The General Conversation Area

You know, that was fairly impressive, its gotta leave a lotta strain on the throat and voice box i would think though.

Ashley's come to check on your Wiing skills :3
Otaku nearly killed the thread!

*breathes life into thread*

Well, painting of the flat is done for another day. Now to wait for it to dry. Just finished putting all my unwanted DVDs on to eBay.

Now I'm bored, it's a beautiful day outside and I have nowhere to go and no one to see.

One of my friends is working.
One of my friends is in Kent seeing his girlfriend.
One of my friends has a highly contagious form of Pink Eye.

God, I'm bored!
MadCapsule said:
Now I'm bored, it's a beautiful day outside and I have nowhere to go and no one to see.

One of my friends is working.
One of my friends is in Kent seeing his girlfriend.
One of my friends has a highly contagious form of Pink Eye.

God, I'm bored!
So you simply have to stay on the internet. That's how it starts. Muahahahahaaa...
I have a job interview in half an hour. Wish me luck people!
Although it is almost garunteed that I will be accepted because my Mother is really close to the landlord as they work together. Yes, it is in a pub: one of my most prefered working environments. 'tis a lot better than retail in shops.

I hope I do get it though, nevertheless.
Good luck Amray. Though I prefer retail to food and drink - less sales, but more profit per sale. I've often thought the best businesses are ones where you sell very high value items at long intervals. The less work involved and the more money the better - except the whole "recession" thing has put a bit of a damper on these high value item markets recently (eg: house, car sales).
Thanks guys.

This pub isn't even opened yet. It opens on the 1st May properly, although I will be working next wednesday to get used to the place and how to work. My Mum knew everyone there, including the interviewer, really well. I am garunteed a placement at the moment and I hope I will be able to work well for them. The pub is huge and really nice too. I am anticipating it.

I will be getting a phone call later from the woman that interviewed me. Even though she basically said I was going to be working there, she has to do it anyway. It will not interfere with college either.
Well i'm certainly pleased with how Mika-chin has turned out on each and everyones' banner, though james one does look a bit of a bloke from that angle :p
other then that hope everyone likes mine :3
Haha, more Herts members huh?

Its good to be back.....and bad to be back in work....but thats life i guess *shrugs*

hopefully you guys didn't miss me too much ;)

and amray....i'll be down for a pint if you get the job :thumb:
shurrup black :lol:

sorry i've been AWOL on msn recently.....been busy!
you have a habit of talking to me....when i've gone to eat.