The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
Nintendo is indeed a family company. It's mostly good stuff too. I tired of not seeing blood if I play it for too long though. =P

What do you mean, "Why would I buy a laptop?" I have three PC's at home an a laptop and I'm looking to buy another laptop this month. I have way to much computer stuff I know but I have them all linked up and my home is slowly becoming a computer/gadget geeks paradise. Luckily, Sarah hasn't worked it out yet. Hehheheeee.

Lol, i'm alright thanks. Your forgetting, you have 3 pcs and a laptop in your HOUSE. i only have a room to stuff all my tech in, including the 2 sound systems, 32inch flatscreen, ps3, 3 storage areas of dvds (anime and games included) and other hand helds.....i'm surprised the lab nerds haven't been round to check that with that much equipment in one room....i haven't given myself some sort of cancer lol.
Tachi, more computer to Sims 1 than 2? By the sounds of it, and how I imagine it too be it is. Which isn't technically a bad thing.

I'm quite a big fan of the series. I loved one, it was great. Had, I think, all but one of the expansions and similar for two. I loved how customisable they were. Giving my Sims Playstation 3's about a year before its actual release, driving fancy cars and stuff. Very cool. It's a game, though, that can easily be played in a boring hectic fashion -- I loved starting with a guy and a dog, cos that's fairly simple to manage. Start off with the job, then get some money, get a girl. Oh, you have to play it like every day or two for it to be fun as well, otherwise you lose complete perspective. Never got three, though, but I've played a maximum of about five minutes at a PC World Store and think its a vast improvement. The graphics are different, which surprised me from comparing stills, but the ability to wander outside your out is absolutely immense!

I never got very far on Will Wrights over creation, Spore. Not sure why, but I think it went downhill from the flOw stage onwards. :p
Huh intetesting sims one I had on my trusty lappy. Though with all the expansions and what not, it was slowing it down tremendlesly. I never really get to play it that long, I find the building and decorating more of a favoured thing to do
With each newer release of The Sims, I got more and more distant and bored easily with it. The 1st one was revolutionary, and I stuck with it for a long time. However, the later series kinds dulled out on me. I've had all 3 of the series 1st installments (and many of the 1st series and some 2nd gen expansions), but the 1st was always my fav.
TS2 is basically TS1, just with a little bit more freedom (and a great update, graphically). I honest to God thing there's a big improvement between them two. TS in general don't fall into a specific category but I'll be damned if they aren't good at what they do. Whatever that is.
Jayme said:
TS2 is basically TS1, just with a little bit more freedom (and a great update, graphically). I honest to God thing there's a big improvement between them two. TS in general don't fall into a specific category but I'll be damned if they aren't good at what they do. Whatever that is.
true, though The Sims isn't really that great in my opinion
Zin5ki said:
I just put a grilled pineapple ring within a hamburger.

I kid thee not.

Pineapple on a steak by all means......but in a burger? Your pushing the boundaries into weirdness.

As for the sims.....their okay to play for a little while, then they get boring, then sims end up swan diving off a diving board into a table and dying.

I think living with dudley was the best because he lived in a trailer, (rather funny) his house was a complete you can let it build up and then spend 20something minutes trying to clean it up and that saves some sanity. And he's the guy that teaches the finger pull joke...can't go wrong with a funny tramp.

Morning btw :)
(wishes he was still in bed)
*rubs eyes*
Tachi... is that you?

Morning mate. I too am fealing the weariness this morning. ASDA energy drink to the rescue.
Zin5ki! said:
I just put a grilled pineapple ring within a hamburger.

I kid thee not.
Sounds inventive. I made burger filled chillies the other week. Spicy!!!
Voddas said:
*rubs eyes*
Tachi... is that you?

Morning mate. I too am fealing the weariness this morning. ASDA energy drink to the rescue.
Zin5ki! said:
I just put a grilled pineapple ring within a hamburger.

I kid thee not.
Sounds inventive. I made burger filled chillies the other week. Spicy!!!

Yeah its me, i'm really tired so might start waffling on about nothing inparticular. I once ate a hotdog with burger relish, mayo, tomato ketchup, bbq and mustard sauces. it tasted better than it sounds so i guess a pineapple in a burger might be nice.
Have you ever tried Snails? Or Escargot as they are known. Hmmm?

Or is there anything else wierd you've eaten?... and yes. More wierd than a pineapple fileld burger.
Morning all. Just checking in for a flying visit, can't stop to chat today I'm afraid.

Pineapple goes with just about anything (snails are one probable exception). How come I seem to be the only person who ever buys Pineapple fritters? Whenever I ask for them in a chip shop they never have any ready and have to put them in the fryer, then I have to wait five minutes for them to do.
Voddas said:
Have you ever tried Snails? Or Escargot as they are known. Hmmm?

Or is there anything else wierd you've eaten?... and yes. More wierd than a pineapple fileld burger.

Nope, i don't eat garden critters like the french.
I've put various things into pancakes in the past....lemon and chocolate, strawberry icecream and sugar.

My experiments tend to include mostly nice flavours all jumbled together to check if it still tastes nice as a multiflavoured mess.
Hi and bye Ayase. *salutes*

You should at least try Snails once just so you can say you've tried them. I try everything once when given the chance. I've had frogs legs and battered scorpion amongst other things too. From what I've tried, snails aren't bad at all. Infact they are rather nice imo.

Tachi- said:
I've put various things into pancakes in the past....lemon and chocolate, strawberry icecream and sugar.
You rebel. :p
Zin5ki said:
I just put a grilled pineapple ring within a hamburger.

I kid thee not.
Tasty. This is actually pretty common back home. Pineapple with burgers.

Voddas said:
Have you ever tried Snails? Or Escargot as they are known. Hmmm?

Or is there anything else wierd you've eaten?... and yes. More wierd than a pineapple fileld burger.
Escargots? not yet. Might give them a try. A neighbour had a escargot farm in the nineties. I've missed my chance to try them for free. :(

I've eaten a Paca before ( ... =en&tab=wi)

ayase said:
Pineapple goes with just about anything (snails are one probable exception). How come I seem to be the only person who ever buys Pineapple fritters? Whenever I ask for them in a chip shop they never have any ready and have to put them in the fryer, then I have to wait five minutes for them to do.
Pineapple fritters... nice :D

Morning all, how's life?
Afternoon to you Chaos. :D

and you also Mangaman. :p

You just caught me on my way to lunch... not having escargot today sadly. lol

You should definately try them at least once though. I'm sure you'll be suprised (in a good way).

I'll be back in a short while. Laters.
Fried scorpion? how dare you eat my fellow scorpio(n)'s!!!
I have a scorpion actually. he's in a plastic mould and dead, but i still own him :p

I wanted a scorpion on my shoulder but the ones i liked where £200 and i didn't feel like paying that much for some ink to be injected into my skin.