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For some unknown reason, I keep postponing watching Fate/Stay. It's in my backlog for a while now. On the other hand I've started watch Tactics and it's a great show.
It's like a little bit of 4-chan, sanitized for general consumption.

(note: this comment applies to neither F/SN - which I love but still haven't watched the anime adapt of - or Tactics, which I took a liking to straight away for the cool atmosphere, but stopped watching it in single eps as I was finding it overly generic at times. Keep meaning to buy it, though).
BlackWolf said:
I mean i have no idea what i'll think of Fate Stay Night's dub, when i eventually get around to seeing it.

Be suprised, its done by bang zoom so it consists of many of the same actors. Grant George (Keiichi) is Gilgamesh in the series
gosh, I'm not here for a few days and the whole place goes crazy!
How's everyone? :) Anyone watching anything good? I haven't been able to watch any anime for ages, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the last episode of Toradora.
hi panda, i'm not watching anything new at the moment, i've got the last few eps of Gundam 00 to finish off but lack of will power to get it done :p I'm looking at a few new series to start though, The Third: Girl with the Blue Eye, Scrapped Princess and some others. I've also got Shikabane Hime to catch up on.
Gundam 00 not that good then?
I've been looking at Shikabane Hime since you mentioned it, it looks pretty good. Once I've finished Toradora I plan to start the second series of Natsume Yuujinchou, then maybe Shikabane Hime after I've finished Fate/Stay Night :)
I'm away for the next couple of weekends tho, and I'm also typing up my sister's dissertation for her, so my free time is very limited at the moment!
Don't get me wrong its good but recently i've not been in the mood for mecha, but its on the rise again so i'm sure i'll finish it off in the coming week :) How far are you now with Fate Stay?
panda z said:
gosh, I'm not here for a few days and the whole place goes crazy!
How's everyone? :) Anyone watching anything good? I haven't been able to watch any anime for ages, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the last episode of Toradora.

lol i have seen the final ep

Arrggghh must resist spoiler.... Taiga gets shacked up :p
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BlackWolf said:
To be fair there is some outstanding english dubs out there, i've found that what ever langauge you watch an anime in first tends to wrap your views on it from an audio point of view. For example if you watch it first in english and everythings okay and good you'll probably have a harder time adjusting to the sub track (as a rule of thumb i watch a series twice, once for dub, once for sub) while i've found it harder to adjust to dubs of shows that i first saw subbed.

I'm not going to deny that there are some decent dubs. Cowboy Bebop and Fullmetal Alchemist had decent dubs. I think it was because it did not consist of American woman trying to sound all high-pitched and cute..when they clearly cannot do it as good as Japanese females can.

Nevertheless there are some really good dubs, but then I realised that they all seem rather pointless to me as I found (this is a personal opinion) that it was weird to watch a Japanese programme with english dubbing. I think that it changes the entire atmosphere and greatness of watching a Japanese animation.

I like to have the whole cultural atmoshere of watching Japanese animation in the Japanese language and, to be fair on the Japanese people, that is how it was originally intended and how it ought to be watched, I think. The Japanese voices are how the director wanted them to be..hence 'voice directors', and I have always been a guy that likes things kept original.

This is just my own opinion though. Freedom of speech and thought..and all that.
It is strange though. Cowboy Bebop is supposed to be one of the most amazing dubs to be acted, which I can agree with fully. I recently (really recently) just watched it in Japanese and I actually adapted to it quickly and actually prefered it...thinking that I wouldn't. I thought that Spike's Japanese voice was awesome! His famous "Bang" at the end was actually better in Japanese...according to myself.

Again, this is just my own opinion. No eating me please.
Otaku-san said:
well Steve Blum is sauce

when he was quite a big block he reminded me of an American version of Brian Blessed

He is a proper good fellow, and good at what he does. But now, like Crispin Freeman, he's in everything. Most recently the "Resident Evil: Degeneration" CGI, of which they are actually both in the cast.

But then there are amazing Japanese ones too. I dread to hear what Shigure from Fruits Basket sounds like in any other language other than Japanese as his voice was probably the best I have ever heard..especially as Shigure. I have also never heard Sagara Sousuke from Full Metal Panic in any other language but Japanese too..and Light Yagami and L..and Konata and the others. I do not wish to now as I have adapted so much and am so familiar with them in original Japanese.
Resident Evil: Degeneration keeps catching my eye in HMV....i loved the films and the games and as its puely CGI i'm considering watching it (the Mcdonalds franchise are genius' .....Giving £1-£99 free vouchers with the play and win :p i have like 5 tickets for £2 off :D
Amray said:
He is a proper good fellow, and good at what he does. But now, like Crispin Freeman, he's in everything. Most recently the "Resident Evil: Degeneration" CGI, of which they are actually both in the cast.

good nonetheless, but they have become more notable actors to that of say Robert Klien and Derek Prince, who to me, feel more like character actors even though they play(ed) major roles

But then there are amazing Japanese ones too. I dread to hear what Shigure from Fruits Basket sounds like in any other language other than Japanese.[/quote]

tell you what look for a dub track of Ritsu Sohma, Mike (actually pure epic fail)
Tachi- said:
Resident Evil: Degeneration keeps catching my eye in HMV....i loved the films and the games and as its puely CGI i'm considering watching it (the Mcdonalds franchise are genius' .....Giving £1-£99 free vouchers with the play and win :p i have like 5 tickets for £2 off :D

I would highly recommend it. It was actually made by Capcom, Japan, and it never once made me regret purachasing it nor was I disappointed about it in the least. It is amazing and what is more is that Leon's voice actor from 4 returned to provide it once more. I was so happy.

It is a really decent production though. I did not care about the free paintballing vouchers I got with it, I just wanted to watch the film..and I'm glad I did.
Tachi- said:
Resident Evil: Degeneration keeps catching my eye in HMV....i loved the films and the games and as its puely CGI i'm considering watching it (the Mcdonalds franchise are genius' .....Giving £1-£99 free vouchers with the play and win :p i have like 5 tickets for £2 off :D

wait wait, you actually LIKED the live action resi films? eep. They tore apart the storyline, rebuilt and introduced an over the top character who makes it worse. The end of the third one was wrong too..the fact that they were trying to link into a fourth one just would destroy it more =/

the CG film at least sticks to the proper Resi storyline(as in the games), and does a good job at feeling like the proper Resident Evil.
Arbalest said:
wait wait, you actually LIKED the live action resi films? eep. They tore apart the storyline, rebuilt and introduced an over the top character who makes it worse. The end of the third one was wrong too..the fact that they were trying to link into a fourth one just would destroy it more =/

the CG film at least sticks to the proper Resi storyline(as in the games), and does a good job at feeling like the proper Resident Evil.

"Post of the Year' Award, 2009!"