The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
Hi Busy Chaos. *salutes*

We have hardley had any snow settle at all. We're just covered in ice, ice and more ice. Think it must be the salt in the air combined with the hills around us. I keep haveing image flashed of exploding joints after a missfooted slip.

My biggest fear is falling from a height, landing on my feet and feeling my shin snap in half and the bottom half or the top half of the broken shin protrude from the skin....Being a runner...anything that happens to my legs scares me :(

On another note i can lift 165.5KG using my legs without straining myself :D good to see that 5 years i put in on my legs hasn't faded away.
Maybe so but it seems a nicer country then america at any rate plus it seems my type of climate...not warm at all. Pity it wouldn't likely happen, what would most likely happen is i would go to the midlands and be central to everything else. I mean i've got family going/living in wales and family in the north east so it seems fair that way
Canada is a very nice place Black. Do visit if you get the chance, I've probably mentioned before that I travelled from Toronto to Vancouver over the course of two months a few years back - spectacular country, really nice people.

Hey there Retro. Well that's a pretty **** thing to do, no wonder you've not been so fond of this place recently... :(
Hi Retro.

I don't go on there no. Only places i go on are here, MAL and Deviant art. Have you spoken to Aion? not that i'm pointing fingers but he has mentioned your absence. Maybe someone thought it'd catch your attention to bring you back?

Anyway. I'm off now lads and ladies. Have to decide what place i'm taking kayls *scratches head* i still don't know.

Stay outta trouble Mono :p
Later Tachi :) have a good time out tonight.

@Ayase I do intend to at one point, if the event happens i may come calling to you for advice on where to go exactly :p (being because your the first person i met who's actually been there)

@Retro sorry to hear that :(
RetroRainbow said:
Nah, I doubt it was Aion. The posting style wasn't like his at all.

Okay, well if your serious about leaving....well miss you, haven't had a laugh with you in ages :(

Hope you get to the bottom of it.

Tachi out-
@Retro - I would say of deleting your account "Don't let the bastards grind you down", but that's your decision to make. The less decent posters we have the more likely this place is to be reclaimed by the wastes though.

@Black - Northern Ontario and British Columbia were my favourite places. Both are very heavily forested with lakes and rivers, and nice little towns with plenty of character.
Hey Retro, i personally don't like 4chan at all, never go near the place and i'd never post there. There is a couple i can think of that did it. If you meant Unellmay, he's already been kicked from here, more than once i might add too. To be honest, he strikes me as the person to do that. I personally wish you'd stick about, its a shame a lot of good members disappear because of other members who act like idiots(i mean this in generality). I can understand though if you do, specially if it was someone from here that did that.
@Retro - pm the details from 4chan as well. I'll take a look once I'm home and see if I can do anything.

@Ayase - one thing that I keep on thinking about is joining the crew of one of these fancy cruisers. Like I told you before, I'll do some crazy **** once I have my passport =)
Why not a online degree? Then you can study on your pace and while living on the road. All you'll need is internet connection and places like open university have offices all around the world for you to sit the exams...

@Black - England is great. Are there greater places? Possibly, but I really like it here and I've been around, trust me =)
Sad to see Retro Rainbow go, she was a capable member who always brought up something interesting into discussion... even if I did think she was a feminine guy when she first joined.
Arbalest said:
Hey Retro, i personally don't like 4chan at all, never go near the place and i'd never post there. There is a couple i can think of that did it. If you meant Unellmay

Ditto, since he talks like chewing on curdled smeg and has munchkin features.

fortunately the posts gone now RR, But Ohhh GOD!! the decent ratio of AUKN has gone south :cry:
well i can't speak for Rui, Chaos or Arby but personally if i find out who it is, action will be taken. Retro, dunno if you do read this, but if the comments are serious, you may want to report it to the police and see if they have any luck with it.
That's horrible, Retro. I didn't see the post in question but please do let us know if you find out who did it. I hope you feel better when the unpleasant shock fades.
