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It's an unwritten rule that delivery men, plumbers, sparkies etc all arrive at the back end of the time window they say they'll be there by. It's in their blood. (fact)
Then i will have to break that for If you ignore the fact that he was in the end a month late, when we did organise for the guy to come by to sort the boiler out the next day, he arrived 2 hours before he said he'd get here. But as said, have to consider the fact that he was a month late >.>
Voddas said:
It's an unwritten rule that delivery men, plumbers, sparkies etc all arrive at the back end of the time window they say they'll be there by. It's in their blood. (fact)

Not going to argue about the plumbers & sparkies etc, but the courier who came with my laptop the other week came just before 8.30 am when the delivery window was 8.00 am - 1.00 pm.
OK so interesting thing Matt Stone and Tray Parker's recent south park has now "exploited" the wondrous Jean Jacques Perrey. It was so funny I couldn't help but bob alone

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All of a sudden, I feel like getting high :?
I have my PC, I have my PC, I have my PC, I have my PC... *Hugs*

Yep, the modem/V+ box and such have finally come and sorted out. Been a very good day, work wise and at home. :D

Even better, I thought I had memory problems with the card in my new phone... just turns out to be the card not in properly... So now I'm d/ling my songs onto it. Sweet!!
Zin5ki said:
My pears are marginally riper now,
That's what she said

Zin5ki said:
.. though still bearing a certain crunch.
Her father's built like Frank Bruno, and will snap me like a twig if I try to get any happy time

Zin5ki said:
Nonetheless, I find myself wanting potatoes at the moment.
You'll find me in the larder with Mr Walkers. If I'm not back in five minutes, bake me a cake ANOMNOMNOM
in the office today.... was out till 2am, drinkin in town.....if i thought about it....i could still be drunk... thankfully my friend is here to help me through it (Coke Zero, litre bottle)

i'm on call tonight aswell, today could go in many directions, only a few of them lead down normal/good paths lol.
I was up till 3.15am playing Valkyria again. :D I didn't have the handicap of drinking though. Hope you drank your own weight in milk Tach. lol

Today is Friday, and that means dress down day will (hopefully) heightened spirits all round in the office. If not, then I'll have to resort to playing show tunes with arm pits again.
Voddas said:
I was up till 3.15am playing Valkyria again. :D I didn't have the handicap of drinking though. Hope you drank your own weight in milk Tach. lol

:lol: yeah, it was a good night for the pub we go to called "the park" the beer was 1.25 per pint. now its a new financial year it was 1.50 D: thankfully it was a quid on any drink in liquid, had 5 pints in each place and 4 VK blues in liquid. Woke up this morning and cursed the sun for being so bright, then realised "oh, my legs and head aren't working together today" in dire need of sleep and my head is still fuzzy.

Voddas said:
Today is Friday, and that means dress down day will (hopefully) heightened spirits all round in the office. If not, then I'll have to resort to playing show tunes with arm pits again.

my dress down day was yesterday. just a t shirt and trousers, today the shirt'n'tie is back and its one of my going out shirts lol
wish today would fly by......i want my week off!
Mornin Tach and Voddas. Yesterday was probably the first early night i've had in 4 months. It's kinda weird if i'm being honest, hah.

@Voddas: I take it you're enjoying Valkyria then? How far into it are you now?
If I was drinking out till that time during a work night, I'd sure as hell still be drunk at work. This can work to your advantage or disadvantage. It can either make things more entertainig making time pass quickly or on teh other hand you could slowly turn into a pile of pulsating slime. It's 50/50. lol

Edit: Morning Arby and Manga! ^^

@Arb: Yeah, loving Valkyria. It's going from strength to strength with me. Just reached the part where the Princess has been kidnapped and your stopping the armoured car from getting to the harbour. Only just sorted out my squad, so I haven't had a go at it yet.
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Damn, you've nearly caught up with me already Voddas, i shoulda had a go on it at home when i was there, hah. Yeah it is brilliant though, and i did find that battle a little tougher than i expected at first, but when i got my head round it, it wasn't too bad.

@Manga: I'm not bad thanks, studying all day though no doubt, hah. Yourself?
Arbalest said:
Damn, you've nearly caught up with me already Voddas, i shoulda had a go on it at home when i was there, hah. Yeah it is brilliant though, and i did find that battle a little tougher than i expected at first, but when i got my head round it, it wasn't too bad.
I have really been hammering the game since I got it like. I've been doing quite a few skirmishes aswell to train teh troops hard and make sure I have the newest weapons. I dunno if it makes a difference because the enemy always seem much more prepared than you are. (but that's just how it's supposed to be) lol
Also had the luck to not lose any of my squad in battle. Saved the ones that went down. *touches wood*

@Manga: I'mm good also matey. Just glad it's friday really. Getting my head down and trying not to clock watch. =P
Voddas said:
If I was drinking out till that time during a work night, I'd sure as hell still be drunk at work. This can work to your advantage or disadvantage. It can either make things more entertainig making time pass quickly or on teh other hand you could slowly turn into a pile of pulsating slime. It's 50/50. lol

Sat here, my body feels like a furness. This morning i've felt like hell, but around 11 (my usual time that i "wake up" during work) i perked up abit and have been feeling better, eating crisps and drinking coke zero.....just writing this post i've remembered i have space invader crisps in my draw :D

A friend of mine works in Llyods bank, he didn't get in till 3.15ish, Unlike me; he has to deal with the public face to face lol i bet he's in a really bad way right now (him and drink don't mix well at the best of times)