The General Conversation Area

Diet Coke is a god send during a hangover period. Cold flat Diet Coke is even better imo. Glugglugglug! =D
My sister eats Pickle Monster Munch or Space Invaders when she's hungover. She swears by them. :S
Arbalest said:
Yesterday was probably the first early night i've had in 4 months. It's kinda weird if i'm being honest, hah.
I admit, your early departure was somewhat alarming.

Yesterday I ate potatoes. My pears still offer resistance upon being squeezed, however.
Zin5ki said:
Arbalest said:
Yesterday was probably the first early night i've had in 4 months. It's kinda weird if i'm being honest, hah.
I admit, your early departure was somewhat alarming.

Yesterday I ate potatoes. My pears still offer resistance upon being squeezed, however.

damn that old man of hers!!!
Today I found some discounted luncheon meat in Tesco. Ironically, I consumed it for dinner.

I have no updates to give regarding my pears, however, save the fact that there are only two remaining.
Zin5ki said:
Today I found some discounted luncheon meat in Tesco. Ironically, I consumed it for dinner.

Hmm, Maybe I should try that every so often. Morrisons have been messing up at timesand I cant get 1/2 the meats I need for the week...
Asda are recommended as a source of discounts. I find they are more liberal with their yellow labels than some of their competitors, provided one shops at appropriate times of the day. Saturday night bore fruit for me.
Zin5ki said:
chaos said:
Cool. How far is Gallifry from the Excel centre?
It's on the Jubilee Line, I think.
Oh, it's that close? You should go to one of these alcl meetups then. There was a cosplay picnic last sunday with free food! Haven't been there, so no idea what it was or how it was...

Otaku-san said:
Other then that I saw the first season of Rosario+Vampire, bad choice, how the hell does Mono stand this crap?? Here's a vampire with less flaws then a one bedroom flat
=) hehe, I actually enjoyed the manga. While very silly, it kept me entertained for a couple hours.

stuart-says-yes said:
Ryo Chan said:
right with the revelation that godot listens to the Jonas bros, no one on the forum has any right to pick on me for listening to Miley Cyrus now :D

No, we'll just pick at both of you
ditto =)

Tachi- said:
Chaz said:
Happy B-day Chaos. :)
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Kirrimir said:
Happy birthday Chaos, you sexy beast, you.
Ryo Chan said:
Soahc yadhtrib yppah
Happy Birthday chaos :D
Jayme said:
Happy Birthday, man. Have a good'en.
Godot said:
Happy Birthday Chaos!
Voddas said:
If my detective skills are working correctly, I can deduce that it is Chaos' Birthday! Happy Birthday Chaos!!! Hope you got something you've been wanting.
Asdrubael said:
Chaos' Birthday! ~Makes a note for future years~ Happy birthday Chaos!
stuart-says-yes said:
Happy Birthday Chaos
Genkina Hito said:
Happy Birthday Chaos.
Zin5ki said:
Hooray for Chaos' birthday!
mangaman74 said:
Happy Birthday Chaos. Hope you got some good presents.
memorium said:
Happy *late* Birthday Chaos!
Thanks all you guys, I feel all warm inside now. =)

Chaz said:
Shame it isn't on a weekend, but hope it's a good one.
I took the week off... And only realized it was my b'day after looking at my calendar (Yes, I have to write it down my calendar in order not to forget it).

Voddas said:
Hope you got something you've been wanting.
mangaman74 said:
Hope you got some good presents.
Unfortunately I didn't get what I wanted or any present at all, but it was a good one, I must say. It did have the potential to become the most epic one in my life, but it ended up being just good. See below to understand why.

Zin5ki said:
As a present, observe the following polynomial mapping:


This is a good example of a chaotic system. And Chaos Theory shares its name with Chaos. Hence the connection.
Thanks Zin! No one ever gave me something like this before, I like it!

ayase said:
Happy Birthday Chaos, wherever you are. Enjoying some time away from us, probably. :p
It was an eventful week. It started on April's fool with what became my favourite restaurant.
I've met this online friend of mine for the first time, as we were going on a road trip and as she got to london, we went straight to the restaurant. It was a bit odd to begin with, as she was struggling to understand my accent. It was one of these udnerground restaurant, that chefs run without licenses. ... /8001.html The place i've been to is called The secret ingredient. It was a pricey meal, like two meals at wagamama, but it was a 10 course meal. I kid you not! 10 course meal of the best vegetarian food I've ever had in my life! Also, I don't remember dining in such an amazing place in at least 5 or 6 years. I mean, the food. The service was great and friendly, he does runs the "restaurant" at his council flat and you pay in advance before he gives you the address. When I was getting there I though that we had been scammed, as I dind't know it was a council flat, but when I've got to the kitchen window, a lady waved at us, which actually put me at ease. the food kept coming, one dish more amazing than the last one. I defintely recommend it.
Oh, and he sits everyone on big tables, so we dine with other people and chatted the nigth away with interesting people. It was a great night.

