The General Conversation Area

Just glanced through this thread and noticed Geek accused me of something. At first I thought he'd created a dup account to troll me, but it seems Retro did post and had her post deleted?

I'm not sure what happened (4chan?), but I'd never seriously try to hurt someone unless they moved first on me. Personal stuff should remain personal. And, no, I don't use 4chan - I made a thread complaining about the place on here ages ago and haven't looked at the place for months. It was a good place to hunt for the porn/funny images, but too 'ugly' for my liking.

I actually wanted Retro to keep posting because she made good, lengthy posts. She joined and left around the time Geek reappeared, so I blamed him because everything wrong with AUKN is his fault. The fact he blamed me, and mentioned that I'd mentioned her, makes me think he tried to set me up in a retarded manner by posting whatever on 4chan and going, "Look! Aion! IT HAD TO BE HIM!"

I don't know why Retro thinks the 4chan business was done by a AUKN member, but I don't think anyone on here besides L... err, anyone would do anything nasty. I mean, I know Ayase likes 'em young, but he's a decent guy...
Not busy today Ayase? Hope all is going well tho. ^_^

Right, I got Uncharted 2 and Need for Speed : Shift with the PS3. I swapped NFS:Shift for Metal Gear Solid 4. I then also bought LittleBigPlanet, Assasins Creed 2 and Uncharted (1st). So I own 5 games thus far. Completed Assasins Creed and have played a little LBP but that's all. Gonna make a start on Uncharted next.

... I love my PS3. ^________^

@Aion: I know you like to have an opinion and when someone irritates or annoys you, you like to let them know. But I'd never think you'd have done that, nor can I think of anyone else on AUKN who would have.

It's a sad state of affairs. :?
ayase said:
Morning all.

Will approve your req tonight Voddas, what games do you have so far? You and Tach hang in there at work today, at least you're actually making some money...

Actually....i'm earning sh** all. Due to screwing up my pay last week. i got 60% of what i'd earnt. as they sent it through on a emergency payrun they taxed me 40%. Then they'll pay me back what i should rightly have been paid last week, but this week. and take the 60% they gave me last week.....and then tax me ontop of that. And i'm getting last weeks work paid to me this week which i'll get taxed on too. So because they ****** up 2 weeks ago, i'm getting taxed to the hilt tomorrow.

Its okay i've told em that if i don't get a tax rebate then i'm taking days off here and there to make the difference and they WILL pay for it because its not my fault.

Oh and i have £255 coming out of my account tonight.....for my A+ course. Might aswell just take all my money away from me and declace me homeless whilst the rest of the worlds at it ¬_¬

*looks at payslip*

From roughly £500 that i earnt.....i've recieved £235........Now £100 of that will head straight out of my account. £30 will then go to my parents. and £30 on my fone......which means that for 2 weeks worth of work i've got £75........I'm fuming.
Tachi- said:
Actually....i'm earning sh** all. Due to screwing up my pay last week. i got 60% of what i'd earnt. as they sent it through on a emergency payrun they taxed me 40%. Then they'll pay me back what i should rightly have been paid last week, but this week. and take the 60% they gave me last week.....and then tax me ontop of that. And i'm getting last weeks work paid to me this week which i'll get taxed on too. So because they **** up 2 weeks ago, i'm getting taxed to the hilt tomorrow.

That just went in one ear and out the other... I don't know much about being regularly employed but I do know you have to watch everyone who is after some of your money or they'll just take more and more of it while you're not looking (gas & electric companies, banks, BT etc...)

And you (and CG) have always misunderstood there Aion. Physically, I'm a fan of adult women whose figures kinda look like they never went through puberty. Not that I have any kind of distaste for the other body types, oh no. But... Rectangles First.


(I try to keep talk like this technical so as not to alienate our female members - though I'm starting to think it might actually sound more sexist. Forgive me, I have to weigh up my desire to talk about these things with other men against how they sound to women)
Sarah (my fiance) is 27 and she looks underage. She has carry ID with her whenever we go out. She hates it but I love it. She hates it when I pick her up too... but I can't help it. It's her own fault for being small.

