The General Conversation Area

I like to do my part when it comes to recycling but the council is so god damn retarded when it come to organising it. My rubbush always get's collected but so do my receycling bags? Every freaking other week I have to get a new set? Who the hell keeps steeling these bags and why so many? They have no real benefits besides being filled with rubbish.

While I'm in bitch mode I also complain that the several recycling places we had used to have seperate bins for plastics, bags, cans, bottles etc. butnow they just have one big bin for them all? How the hell is sorting out a load of crap going to be cost affective? It's f*cking madness!!!!

*ahem* I don't usually get this worked up over rubbish fyi. :p
Dont worry, Vod. I'm usually not that bothered myself. But yeah... retardedness can only be excused so far!
We dont even get that! It's actually like this for us:
Grey Bin - General waste.
Green Bin - Outdoor wooden waste (branches, fencing etc).
White bag - Paper/cardboard/card.
Green box - Cans, glass, metal, plastic and aerosols.

A small box for ALL those options? The green bin would only be used every-so-often by most people, so why not offer an alternative, like the green bin for the plastic/metal etc, and tie up the branches and leave at the side?

The other stupid fact is, even with the overflow of the plastics, we were good-willed enough to sepate them from the rest of the waste. Even if they were in bin-liners, I stuck on a label noting "Plastics" on all 3 bags, with the labels pointing in all directions! How the hell did they miss it?! Do me a favour, guys!
Chaz said:
Damn you, Tachi and your early posting! My scene! :p

I wonder if Aion would want to kill me for trying to hug him... ;)

:lol: Its sort of my thing to get those early posts in :p i struggle to talk to people on here sometimes due to people having better things to do :/ (sadly voddas won't go away....... i joke lol)

You might have released the good in his heart, or just given him mental trauma and a confused sense of direction lol

On the topics of bins, mine are simple.
Blacks for the general waste
Green has no plastic bags, i just throw cardboard and plastic bottles in there.
Black box: for glass. its scary when i see that thing filled with beer/wine/bacardi bottles by about wednesday each week or two lol
It's just one great mess. Have you been given the mini wheely bins too? lol Doesn't affect me so much just having the two of us at home but what a nightmare that must be for families with kids.

Anyway, lets divert our attention away from the problems our goverment's watse disposal techniques hold before we start getting all political about it.

You watching anything/playing anything good at the moment?

Tach- said:
Its sort of my thing to get those early posts in i struggle to talk to people on here sometimes due to people having better things to do :/ (sadly voddas won't go away....... i joke lol)
Joke or not! I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!!! GRAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!
ahhh my pop tarts are ready... *wanders off*
lol pop tarts save the day again.

Erm, just watching the clock right now. Simply red's on the radio.
I have apparently received cayote ragtime show 2 and 3 at home for me. that just leaves the azumanaga daioh, elfen lied, kino's journey 1 and my sword in the post still.

Rather impressed with my Naruto 4:2 though, coming a day before the earliest possible delivery estimate is really good service.

Fit latina woman in office bending over at photocopier.....*dribbles* i love my life ^____^
Voddas said:
Tach- said:
Its sort of my thing to get those early posts in i struggle to talk to people on here sometimes due to people having better things to do :/ (sadly voddas won't go away....... i joke lol)
Joke or not! I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!!! GRAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!
ahhh my pop tarts are ready... *wanders off*
XD You just reminded me of the Fast-Food Rockers for some reason. Probably because I can see you with their costume on when you said that.
You watching anything/playing anything good at the moment?
This is entertaining enough. :p
May have found a new avatar pic for the next month, but I'm still looking for options. :) Other than that, I may go on GTA IV for a bit.
@Chaos: I went through the guitar stage in my evolution into this present man state. I only learnt how to play a few Beatles tunes and the obviouse Smoke Under Water. lol I wouldn't know where to start now like. I've been craving the piano strangely enough. Used to play a bit when I was younger.

@Chaz: Fare enough. Can't complain about GTA or avatar searches. I've been looking for a Domion Tank Police one I lost ages back. Been searching all over to no avail. T_T

@Tachi: *mouth full of pop tart* You better recognise!

You've obviously plenty to keep you going boyo.
Zin5ki said:
Voddas said:
*mouth full of pop tart*
I shall admit, I've never actually understood what such food items are. Are they some sort of primitive sandwich, or are they more akin to a novelty biscuit?
Their just jam/chocolate filled pasrties. Like a sweet sweet pasty. :p

They used to be better before they were americanised and had iceing added to them. They were far supperior with imo.
cya chazzy chaz.

Voddas, i've got a reply from the seller. seems he has legal documents for the swords, so i shall be okay :) now just asking if the packaging is boxed or wrapped:

"Sorry to be a pain, i've searched amazon for a link and google for "PearFamilyEnterprises.Ltd" I couldn't find your website, could you please send me a direct link? Thank you for the information in your previous email, It's put my mind at ease. The sword is for ornimental purposes only so that should be no problem. Do you send the sword in a box or are they just wrapped? (i may need to take public transport to take it home, should the post office need a signature and would prefer not to be arrested in public lol)

Cheers again"
It will be wrapped no matter what so it'll be fine. Unless you get over excited and rip it free before you get home of course. Heh. OMG! I'm freaking roasting in the office again. At least they have someone in to fix teh aircon however, it won't be fixed untill next week.
Yeah, thats what worries me lol. its a 3.5 mile stretch from town to my house.....the temptation to open the wrapping and attach a guitar strap to it, light a cigar and walk into the horizon could be too much. Atleast if this things in a box it'll take me longer to open it lol.

Hey, atleast it WILL work. My aircon is as good as a backscratcher on a saw ride, utter useless because it just won't work.
Voddas said:
@Chaos: I went through the guitar stage in my evolution into this present man state. I only learnt how to play a few Beatles tunes and the obviouse Smoke Under Water. lol I wouldn't know where to start now like. I've been craving the piano strangely enough. Used to play a bit when I was younger.
I like the guitar and bass guitar. I can still play a few tunes on the bass, but my guitar playing got awful. Basically, I just need a little agility back. I still remember stuff like harmony, scales and improvisation. Not claiming to be any good at those, I'm just saying I remember about it =P
I know what you mean Chaos. I remember things too, but as we are now so old our fingers are riddled with arthritis mate and we can now only dream of days gone by.

*awkwardly takes a seat while wheazing* =_=
Voddas said:
I know what you mean Chaos. I remember things too, but as we are now so old our fingers are riddled with arthritis mate and we can now only dream of days gone by.

*awkwardly takes a seat while wheazing* =_=
Arthritis? :p
Talk for yourself dude ;)
Nah, Arthritis ain't nothing to laugh about. I hope I don't get it when I'm old. I've seen what it can do. ¬_¬

Hey, did you know the word "ain't" is in the dictionary? Madness!