On Friday, we did a little walking around London, went to the science museum, tried to buy ingredients (but failed miserably) for a communal passover seder meal we signed up for a day before. In the end, we took potato salad and other salads :S I couldn't find any aubergine for an aubergine casserole!!! =S We got to the place (very late), we met other couch surfers there and it was an interesting night. Tehre we met this girl from Birstol, who was running an easter egg hunt on the following Monday, who invited us.

Saturday, we were invited to be extras in a music video. Basically they just wanted us to be bouncing around, pretending we were dancing or anything like that... Very fun experience and I also managed to meet some copslayers there, One of the girls was Blade Runner's Pris. It was a bit surreal, but fun.
Then we headed to the World's Pillow figth day at Leicester square, but we got there late, so we just hang around the centre a bit and went back home.

On Sunday we were invited for a Roman Easter brunch. I've even baked some 'fake' Colomba pasquale for it. I call it fake, because if looked right, tasted right, but wasn't fluffy as it's supposed to be :/ Apparently, I didn't let the dough grow enough ;_; It was a fun day again.

On Monday, we headed to Bristol, where we did some sightseeing and took part on the Easter egg hunt. There were about 20 grown-ups looking for easter eggs at the Easton cycle path (which for some reason kept me thinking of psychopaths). We met another anime stranded fan there, some very bouncy girl who seemed to be permanently on a sugar high, Sherlock Holmes nemesis and a portuguese family. Fun people. We were invited to go back there for a pub crawl they are organizing next month, which should be fun.
We slept at some girl's uni dorm and she was a freegan. We spent a lot of time talking about freeganism and anime, then I realized how bad is my snoring, as they had to use headphones to be able to sleep =S (going to try to seek treatment for this now).

On Tuesday we went to Glastonbury where we visited Chalice wells and the Tor. It's indeed a magical place. I've loved that little city.

On Wednesday we went to Bath where we visited the Roman bath, walked around the city and then we headed to this guy flat started drinking to warm up. He tried to kiss my friend a few times, she dodged him, but as we were supposed to sleep at his, she was basically trying to ignore him, went to a club where he kept on drinking and when we went back to his place, he sit on the sofa my friend was going to sleep and she had to curled up to try and sleep and the guy was trying to feel her feet (from where I was looking). It turned out he was feeling the sofa. She tried to kick him out a couple times and by then, I was trying to get the guy out of there as well, to what the guy came with 'this is my place and I do what I want' crap. His flatmates got there by then and they let us sleep at their room.

Next morning guy follows us to the bus station, he saiad bye to me and had the cheek to ask if he would be welcome to my place, to which I told 'we'll see' just to get rid of the guy quickly. While I was going into the bus, the guy apparently apologized to my friend.

Once we got back to London, we joined a life drawing session with a model. Unfortunately, the english language doesnt'have gender distinction to most things, so it was actually a male model. Anyway, I've stayed in a corner, doodling and looking at other people's drawings, there were quite a few very good ones.

On Friday, my friend had to leave, but for some weird reason we were all thinking her bus was in the afternoon, but it was actually early in the morning. We just hang around a while longer at my place and then I've went to the station with her. She let the english in her hug me, but she didn't let me kiss her on the cheek the brazilian way, but considering she was shaking hands with everyone, I think it was good enough.

Chaz said:
Voddas said:
If my detective skills are working correctly, I can deduce that it is Chaos' Birthday! Happy Birthday Chaos!!! Hope you got something you've been wanting.
Or if not, sell the pressies you dislike and go to the movies or something. ;)
Depending on the person who gave me, I'd keep it. I'm sentimental.

mangaman74 said:
It is a bit late but happy birthday Aya-Kun
Happy B'day Aya!!
Ryo Chan said:
ha, i've always wondered if our Aya is the same as auk's aya, but now i know ;)

hehe yep i use the same name pretty much every were as long as no one as used it =)

mangaman74 said:
It is a bit late but happy birthday Aya-Kun

chaos said:
Happy B'day Aya!!

Thankies ~huggles~ spent the day in thrope park even if i did come back badly sunburnt.....who gets sun burn in aprils...~sniff sniff~
Aya-Kun said:
Ryo Chan said:
ha, i've always wondered if our Aya is the same as auk's aya, but now i know ;)

hehe yep i use the same name pretty much every were as long as no one as used it =)

mangaman74 said:
It is a bit late but happy birthday Aya-Kun

chaos said:
Happy B'day Aya!!

