Voddas said:
*16 hours later*
And I'm back again.... don't think I've ever double posted with a time gap like that on this thread before. O_O
Is everybody wearing red today then? I thought I owned more red clothing? Trusty red huddy to the rescue. =D
Why do i have to wear red?
waits for the reply "its natinal cancer day" or something or other.
I woke up with toothache, touched my tooth and out of nowhere it seems hald my tooth is gone :O its got a crater in it.....that tooth was fine yesterday!? SO booked a appointment to see that bellend at my dentistry, hopefully he'll just fill it and then i'll avoid him for another 6 months.
Good night lastnight, at the gym i went all out;35reps at 65kg. Its only the second day I've raised it to that much weight. I could really feel the tension building up in my arms whilst doing it, then raised my distance in the rowing machine against 5 minutes to 1.25km, If I get to 1.64km in under 5mins then i might join a rowing team
Then went to the pub and had a pint with sam, Soon after Jenni and her fiance Matt came down (first time meeting matt, he's actually okay lol) saat having alot of laughs, he even bought me and sam a pint as he sat there drinking coke...i now owe him 3 pints

1 for his engagement party, 2 because he's taking good care of Jenni (she's been through alot, i've always been by her side to help her...Both as a close friend and in the past as a BF) And finally to say thanks for buying me a pint.
Got in at 11.40ish, watched abit more of district 9, was asleep by 1. Wouldn't mind sleeping all today, its been a very draining 2 weeks. Still fighting the urge to buy a DS for near enough £90, I'm considering buying a xbox 360 simply for the consoles specific titles. It'd have to be the arcade version though...can't have the xbox trying to outshine the glorious 60Gb model PS3 now can i?
10.50 and its been a LONG morning....