Hi Mono
how are you today?
All i'm saying is that its more likely for those giants to merge then for us to reach the pinacle of graphics, the point where they say "okay i think the graphics are good enough now, and there's nothing we can do to improve them, in fact they look better then real life, now let's improve the shallow gameplay that we've had to put up with since we started focusing on graphics..."
I mean its more likely that 3 mins before the above happens, the world will be obiltarated to make way for a hyperspace bypass.
All i'm saying is that its more likely for those giants to merge then for us to reach the pinacle of graphics, the point where they say "okay i think the graphics are good enough now, and there's nothing we can do to improve them, in fact they look better then real life, now let's improve the shallow gameplay that we've had to put up with since we started focusing on graphics..."
I mean its more likely that 3 mins before the above happens, the world will be obiltarated to make way for a hyperspace bypass.