Anyway... the point of the paragraph was to fully agree with Ayase statment.

Liked the recovery too. ;P

@Tachi: I wouldn't be in a great position if it were just my wage with the amount of bills I have to pay. Luckley Sarah earns a nice wage so together we can afford to be comfortable. ^^

Hey Tachi, how much does the mrs earn? :twisted:
Voddas said:
Sarah (my fiance) is 27 and she looks underage. She has carry ID with her whenever we go out. She hates it but I love it. She hates it when I pick her up too... but I can't help it. It's her own fault for being small.

Anyway... the point of the paragraph was to fully agree with Ayase statment.

Liked the recovery too. ;P

@Tachi: I wouldn't be in a great position if it were just my wage with the amount of bills I have to pay. Luckley Sarah earns a nice wage so together we can afford to be comfortable. ^^

Hey Tachi, how much does the mrs earn? :twisted:

lol we actually worked it earn what i earn in a week she has to work 3 weeks lol. She gets about £480 a month. Less than half of what i earn a month.
In all seriousness, having just noticed the AUKN links Retro's dup posted, there's only one person I can think of who A) is grammatically challenged and B) has a grudge against me: TTGL Tard

The person who linked to her AUKN image obviously wanted to make it look like I did it because of my 'Jailbait' nickname for Retro and recent sulking because she came back and then buggered off in quick succession. I'm pretty sure I actually made a comment in the picture thread - when I came up with her second name - saying she looked 13, so I'm as sure as I can be that the person who did this has a lot of love for me.

The timing is too weird for it to just be a Retro fanboy. She hasn't posted beyond making a few in one day for a long time... yet, all of a sudden, not long after I made a joke thread about her leaving, someone knows about the fact she posted a picture of herself ages ago? Something doesn't fit. Any normal stalker (lol?) would've used her image shortly after she posted it.

The one thing that makes me doubt that it's TTGL Tard is this: I don't think he was a member when she posted her image. So, unless Retro made habit of linking to her AUKN image, it was an old member who did it. An old member, who views the picture thread and has a grudge against me... One name comes to mind, but I doubt even he'd abuse someone else to get at me.

Honestly, I have no clue. Maybe Lupus for lulz purposes - he's used my information to have a digg at me in the past - but I don't think he's a **** to the extent he'd use Retro...

...*shrug* I don't think any serious damage was done, in any event. It gave Retro a slight scare but, beyond that, all seems well. Apart from looking like a kid, there's nothing that'd make people hunt for her in packs. I only care because I don't want her blaming me... even if it is indirectly my fault because of the whole 'Jailbait' thing. :|

P.S: You like children in a way different from how a father should, Ayarse. Admit it and move on. Geek has already revealed your true self to all.
Aion said:
The one thing that makes me doubt that it's TTGL Tard is this: I don't think he was a member when she posted her image. So, unless Retro made habit of linking to her AUKN image, it was an old member who did it. An old member, who views the picture thread and has a grudge against me... One name comes to mind, but I doubt even he'd abuse someone else to get at me.
But uh, don't I recall that you quoted her picture post before she deleted it, leaving a copy in your own post she couldn't get rid of? Not wishing to guilt-trip you there or anything...

I guess I like the spines now. I almost feel the need to feed you incriminating evidence so you can abuse me some more (there ya go, you can add masochism to my list of deviances). ;)
....I did?

Oh well, that confirms it: I did it. The fact I also posted a pedobear image (iirc) in response to her photo proves beyond any doubt that I secretly desire to have ownership of Jailbait and share my ownership with the world.

Also, I have motivation: she never replies to my MAL messages. Ever. In a desperate attempt for attention, it's clear that I posted her information on various sites in order to get her thinking about me and, eventually, lusting after my dominant internet persona.
Tachi- said:
Mutsumi, if your still you still own that list of DBZ that you said you had (in the marketplace forum) If's been a long time since i watched the frieza saga and the ones leading up to it.....i might take em off your hands if they're still for sale :p

I have chilli con carne for lunch today....its sat there staring at me saying "Eaaaaat meeee" lol.

