happily humming along to it :)
the bitch machine that is Ryo is in full force today

blackmailing work for trying to force Chaz in on Monday, when he's working on his other job, Getting a new ISA account and forcing X-box to refund me £39 they charged me for no reason when using a pre-payed card

Virgin survive till tomorrow since their billing phone line is down
Morning sensei! This bank holiday I have dad's b-day to consider on Sunday, I bought him a fire steel from Portobello. Other than that, got a college interview on Tues. so I got day off work (currently digging a site in Kent, mostly Saxon stuff) to go to that, it will be an MA Illustration course hopefully^^ Other than that, just glad to have time off to do anime, sleep and be lazy ass.
Essentially my long weekend will be spent rebelling against the rain, getting slightly drunk, eating at lots of restaurants, watching Iron Man 2 and if possible getting some much needed quality time in with Monster Hunter Tri... how about you Chaos?
Morning all.

Depending on the weather I may venture out & watch Iron-Man 2. I will also be looking to catch up on some of my live-action blu-rays. Beyond that I will try and fit in some manga/video game time.
Don't call chaos sensei cercia!! He's got a big enough head as it is. :roll:

Morning one and all. *greets*

This weekend I will be mostly decorating if Sarah has her way. Although she's out all day Saturday and night so I will be gaming with the brother-in-law hopefully. If the weather's nice... I'll still end up gaming. =P

Other things include helping my dad setup a sky box transmitter and hopefully seeing Iron Man 2 aswell.
Finish up packing our house and moving it to my grandmothers for our short stay there until (hopefully!) we have our new house finalized and ready to move into in a few weeks/months.. In between that I'll be watching Farscape and The Wire... that's today anyway.

Not sure about any other plans yet. Iron Man 2 again, with family this time, maybe. lol.
Mornin all

My weekend as it stands at the moment:
Tonight i'll get in and hope my dvd's have arrived (they've been in the post for something like 4 days now....starting to get inpatient) So hope to just relax and watch anime with a few beers or finish off my bottle of southern comfort.

Saturday i'll be getting up early (being the first day my sword is expected to appear) and then going out to my gf's best mates 18th. drinking and socializing is the aim for the night.

Sunday i'll be relaxing, watching anime and probably take pics with sword, if its not there by then i'll watch anime and sleep all day ^_____^

Monday, probably go see Iron Man 2, having the whole house to myself next week (commencing tuesday) so i'll be hosting a BBQ next weekend, during the week i'll have different things planned (still yet to plan anything, but i know just being able to live without family restrictions, will be good.....walking round in boxers here i come!"
There is a holiday coming up? I am not amused. I'm gonna be stuck at uni all day, each day from now. I wish i could have a holiday =/

Regardless, i got me Super Street Fighter IV the day, so i have something to keep me busy the night.
Tachi- said:
walking round in boxers here i come!
Now now. This is hardly something to boast about—many folk walk around in such garments already. Of course, they typically wear other articles of clothing atop said shorts, but this is beside the point.
cercia said:
Morning sensei! This bank holiday I have dad's b-day to consider on Sunday, I bought him a fire steel from Portobello. Other than that, got a college interview on Tues. so I got day off work (currently digging a site in Kent, mostly Saxon stuff) to go to that, it will be an MA Illustration course hopefully^^ Other than that, just glad to have time off to do anime, sleep and be lazy ass.
Sensei? Only if you're thinking on GTO here :p
Good luck on your college interview and did I understand it right? You work in a digging? Like Keitarou from Love Hina? Awesome, any pics of the digging anywhere?

Izekiel said:
Essentially my long weekend will be spent rebelling against the rain, getting slightly drunk, eating at lots of restaurants, watching Iron Man 2 and if possible getting some much needed quality time in with Monster Hunter Tri... how about you Chaos?
Starting tonight I'll have a bizz meeting with a potential bizz partner. Hoping to setup my own business to kick my current job away. Tomorrow, I've volunteered to the Brighton Asahi Anime festival, should be fun. I also plan to go see either Iron Man 2 or Clash of the Titans - perhaps both. Sunday I hope I can finally finish tidying up my stuff and creating my eBay auctions, I've got a shitload of stuff to get rid of. Monday I've got work. The good thing is that I get an extra holiday in the day of my choosing, so I can choose a date that is not a bank holiday, therefore saving money in tickets, accomodation and everything else.

mangaman74 said:
Depending on the weather I may venture out & watch Iron-Man 2. I will also be looking to catch up on some of my live-action blu-rays. Beyond that I will try and fit in some manga/video game time.
looks good =)

Voddas said:
Don't call chaos sensei cercia!! He's got a big enough head as it is. :roll:
For some reason I'm really thinking of GTO now...

Voddas said:
This weekend I will be mostly decorating if Sarah has her way. Although she's out all day Saturday and night so I will be gaming with the brother-in-law hopefully. If the weather's nice... I'll still end up gaming. =P

Other things include helping my dad setup a sky box transmitter and hopefully seeing Iron Man 2 aswell.
sound like a nice wekeend =)

Jayme said:
Finish up packing our house and moving it to my grandmothers for our short stay there until (hopefully!) we have our new house finalized and ready to move into in a few weeks/months.. In between that I'll be watching Farscape and The Wire... that's today anyway.

Not sure about any other plans yet. Iron Man 2 again, with family this time, maybe. lol.
=) Is it that good that it's worth two cinema visit?

Tachi- said:
My weekend as it stands at the moment:
Tonight i'll get in and hope my dvd's have arrived (they've been in the post for something like 4 days now....starting to get inpatient) So hope to just relax and watch anime with a few beers or finish off my bottle of southern comfort.

Saturday i'll be getting up early (being the first day my sword is expected to appear) and then going out to my gf's best mates 18th. drinking and socializing is the aim for the night.

Sunday i'll be relaxing, watching anime and probably take pics with sword, if its not there by then i'll watch anime and sleep all day ^_____^

Monday, probably go see Iron Man 2, having the whole house to myself next week (commencing tuesday) so i'll be hosting a BBQ next weekend, during the week i'll have different things planned (still yet to plan anything, but i know just being able to live without family restrictions, will be good.....walking round in boxers here i come!"
walking around the house in boxers... I might have to quit this if I choose to move to a flatshare.

Arbalest said:
There is a holiday coming up? I am not amused. I'm gonna be stuck at uni all day, each day from now. I wish i could have a holiday =/

Regardless, i got me Super Street Fighter IV the day, so i have something to keep me busy the night.
=) yeah, there's a bank holiday coming =)

Zin5ki said:
Tachi- said:
walking round in boxers here i come!
Now now. This is hardly something to boast about—many folk walk around in such garments already. Of course, they typically wear other articles of clothing atop said shorts, but this is beside the point.
No comments :p
chaos said:
=) Is it that good that it's worth two cinema visit?
I have no idea if its actually a good film, but I'll be damned if I didn't I love watching it. Great experience and every critique that came into my head fell by the wayside a couple of minutes after it came up. It's probably best not to be totally hyped for it though.
I remain unconvinced. Is this "Iron Man" of a genuinely ferrous composition? I wouldn't want to watch a film so named if its titular character were made from another metal. (Ferrous alloys I shall allow, but not without qualification.)