The General Conversation Area

BlackWolf said:
well i was wondering what they were like as i was thinking of getting one, once my job kicks in of course, and you were the only person i could think of that had one.
Don't do it!!!
It's bloody addictive. Seriously! A precious part of my life have been lost because of it :S
Afternoon Mono. *rests hand on her head*

Hey, Black, if you can afford one, you should get one. It does consume more of your life than an other mobile but you'll never be board again. Toilet trips just won't be the same either.
*yawwn and a stretch*

Can't beleive how much the temperature has risen in the office. You could see you own breath it was that cold this morning. Now the telephones making my ear sweat it's that hot in here.

*passes out over a table in a loud wheeze*
Hello Mono! have a cookkie!

Voddas said:
Toilet trips just won't be the same either.
Apparently this is a well documented effect of iPhones in peoples life. I was talking to a friend thee other day that after I've got an iPhone there was no more 1 minute trips to the loo and she and her husband had the same issue... :S

BlackWolf said:
I'm good thanks, just waiting for the news that i can start working :)
Hey did you find a job? Congrats =)

BlackWolf said:
@Chaos so that's a yeah then :p
like i said, don't do it!!! you're still young and have a whole life ahead of you!!! =D
Yup Chaos i'm now a working man...or i would be if i got the start date yet. It's only an assistant admin job but I plan to practise coding in my spare time and then when i'm ready i'll shoot for programming jobs.
Mmmm... black coffeee.... ^________^

Hope you get started soon Black. Not only will it get income rolling but it'll also make you free time that littl ebit sweeter.
I get bored if I don't work for long periods of time. Does anyone else get that?
Surprisingly enough....that was a good meeting......strange.

Only got through half a footlong before i was dragged off to the meeting so just reheated the remaining half....had two bites and realised i'm not hungry?! Nooooooooooooooooooooo! :(

Alas, i have updated my ipod touch and downloaded sims 3, so whenever i'm bored i now have a fairly decent game to play. Kills the battery, but well worth it :)
Tach, what's that version like? The game I have on my phone that should be my "go-to" game is The Secret of Monkey Island but, alas, I keep forgetting to play it (and, you know, I'm suck, but that's besides the point).
Voddas said:
Sims 3 ?! O_O *shakes head*

I hope you didn't pay for it. :p

£3.99 *coughs* Hey i told you about the extra hundred or so quid i found the other day. its burning a hole in my pocket already, I've seen a Dsi for very cheap....i'm stood in the store every so often, staring at DS's and wondering why i want one. Ace attorney, Zelda and i already own a pokemanz game for it (bought it when me and the lads fell into a nostalgic trap by pokemanz last year) and i've got a urge to play Sims, even though i know i can only stand sims for about 20mins before i'm bored and looking at ways of killing them off.

Sims; Bustin' out. was the best game of sims i've played....strangely enough living with dudley seemed like a funny life.
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Wake up Tachi and smell the pancakes! Get a new laptop or something you'll use more! That's what I'd do. I foresee you getting bored with a DS too quickly. You may not like, just what I'm thinking.

Payed Sims and Sims 2 but both not for long preiods of time. Like you said Tach, the only plots of land I had were a room with no doors, a pool with no steps and a graveyard. Ah, yes my childhood is flashing before me right now.
Jayme said:
Tach, what's that version like? The game I have on my phone that should be my "go-to" game is The Secret of Monkey Island but, alas, I keep forgetting to play it (and, you know, I'm suck, but that's besides the point).

Its fairly decent actually. at first you have crap all to personalise your sim....but it soon jumps into the typical sim mannerisms, however there's abit of a switch around with the icon lay out. i got a job at the town hall, first day of work i turned up an hour late, choked on a donut in the team meeting and died.....i laughed, but thankfully you don't really die, it just throws you out of the game and you don't get paid. Not a bug or anything its just the weird way of the game.

Graphics wise i'd say its early days ps2 graphics. don't expect the graphcs to be equal to the graphics it can put out when playing movies...but don't think it'll be 8-bit graphics either :p

BUY A NEW LAPTOP? i have one, and 2 pc's in my room....why the hell would i want another computer? lol and i know what your saying, i'll get bored. in my opinion nintendo is for those "family games" sort of group. all their consoles are simple and require no background into gaming to pick up and get into it.

(i say that because my mum can play the Wii or DS but put on Cod:MW2 on my ps3 and she'll just hold the controller and stare at the screen wondering what to do)
Nintendo is indeed a family company. It's mostly good stuff too. I tired of not seeing blood if I play it for too long though. =P

What do you mean, "Why would I buy a laptop?" I have three PC's at home an a laptop and I'm looking to buy another laptop this month. I have way to much computer stuff I know but I have them all linked up and my home is slowly becoming a computer/gadget geeks paradise. Luckily, Sarah hasn't worked it out yet. Hehheheeee.