Selling two DBZ boxsets, one covering the Saiyan saga up until leaving for Namek, & the second covering the journey to Namek, & Namek itself up until Goku arrives on Namek, so it does not cover the Frieza fight itself, but still good eps none the less. They are region 1 only. As for price.....£20/boxset + £5 postage?
ayase said:
And you (and CG) have always misunderstood there Aion. Physically, I'm a fan of adult women whose figures kinda look like they never went through puberty. Not that I have any kind of distaste for the other body types, oh no. But... Rectangles First.


(I try to keep talk like this technical so as not to alienate our female members - though I'm starting to think it might actually sound more sexist. Forgive me, I have to weigh up my desire to talk about these things with other men against how they sound to women)

Personally I think the best size is a compromise between the hourglass & the rectangle figures, blessed with a cup size of around a D to E. Anyone else agree?
Mutsumi said:
Tachi- said:
Mutsumi, if your still you still own that list of DBZ that you said you had (in the marketplace forum) If's been a long time since i watched the frieza saga and the ones leading up to it.....i might take em off your hands if they're still for sale :p

I have chilli con carne for lunch today....its sat there staring at me saying "Eaaaaat meeee" lol.

Selling two DBZ boxsets, one covering the Saiyan saga up until leaving for Namek, & the second covering the journey to Namek, & Namek itself up until Goku arrives on Namek, so it does not cover the Frieza fight itself, but still good eps none the less. They are region 1 only. As for price.....£20/boxset + £5 postage?

Hmm. Is that £20 per boxset? If so i don't want to sound like i'm ripping you off or anything but;
DragonBall Z: Season One (REGION 1) (NTSC) DVD US Import £14.06

DragonBall Z: Season Two (REGION 1) (NTSC) DVD US Import £14.05

DragonBall Z: Season Three (REGION 1) (NTSC) DVD US Import £16.04

With £3.08 Postage.
Mutsumi said:
ayase said:
And you (and CG) have always misunderstood there Aion. Physically, I'm a fan of adult women whose figures kinda look like they never went through puberty. Not that I have any kind of distaste for the other body types, oh no. But... Rectangles First.


(I try to keep talk like this technical so as not to alienate our female members - though I'm starting to think it might actually sound more sexist. Forgive me, I have to weigh up my desire to talk about these things with other men against how they sound to women)

Personally I think the best size is a compromise between the hourglass & the rectangle figures, blessed with a cup size of around a D to E. Anyone else agree?
I don't see how anyone with statistics like that could ever fit into the rectangular category. They'd either be v-shape, hourglass or apple. Hourglass doesn't have to mean a 20 inch waist Mutsu. :p
Afternoon everyone.

Pain getting into work this morning due to all the ice (I didn't go over once thankfully). Since I got to work it has been snowing so it should be easier getting home.
Mutsumi are those the recent funi sets? the ones in the orange cases? if so then they aren't just region 1 :p

@Voddas (if around) i've replied to your comment on MAL

oh and hi everyone :p
Aion said:
I only care because I don't want her blaming me... even if it is indirectly my fault because of the whole 'Jailbait' thing. :|

I don't know if it's your fault in any way at all, even if you did draw attention to her picture. At least you're admitting that such behaviour was inappropriate though. You did make several threads and many posts all about how attractive Retro was due to her very young appearance. And then you accuse me of scaring her away in the very threads you are objectifying her and commenting on her looking like a young teenager! The irony of it all! It's very distasteful and I hope you won't do it again ;]

Also, I really doubt it was Lupus; I don't think it's fair for you of all people to point the finger of blame in his direction. He hangs out there more than anyone else I know of on AUKN, but it just isn't his style and you know it. Unellmay, I reckon, is the best bet ....
Afternoon Black, CG. Stick around, we've the cast of characters for a good show today... You agree with me about rectangular figures, right CG? ;)
I'm absolutely f*cking freezing with very little in my system except caffeine. I can't tell which is making me shiver the most. Yourself?