The General Conversation Area


The whole forum has been more deserted than a STEPS come back Special this morning! I was the only one to post since 7am... wonder what everyones upto? *shrugs*

Sorry for the unavailabilty last night mate. Even though I was in bed, I still didn't sleep till 3.30. Was watching anime and for some reason my brain just wouldn't switch off.
chaos said:
work's busy :S
That sucks. :(

Morning Mangaman. :thumb:

Hoping it stays quiet at work this afternoon so I can catch up on some manga once my work is done. Had a craving to read some more Spice and Wolf. ^__^
Ahh that’s alright then, I wear a watch with a nice red background on it….that should count. Talking to Voddas, I've just calculated how much weight I'm lifting in stones…..on my arms 10 and a quarter stone - about my own body weight. On my legs that 165.5kg is equal to 26stone :eek: So if you even need someone to push a car for you....i'll row to you on the nearest river and then push your car for abit lol. Also i fix pc's.... maybe i should start a business up for myself :p

Oh, morning btw manga and chaos :)
I divided a packet of minced turkey into four portions. Three of these have since been set aside within the freezer. The forth remains fresh, resting in gentle refrigeration until ready to be graced with flavours and supplementary ingredients of my choosing.
Just came home from a night out, first time going to a certain club, was a decent experience, but I was the 100th person to enter and... I GOT A FREE PIZZA

But no really, it was quite good.
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glol, were you actually the 100th person in? :O

I also went out last night, to Basebar which is fairly awesome because the drinks are so cheap (Thursday is the gay, student night!). However, the dancefloor got too crowded by the time I was drunk enough to dance so I just spent most of the night smoking in the smoking area of the club. I was on the guestlist so I didn't have to pay to get in, which is good because otherwise I would have felt a little cheated, paying to get into a smoking area basically.
Zin5ki said:
I divided a packet of minced turkey into four portions. Three of these have since been set aside within the freezer.

That's what YOU think >:3

Lupus said:
Just came home from a night out, first time going to a certain club


As for me, I'm going to Pizza Express later (best food in the universe), possibly pick up a One Piece manga volume and then head off to a friend's B'day party

Why am I up so early =_= wraahghghgargle
Zin5ki said:
I divided a packet of minced turkey into four portions.
Isn't you eating turkey sort of cannibalism?

Lupus said:
Just came home from a night out, first time going to a certain club, was a decent experience, but I was the 100th person to enter and... I GOT A FREE PIZZA
What's your secret? I like free pizza too! =D

CitizenGeek said:
However, the dancefloor got too crowded by the time I was drunk enough to dance so I just spent most of the night smoking in the smoking area of the club.
Main reason why I don't like clubs, I couldn't dance to save my life. :(
Anyway, as long as you have good company, anywhere can be nice, I'd say.

Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
As for me, I'm going to Pizza Express later (best food in the universe), possibly pick up a One Piece manga volume and then head off to a friend's B'day party
This is a place called Rossopomodoro. If you have the chance, go there. Best pizza I've ever had in the UK.
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Is anyone alive, or even 1/2 alive would be fine...?
Got up still feeling like crap from yesterday, except with a banging headache. Definately not work material atm...

How's everyone else?
Hehe, typical Sunday for you, is it?
Just got my ingredients for my prawn stir-fry tonight, since I need to eat something healthy. May have a quick kip either before/after it.
Just finished up my stir fry - My gawd, that was bloody good eatin'! Prawns are my fav seafood, and I've always liked stirfries in general. Prawns + Oyster sauce = perfection. :D

Yeah, I usually work weekends myself (this is exceptional), plus I have a 2nd job that I work in the week too.