Thankies ~huggles~ spent the day in thrope park even if i did come back badly sunburnt.....who gets sun burn in aprils...~sniff sniff~

who gets sun in April ;)

enjoy it while u can, u only get 4 nice days a year
A somewhat belated Happy birthday chaos. Better late than never, eh? ;p

And to you also Aya-kun!

Sun in April? Sun in scotland ryo, we've had two days straight of nice weather, so either we're not in scotland anymore, or the weather is mucked up. Hah, i have to go out in long sleeves, the only downfall of red hair. It means one thing, burn.
Ryo Chan said:
bah where's the romantic scene in that story chaos
Unfortunately, in my head only. Anyway, it's not the last I've heard of her. BTW - her reference back to me reads something likes "He's short" =P

Ryo Chan said:
u'd have a manga worthy of challenging lucky star then ;)
Funnily enough, she told me she wish she were Konata. =) And yes, she's as cute as Konata.
Anyway, shouldn't be talking about this here. She might sneak in here to check on me.... :p

Ryo Chan said:
wb anyhow
Thanks. It's good to be back. I've missed the light banter with you guys.

Jayme said:
Yeah, what a nice read. Good to see you had fun. I'm curious what your best birthday was now?
Cheesy as it may be, I'd say it was my tenth birthday, as it was the last time I had my whole family united. After that, each of my sisters went their own way and we only managed to reunite the family once again later, when my father was terminally ill :(
Sorry, it's the latin blood in me that makes me sentimental...
But yeah, I see what you mean. It was an amazing week. I just thought that I could get what I've always wanted there - an gamer anime-fan gf.
I mean, I'm a nice guy. Geeks deserve to be loved as well!

Aya-Kun said:
Thankies ~huggles~ spent the day in thrope park even if i did come back badly sunburnt.....who gets sun burn in aprils...~sniff sniff~
You're welcome. Glad you had a good time there as well. I've never been to such park. Maybe it could be fun to go one day.

Ryo Chan said:
who gets sun in April ;)
Eveyone in the south hemisphere? =D

Ryo Chan said:
enjoy it while u can, u only get 4 nice days a year
well, I do hope the other three are on weekends or on the next bank holiday....

Arbalest said:
A somewhat belated Happy birthday chaos. Better late than never, eh? ;p
Thanks Arby! =)

Arbalest said:
Sun in April? Sun in scotland ryo, we've had two days straight of nice weather, so either we're not in scotland anymore, or the weather is mucked up. Hah, i have to go out in long sleeves, the only downfall of red hair. It means one thing, burn.
Global warming? =P
Hehe - Chaos, reading your postsmakes me want to make a plushie of you and then hold it... then I'd have to give it to Rui/Aya/Mono... Someone who could appreciate it more than I. :p
Glad you had a good time. making the most of the holiday.

We've already had a few good days of sun this week alone... Erm, isn't this the 3rd one in a row? Much be reaching out limit to good days as Ryo explained. lol.
Chaz said:
Hehe - Chaos, reading your postsmakes me want to make a plushie of you and then hold it... then I'd have to give it to Rui/Aya/Mono... Someone who could appreciate it more than I. :p
Rui is married, I'm not into breaking happy homes apart. the other single ladies on the other hand... ;) I mean, provided they are of legal age.

Chaz said:
Glad you had a good time. making the most of the holiday.
Yeah, If I did all of that on my own, it would have to enter the most amazing holiday / birthday ever.
For those who complains about the UK, I must say that the UK is the most amazing place on earth, go out more! So many interesting things to see, people to meet and things to eat.

Chaz said:
We've already had a few good days of sun this week alone... Erm, isn't this the 3rd one in a row? Much be reaching out limit to good days as Ryo explained. lol.
Oh no! Save a little for later!

Edit: got a text from Tachi, who basically is enjoying noodles in the capital, but forgot to invite everyone else =P
Ryo Chan said:
u'd have a manga worthy of challenging lucky star then ;)
Funnily enough, she told me she wish she were Konata. =) And yes, she's as cute as Konata.
Anyway, shouldn't be talking about this here. She might sneak in here to check on me.... :p

hey mr, we've already covered that Konata is my Anime alter ego, don't you go trying to clone me
chaos said:
For those who complains about the UK, I must say that the UK is the most amazing place on earth, go out more!
Having been in the Oban / Inner Hebrides area over the bank holiday weekend, I would have to second this.

We also have very little poisonous stuff, which is a bonus when you're semi-wild camping.