The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Random note: (relevant to what I was reading today)

I think everybody should buy Eden, to support Dark Horse, and to see how awesome the series is (apparently). That's exactly what I'm going to do in my next ordering round. There are 16 Japanese volumes released and nearly 10 English volumes, but due to lack of support for the title - Dark Horse are spreading out the release schedule (possibly to one volume per year if the interest doesn't increase), and seeing how Dark Horse are one of the best manga publishers out there I think it'd be great if everyone could support them!

Yeah that was rather random, but everything surrounding Dark Horse makes me all warm and fuzzy inside - holding a volume of Berserk in my hands and witnessing such a perfect release. Brilliant!

I'm really getting cravings to just go on a Dark Horse binge and buy all their series in one go (or as many as I possibly can)!
I've kept from ordering Eden 'cause I'm not particularly fond of the post apocalyptical virus infested world genre, but now I may have to as a lot of my fave manga is published by Dark Horse :D

Satsuma Gishiden 1-3 (DH :p)
Mushishi 3
Night Of THe Beasts 6
Tough Love Baby
Rose Hip Zero 5
Lullabies From Hell (DH heh)
Apocalypse Meow 3
Macross Zero OAV arrived earlier (English Sub), had the chance to watch the first part and it looks gorgeous.

Really looking forward to building the Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0S kit and am due to get the VF-1 (plus additional weapon pods), YF-19 & YF-21 kits in the next week or two from Japan :D Show & tell once they arrive...
Battle Angel Alita (VHS)

Currently trying to get a hold of some of the older anime, unfortunately it seems as though I am gonna have to get some on VHS as I can't seem to find the DVD's and some aren't available :cry:
Received Wings of Honneamise (VHS) and Angel Cop (VHS) today

My VHS Collection is coming along nicely now :lol:

Ordered Goku Midnight Eye last night too, haven't seen it but watched a trailer that looked good. I know they can be deceaving sometimes but at least on VHS its cheap :p
Ordered Mushi Shi vol. 3 last night from - for some reason, all Revelation releases are about €13 now, instead of the usual €17 - I'm not complainin' though!
CitizenGeek said:
STILL no sign of MW :/ I want it, I want it!

Also, I'm considering buying some Berserk, but there's just sooo many volumes :[

I'm guessing you're meaning the manga? Yeah there is a lot but its well worth it to be honest.

Erm yesterday my step dad delivered my order from amazon to me, which was Negima vol 16, ichigo 100% vol 1 and One Piece vol 10. Also tempted to go buy volume 11 of berserk.
been a while since i bought any anime, so i broke the back buying El Hazard OAV 1 vol 2, OAV 2 Vol 1, and the complete TV box set

now i just hope it does end up as good as tenchi, at £56, it better had
CitizenGeek said:
Arbalest said:
I'm guessing you're meaning the manga? Yeah there is a lot but its well worth it to be honest.

Gah, you've pushed me over the limit - now I must have the Berserk manga! I shall find a way to acquire immediately!

To save a few quid, get your Berserk volumes from, the copies on are £8.99 each (which put me off collecting the series) but I've just ordered vol.3 from BD for £5.50 (roughly), so you're saving quite a lot per volume. Yeah, it's a great series, I bought vols 1&2 off eBay last year but didn't read them till now, wish I'd done it sooner, now I'm grabbing as many volumes as possible!