The General Conversation Area

PM'ed you my PSN Voddas, it will only get buried in here. :p

Business is picking up very slowly after the snowy weather. The news said retail business is down 30% on last year because of the weather and I can believe it... and this is in winter when business is shite anyway.

We'll, ne'er mind. Onwards to better things. You guys do read my well hidden blog don't you? (the dubya dubya dubya button down there V) :p
Actually Tach my mind wasn't that far into the gutter :p I was meaning a list of things you could pick up for me from Japan

@Ayase you have a blog?...Ah yeah i seem to recall you giving me a link to it via PM last year
Hi everybod.... where they go? :(

Anywho, had my lunch and my stomachs doing roundabouts! Not feeling too hot... I guess I'm not 100% over the flu yet. T_T
i read it. was posting a nice message....the stupid bloody thing said without my email address i couldn't post it. went back and my message was gone!

anyway, sod that. i'll write it on here.

Good for you mate, Move down south ;) im sure me an chaos wouldn't mind having a third person to go to a pub.
And life is what you make it, you've learnt things first hand. which as you rightly understand gives you a much better grip on things.

Good luck. As i've said, i'm starting a course to further myself. hopefully we'll both better ourselves :)
Don't trust him....he's a taxman!

(rubbish selling point btw voddas ;) Lakes.....unless you can go fishing aren't that hip and interesting :p )
Jetski, Water Ski, wake sufing, Scuba Diving, Sailing, Canoeing, Kayaking, Kite Surfing, skinny dipping and fishing! And that's just to start. Fresh air, Ye Olde pubs, Beatrix Potter (lol) amongst other things....
Bigginit Yo!! ;)
lol don't come chucking it with your chav language. givin it all that hip crap paddy whack, givin me home dog a fone. ;)

The south has so much i can't even list.....just read my epic adventures in my new book "Tachi's epic adventures down south" Coming to a ebook store near you soon! Yes i realise thats a brilliant title *bows*
Sounds Epic. :p

Two hours to go Tachi untill another 11 hours of freedom. What do you plan to do your free time tonight?

Edit: Actually, are you going out for a meal? I forgot! I can't believe you've been in a relationship for 9 months.
*shakes hand*
Yeah, still have to put some money across to my other account. I'm stil undecided where to take her too. there's a few nice places to go in luton. about 8-9 restaurants that i know of. then there's pubs to go to aswell.

I'd prefer somewhere we can both go, talk without having to shout. have a few drinks and just relax. I might even wear a shirt. Just spend time with her really. Then go for a walk afterwards an talk an have a laugh. Take her home and then head home a few beers and maybe watch She, The ultimate weapon the full series and OVA which i bought today. Maybe bother you on psn if your on :p

And yeah i'm really happy :) since the last one i decided "thats it,'ve got to man up now and sort things out, take charge and move forward with life" Haven't looked back since ^_^

Everyone elses evenings??
BlackWolf said:
*shoots tachi and voddas in the kneecaps*

Alright tucker?

Thank god for that! being shot in the knees is soon as he starts drawing alchemy circles...RUN! He'll turn you into a talking chimera :p
You know i was going to ask what you were talking about there tach but my memory clicked in :p

I'm fine just a little spooked as someone rang my mobile looking for a previous tenant of this address.

Have i missed anything?