The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Ryo Chan said:
been a while since i bought any anime, so i broke the back buying El Hazard OAV 1 vol 2, OAV 2 Vol 1, and the complete TV box set

now i just hope it does end up as good as tenchi, at £56, it better had

Could you let us know where you ordered that from? cheers.

You not ordering El-Hazard: The Wanderers TV series then?
Well received Goku Midnight Eye part 1 (VHS)

Or Did I

Opened to find its Part 2, which I have already ordered.

Had to get a refund for the 1st Part 2 I bought as it had interference.

I think someone doesn't want me to see this :(
ceres vol 6-7
clamp school paranormal investigators vol 2
magic knightws rayearth vol 3

angelic layer volume 1 (got it for £1.10 with £1.24 packaging from amazon market place)
adventures of the mini goddess vol 1
hell girl starter set

edit: forgot to put hell girl and magic knights rayearth on
Yesss! I got MW (by the supremely awesome Osamu Tezuka) in the post today! As usual, Vertical's release is fantastic; wasn't expecting it to be hardcover (Kirihito and Apollo's Song weren't), so that was a pleasant surprise! Homoeroticism + Tezuka + intrigue involving mentally altered humans = PURE AWESOME! 8D

CitizenGeek said:
Yesss! I got MW (by the supremely awesome Osamu Tezuka) in the post today! As usual, Vertical's release is fantastic; wasn't expecting it to be hardcover (Kirihito and Apollo's Song weren't), so that was a pleasant surprise! Homoeroticism + Tezuka + intrigue involving mentally altered humans = PURE AWESOME! 8D


Hey, I was wondering which Tezuka title you'd reccommend to a beginner as I was planning to pick up some of his work.
CitizenGeek said:
Yesss! I got MW (by the supremely awesome Osamu Tezuka) in the post today! As usual, Vertical's release is fantastic; wasn't expecting it to be hardcover (Kirihito and Apollo's Song weren't), so that was a pleasant surprise! Homoeroticism + Tezuka + intrigue involving mentally altered humans = PURE AWESOME! 8D


Snap! :) (A few weeks ago : p )

I'm still craving Buddha though - in hardback!

Just to add my other Vertical releases here (I SHALL post a picture of my recent orders at some point - I hope!). I bought the Ring trilogy in hardback + Birthday (Ring spinoff it seems) and Dark Water - all by the same author. All fantastic looking - I can't wait to read them at some point, and if anyone else is thinking of getting them I suggest doing so now because the hardcover versions of the Ring trilogy are out of print - I got them from (who always seem to have stock of things for a few months more than every other retailer even after things go out of print. Very useful.
Maltos said:
Hey, I was wondering which Tezuka title you'd reccommend to a beginner as I was planning to pick up some of his work.

Well, it's great that you're interested in Tezuka; he truly deserves his reputation!

I've only read two of his works: Ode to Kirihito and Apollo's Song. To be honest, both are good places to start as both are single volumes (heavy single volumes, at that) and are utterly brilliant. I recommend Kirihito first, though, for the simple reason that I preferred it to Apollo's Song.
CitizenGeek said:
Maltos said:
Hey, I was wondering which Tezuka title you'd reccommend to a beginner as I was planning to pick up some of his work.

Well, it's great that you're interested in Tezuka; he truly deserves his reputation!

I've only read two of his works: Ode to Kirihito and Apollo's Song. To be honest, both are good places to start as both are single volumes (heavy single volumes, at that) and are utterly brilliant. I recommend Kirihito first, though, for the simple reason that I preferred it to Apollo's Song.

Just checked both those titles out for the sake of curiosity and they appear to look quite good.Great,more spending :roll: :D