The General Conversation Area

a friend's birthday party tomorrow and off to see the chinese new years celebration on Sunday - a fine weekend, if I may say so =)

what about yourself?
mangaman74 said:
Not much. Just the usual (video games, manga & anime)

Oop thats me all over, and under, behind and any other exit points

been away a bit from the forums I know, but last week I felt quite poorly. In amoungst that I've been pitting my wits against graphic adventure games with Guybrush Threepwood and three headed monkeys.

Also from a division of lucas arts I was playing "A Vampyre Story", and it reminded me of another important factor of vampires is that they're bundled into that "living dead" catogory. So does that mean in essence of Twilight and Tsukyomi Moon Phase that it encourages necrophilia
chaos said:
morning guys. It's quiet in here without Tachi, isn't it?

Fear not, i'm back :)
(but for how long? ;))
Voddas said:
*grumble* Lucky git with his week off... *grumble*

He called me on Tuesday night to say he was off to the pub too. I was preping for pancakes... I wouldn't have minded going out instead mind. However I had work.

lol, sorry Voddas.... You might have liked tucking into a beefeater's 10o Sirloin steak :twisted: and a nice ice cold beer.
Coming back was back at 5, got a lift home by my mum who was finished at 5.30 (giving me time to socialize with people i knew who where in town at the time) Then got changed, had a nap for an hour or so. by 8pm i was in the gym. got out at 9. by 9.30 i was in the pub eating McCoys and drinking a nice cold fosters. Socializing with Ali who was back from Manchester for the half term. Thursday i ached from the gym the day before and abit fatigued due to having to get up t 7.30 on the wednesday.....So i guess i earned that 2pm sleep in :p Got up and sent the word out to the lads. Hours later we where all in town, painting it red :thumb: It was a very good night, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Friday i spent most of the day with kayls, going to town. then back to hers to watch anime on film 4 (whisper of the heart) She hated every minute so it turned into a wrestling match for the remote.
Her family got back so we where all joking and talking for a good few hours, then at 7pm i went home, got changed and sorted to be out the door for 7.30, the pubs where busy so we gave it a miss, i watched movies all night.

Saturday and sunday i played raging blast, on a trophy horde. Looked at Mutsumi's trophy level compared to mine, his is higher......yet i have over 50 more trophies than i figured that Sony are a bunch of noobs and thus my trophy infactuation has died :)
Was up till 3am on saturday, watching pitch black then aliens. then up till 2am watching Dawn of the dead lastnight.
The question is which version of Dawn of the Dead Tachi? Hmmm? I have all of Romero's Zombie flics and my favourite would have to be the original Dawn of the Dead. It's an awesome movie.

Speaking of Zombies, thanks to the help of Qi, I now know how to make my own zombies! Now all I have to do is find some puffer fish.:twisted:

Oh, morning by the way. :p
Ryo Chan said:
speaking of weeks off

guess who's got one again this week :D
Would it be you by any chance? :p

@Tachi: Baaah, the original is far superior. The remake may as well have been called 28 Days in a Supermarket starring Rage infected shoppers. I do like it, but not for the same reasons as classic Zombie movies.

Morning Manga an Ryo. ^__^

Off to eat something so I'll be back online later.