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Well now i'm confused. I've checked my amazon account, the outstanding orders has changed, it says my cayote ragtime show 2+3 and Kino's journey 1 aren't outstanding anymore... i check the sellers page and they are still trying to sell the item. Either they've cancelled my order without telling me anything and have taken my money. (in which case someone at amazon better sort this out) OR that means that they are in the post and i'll just have to wait for them to come..... Either way i don't have tracking numbers on them (normal post was the only option, i'd have prefered recorded delivery)

Hmm, well just have to have a look later in the week and see if i receive anything or not.

Melting in the office and tired, maybe i shouldn't have stayed up till 2am watchin austin powers.
Hey Tachi! Bear in mind that if it's amazon mkt place, then orders take a while longer to arrive than if it were through amazon directly. You can always email the reseller to check things out though.
Morning guys. Tachi, I'm sure it'll be fine. Like you say, leave it a few days then check again. I just bought Ouran Boxset after seeing a lovely pre-order price of £11.99! XD
Tasty! :thumb:

when did we go back to 90's style ads

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

that's gonna be stuck in my head all day now XD
Voddas said:
Unlucky, I'm already at work and I was up till 3.15 again last night. :roll:

Curse my gaming and anime cravings! :p

LIES! your never on PSN, so your watching anime lol.

Morning Ryo, how's things?
Tachi- said:
Voddas said:
Unlucky, I'm already at work and I was up till 3.15 again last night. :roll:

Curse my gaming and anime cravings! :p

LIES! your never on PSN, so your watching anime lol.

Morning Ryo, how's things?
I've been PC gaming since I completed Valkyria. Thus no PS3 required. ;)

Just getting threw a back log of games I've gathered since I got my PS3... it's kinda taken over and my PC games were getting dusty.
lol *sends virus to Voddas' home PC*

Can't be having that old thing stand in the way of next gen console gaming lol.

I have a idea that Aion will dislike me from now on....awell.
Nah, your speaking your mind which is Aion's middle name. A slagging debate may occur but as long as you don't take it to heart, all will balance out again.

P.S. I'll have you know my PC has a higher spec than any PS3!!! ....minus the blu-ray. =_=
Alas, a hammer will still reduce it to rubble :p

I've left you a message on MAL btw,
And my sword is now missing off the orders page D:
I think that means its now in the post *fingers crossed*
I shall check MAL now but I probably won't reply till after lunch. :p

How much did it end up costing for postage and packing of a sword bye the way?
Order Placed: 27 April 2010
Order Total: £23.90

Dispatch estimate:28 April 2010 - 29 April 2010
Delivery estimate:1 May 2010 - 14 May 2010
Items Ordered Price
Condition: New
Sold by: PearFamilyEnterprises.Ltd (seller profile)

Item(s) Subtotal: £19.99
Postage & Packing: £3.91
Total: £23.90
Total for this Delivery: £23.90

:D Not bad price for a sword with stand and P&P.
That's not bad at all actually. I would have assumed the P&P would have been more. *shrugs*

Ah well, anyway. Off to lunch now so I'll be back inabit.
Mornin peeps. Again with me stuck at uni, but getting used to the place now, second home and all that, should claim for it.

I really need to get home again and finish Valkyria, hopefully get the chance in a couple of weeks, but we'll wait and see. Still got FFXIII to complete as a bajillion more no less. I hate not getting the chance to complete em =/
The battle i'm in the middle of at present is when you get the smoke rounds for your tank. Right at the bit where i need to take on tanks and such without my own. So making a fair bit of progress, just never got the time to finish the battle before i left last time.
I had a ride on the re-opened East London Line earlier today. The new rolling stock was both spacious and air-conditioned, such that riding a Tube immediately afterwards was comparatively cramped and stuffy. I urge chaos to try it for himself.

The only disadvantage was a somewhat aberrant gentleman sat near me, who seemed content to vocally list the stations remaining until his destination on numerous occasions.