The General Conversation Area

They were just crunchy and funky tasting... not one I'd suggest trying after once. They tatsed much like crickets actually. :p

Just found this picture and it made me lol.
Breath in now breath out
Hands up now hands down
Back up back up
Tell me what you're gonna do now!!!

I'm offski. Catch you laters.

Ciao for now!
Adieu Frog Eater.

I'm off down the gym now, Hopefully going for a curry an a pint afterwards (for only £4.99 i should mention)

Cya tomorrow, where we start our decend down the fun slide to the weekend.
ayase said:
Pineapple goes with just about anything (snails are one probable exception). How come I seem to be the only person who ever buys Pineapple fritters? Whenever I ask for them in a chip shop they never have any ready and have to put them in the fryer, then I have to wait five minutes for them to do.

Your chip shops serve pineapple fritters?! That's it, I'm moving back up north when I can. They have them in a local Chinese restaurant here but only on Sundays and they're not very good (served chilled intentionally so they're hard, blech).

I always have pineapple in my [vegetarian] burgers when it's an option. Mmm.

Rui said:
Your chip shops serve pineapple fritters?! That's it, I'm moving back up north when I can.
Who knows how long for though... They may go the way of the Cooplands custard doughnut due to lack of popularity - another thing only I seemed to buy, but really liked. :(
Should you do so, you may never be satisfied with jam again. Only do it if you can be certain that your supply lines are secure for the foreseeable future.
I wouldn't really know. The only supermarkets I use are my local Sainsburys (their bakery only does plastic tubs of biscuits, cake and flapjack which don't taste much different to those out of packets, but are about four times the price) and Iceland, who definitely don't have them.

stuart-says-yes said:
Sheep impression?
Mornin all,

One of these days i'll get a chance to watch a decent film in one sitting :p

Got home last night and ligged on my bed, before i knew it i was almost asleep.....Then i was shouted to go sort out a problem with the dishwasher :/ So now wide awake again, i went back up to my room. Couldn't sleep so decided to watch District 9! watched 3/4 of it before I realised it was 7.30 and it was time to go to the gym.

Went down there for an hour and a half. I can see and feel a real improvement, using a rowing machine proves I've improved (when I first started I was taking almost 6 minutes to row a Km on level 10) recently i've been doing a Km in under 5 minutes. started repping 25kg on my triceps, now i'm on 65kg :) and still no change in legs (don't think i could improve em anymore anyway, 2Km in under 4mins)

Ahem, Sorry for getting carried away there :p
SO i then went to the hungry horse, had a chicken tikka masala and pint of fosters for a fiver. Then went home and watched the last quarter of district 9 before logging into the chat, my ipod died shortly after (so I didn't just head off without saying bye, it was my ipods fault guys lol) watched half the film before falling asleep.

Going for a team meeting this morning so i shall be back about 12ish.
Sorry guys, I am around. :p

Very busy today though. Bussier than I was expecting. I probably won't be very conversational for the time being. Hopefully it'll chill out later this afternoon. =P

Hope all are well?
*16 hours later*

And I'm back again.... don't think I've ever double posted with a time gap like that on this thread before. O_O

Is everybody wearing red today then? I thought I owned more red clothing? Trusty red huddy to the rescue. =D
Voddas said:
*16 hours later*

And I'm back again.... don't think I've ever double posted with a time gap like that on this thread before. O_O

Is everybody wearing red today then? I thought I owned more red clothing? Trusty red huddy to the rescue. =D

Why do i have to wear red?
waits for the reply "its natinal cancer day" or something or other.

I woke up with toothache, touched my tooth and out of nowhere it seems hald my tooth is gone :O its got a crater in it.....that tooth was fine yesterday!? SO booked a appointment to see that bellend at my dentistry, hopefully he'll just fill it and then i'll avoid him for another 6 months.

Good night lastnight, at the gym i went all out;35reps at 65kg. Its only the second day I've raised it to that much weight. I could really feel the tension building up in my arms whilst doing it, then raised my distance in the rowing machine against 5 minutes to 1.25km, If I get to 1.64km in under 5mins then i might join a rowing team :)

Then went to the pub and had a pint with sam, Soon after Jenni and her fiance Matt came down (first time meeting matt, he's actually okay lol) saat having alot of laughs, he even bought me and sam a pint as he sat there drinking coke...i now owe him 3 pints :p 1 for his engagement party, 2 because he's taking good care of Jenni (she's been through alot, i've always been by her side to help her...Both as a close friend and in the past as a BF) And finally to say thanks for buying me a pint.

Got in at 11.40ish, watched abit more of district 9, was asleep by 1. Wouldn't mind sleeping all today, its been a very draining 2 weeks. Still fighting the urge to buy a DS for near enough £90, I'm considering buying a xbox 360 simply for the consoles specific titles. It'd have to be the arcade version though...can't have the xbox trying to outshine the glorious 60Gb model PS3 now can i? ;)

10.50 and its been a LONG morning....