The General Conversation Area

well, I'm doing all rigth. lunch break now, so I have some time to browse here =)
Griffins ... I like them. My third favourite mythical beast after dragons and phoenixes
They said they would sort it out after they had went through my refrences, i've got a feeling the university is holding this whole process up.

@Chaos you have an iPhone don't you?
Found out just a wee while ago my mate is engaged. :cool:

I knew it was happening because I was one of the few he told he would be marrying his fiance, but it's still awesome.
Congratz to your mate,

I'm alright....expecting the brown stuff to hit the fan at meeting mid week and short announced news is never good news.

Someones already tried to throw it in my direction...looks like i'll have to wake up and get things sorted.

hpft's idea is to push the spotlight in my direction to hide their own failings....unfortunately for them i back up everything i do with file notes so i can disprove and infact prove just what's going on.....they might learn one day.......maybe when Griffins come back?
All we need is an mosquito frozen in fossiled sap and an accentric millionaire and we'll be laughing.

Afternoon Maxon. Good news on the mates engagment. ^_^
Aye, congratulations to your friend on making the move to engage maxon :) I know it was a tough one for me to do :p

@Voddas it may intrest you to know i just updated my art thread...

although would we really want the dinosaurs back? I rather just have some new genetic modified creatures like a dragon with a wolf's head, with 4 wings and a tail lined with razor sharp blades. :p

Funny saying that has made me yearn to play Impossible Creatures...Shame my friend lost it.
BlackWolf said:
although would we really want the dinosaurs back? I rather just have some new genetic modified creatures like a dragon with a wolf's head, with 4 wings and a tail lined with razor sharp blades. :p
Someone needs to make Pokemon a reality.
Pokemon? Ash would be screwed if there were things like that flying about. lol Pokemon are way too cute. You need monsters that could break mirrors with their looks.
well i was wondering what they were like as i was thinking of getting one, once my job kicks in of course, and you were the only person i could think of that had one.

@Voddas so my villains don't look tough to you then? You can't have gotten very far in the story as you would be rethinking that :p
I guess they're tougher than they look then. :p

Hey, I too have an iPhone and it's the best phone in the world ever period. I can't see myself changing for some time. XD
Nothing wrong with older phones, especially the walkmans. If I had never used an iPhone, I'd have been quite happy. Basically it's just one of those things that changes your life forever. Kinda like switching to boxers from undies or sleeping in the nude. =P