The General Conversation Area

Basically my Radio Station (Radio Lonsdale) is having a re-vamp. We just got ourselves a very large contract to run a local Fetival. This will result in us getting a few grand in payment for two days work! It's awesome!

So, now that we've finally got our break, we're modernising and bringing everything uptodate (like the old looking website for example).

The main thing on the plate at the moment is a Radio Logo! We need something new, not too complicated that stands out and people will remember.

Myself and three other Radio people have been charged to come up with some examples and ideas.

Any thoughts gentlepeops?
excuse me for a moment voddas....

*brutally murders Tachi and then strings the remains up as a warning about bad jokes*


Hmmm a radio logo, nothing springs out of my mind currently i'm afraid
*throws in a few digs as Tachi remains hang in the air*

I know! I thought it would be a piece of p!ss. Oh how wrong I was. I've been looking at other Radio Stations (UK and Abroad) and their all pritty simple too.
I guess we could just do something similar to the old logo. We just need to change it so it signifies the changes we are making.
Give me one evening and i'll show you a few awsome banners.

black background with a silver striking from the bottom centre up to the right hand side with some sort of revamped logo. probably sticking with the circle but different colours, and some sort of catchy slogan on the left.

other plan is to have a white background with blue mist flowing from the logo circle. and again, a slogan.

are you going for professional and sophistication, Or appealing to the teen's crowd?

*rechecks banner*
then the blue one would be more fitting
I've a bit of experience with logo design actually. :D

I think the first thing is to think of an image (and possibly a colour) that sums up Lonsdale. It's a local radio station so it needs to have something that says so. If possible, it's best to sum a place up visually with an uncomplicated but as recognisable symbol as you can. Think of any local landmarks or easily recognisable scenery you can use. And don't be afraid to be fairly radical in your redesign.

It's fairly easy to make an image say "Radio" as your current logo does, but what it needs to say is "Radio Lonsdale". ;)
Tachi i think what ayase means is one look at the logo with no text will tell you what it is, for example if i was doing one for my town i would try to incorprate a spitfire plane since the place used to be an aerodome (and we have a full sized spitfire decorating a round about of all places)
I was bored, only had access to paint.

basic NHS colours.
could have done so much more in the same time if i'd have my pc but there we go, typical default PC's at work :roll:
Tachi- said:
I was bored, only had access to paint.

basic NHS colours.
could have done so much more in the same time if i'd have my pc but there we go, typical default PC's at work :roll:

Hoispital? :p
Just saved that to my Radio File. Cheers Tachi. Nice and symple yet affective. I'm just having a mess around myself.

This (below) is just a quick change to the original Logo to give me ideas. (Ayase and Black inspiration to use a submarine). Our town builds subs so it makes sence.
I was looking up Lonsdale and it's a pretty big (and largely defunct) area isn't it? I think you're on the right track anyhow, you're probably best off using Barrow for inspiration. Could you incorporate the submarine shape into the logo more or is the idea to keep it round?

I stuck "Barrow in Furness" into Google image search and couldn't help but notice the stylistic similarity between shipbuilding cranes and radio masts... just a thought. ;)

Edit: I'll also bid you farewell for the day. Hadn't noticed the time! :lol:
I was thinking about changing the shape like. I just did that for a visual aid.

Like the ship building crane idea. Your too cool for school mate. Catch you later. :p
So i was trying to find a related video on youtube to "Minorin Remix", thinking that it maybe somehow related to Kirby. anyhow looking at all kirby remixes i got this:

<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>

I'll just leave this here
Morning my people! Hope all is well. Slept like a dead man last night. Got GTO with plans to watch a few episodes before I layed down but fell asleep 10 mins into the first episode.
Must have been more tired than I thought. :p

I'll have to check out that video later Otaku coz my work PC blocks youtube. ¬_¬