The General Conversation Area

chaos said:
Chaz - the one from Play looks better.

WRT to cleaning PC's am I the only one who never really bothered cleaning then inside?
Ta mate.
And I've never done it myself, but Ryo does from time to time. I know I should do, to make sure it's kept up to decent standards... Meh.
Chaz said:
Voddas said:
Soubi-Hurt said:
I just use a vaccum cleaner and suck that dust out.

also a brush for painting down ther back of radiators is good for getting into those hard to reach places like the front fans.
Hoover Vs. Pc = BAD!

Morning all. :thumb:
Yeah, just think how powerful a vacum cleaner is (even the cheap ones) and then compare it to any loose bits that may be inprotant. Plus who-knows-what-else it may actually do to it (like knocking it and damaging something).
All true, but I was thinking more about the fact the hoovers generate static electricty that can f*ck up circuit boards. It'll make your PC ill. =(
Morning all.

With regards to cleaning PC insides - can't say it is something I have done with my laptop.

I am off to have an early lunch soon. I have had the morning off but I will be heading off to work in a bit.
Morning, manga. Hope it's smooth sailing.
As for laptop cleaning, isn't it a bitch to open up and clean it being pretty compact? I wouldn't know as I've never tried it.
never tried to clean my laptop insides as well. I only clean the outside of both desktops and laptops. Out of sight, out of mind I guess.
chaos said:
never tried to clean my laptop insides as well. I only clean the outside of both desktops and laptops. Out of sight, out of mind I guess.

My policy as well.

Just got in to work. After a nice, sunny morning it is now raining.
When you say "sorted" do you mean "filed"? As in the sentance "My Team Leader was stressing me out, so I hit them in the face with an annual file." (I added the "annual" to give it weight).
chaos said:
Right on time, then :)

Currently enamorated with my new K-on Firefox theme.

Never seen the series, but I like this theme.
Just got the Fuumetsu Mangekyou Sharingan and the Laughing man versions myself, since you mentioned it. XD

Using the Laughing man one atm, as it fits the browser better.

*Slaps Zin and Vod* Stop teasing! :p He's just had a lot of things to get out the way. Not sure what they are myself, but it's a given.
*Blood vein pulses*
Gawd-damn I hate it when that happens... You become an active member of the community, you put effort into getting to know people and you have fun chatting. And a nice thing comes up for a competition and you're hoping to get it, or at least have someone in our forums to win...

I'd accept it if a newbie is attracted to the site, enters the comp and then starts being part of the group and then wins... BUT NOT ONE DAMN POST! CURSE YOU KOFFIE!!! I hate these "thieves," it's like being out-bid on E-bay in the dying secs....
Voddas said:
I don't use Firefox anymore, I'm an explorer now. But if I did, I'd have a Bill Bailey persona.

Well i still do use it, but I prefer my black skin, matches my lappy, I tried persona's on mums one though. gave it a star trek theme
Chaz said:
*Slaps Zin and Vod* Stop teasing! :p He's just had a lot of things to get out the way. Not sure what they are myself, but it's a given.

Thanks chaz lol

Emergency requests came through. needed 2 staff for the next 24hours round the clock cover. So sent over 260 texts in a matter of seconds, then the calls went crazy and i could hardly drink the last of my milkshake.

Chaz I had to draw the winners three times. First time, the guy answer was not valid (was a regular on the forums), second didn't read the rules and send me rubbish, so I had to disqualify him. The third one was koffie, who had a valid answer.

And if the idea was to award people at competitions who posts regularly, then there would be only so many person who could win... >.>