The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

And now, I've just ordered MW by Osamu Tezuka! ^_^

Lupus Inu said:
Wow, CitizenGeek has only just starting loving DB, slow to the party, dawg. But then it again, you never did watch animu on TV. >_>

I know - I'm sad at what I've missed! But still, better late than never! You have to admit that figure is amazing!

DB was never on TV when I was young :[
Sami said:

Saw it in Suncoast, had to buy it, as it is, after all, Tsubasa related ;D (And also, Sakura is adorable, how could I no~t) :D

And a Naruto t-shirt for my brothers Birthday :)

i want XD
And rounding out tonights' orders are:

- vol. 3 of Uzumaki (Yay! Final volume!)
- Bleach series 1 vol. 2 (I got this with my ipoints so it didn't cost me any money! Yay!)

Woo! Finally got Yuri Monogatari ~5 (which I'm kind of regretting, because yuri doesn't appeal to me at all) and Cute Beast (kind of like a yaoi Beauty and the Beast with other short stories - Juné done a great job with the release!).
BlackWolf said:
Lunar Legend Tsukihime and Melty Blood (including other misc Type Moon stuff) Art book
Where did you get that from might I ask?

On the new list is Ergo Proxy Vol 4 an Gasaraki complete collection. Been thinking of getting Gasaraki for sometime but having just seen the whole lot on ebay brand spanking new I couldn't resist. At the price of 14.44 for all 8 dvds not to bad :D
BlackWolf said:
That Man said:
BlackWolf said:
Lunar Legend Tsukihime and Melty Blood (including other misc Type Moon stuff) Art book
Where did you get that from might I ask?

I picked it up from here it took a while to get here but it was worth it :)

Also my Aoko Aozaki model arrived this morning
Nice might have to get that myself although might have a look else where to see if I can find it cheaper as that seems a bit much. Wouldn't be this Aoko Aozaki Model you got today would it?

Been thinking of getting it myself for a while since I have the other ones from that collection.
Tokko boxset arrived today.

Already seen it and I thought it was a decent enough series so bought my own copy, so I know what I am getting. The only thing about it as a series is that it is another of these 12-13 episode series that is dying for a second series to finish it off properly.
That Man said:
BlackWolf said:
That Man said:
BlackWolf said:
Lunar Legend Tsukihime and Melty Blood (including other misc Type Moon stuff) Art book
Where did you get that from might I ask?

I picked it up from here it took a while to get here but it was worth it :)

Also my Aoko Aozaki model arrived this morning
Nice might have to get that myself although might have a look else where to see if I can find it cheaper as that seems a bit much. Wouldn't be this Aoko Aozaki Model you got today would it?

Been thinking of getting it myself for a while since I have the other ones from that collection.

Yeah that's the one :p i'm now going to try and get the rest of that collection

the art book is good though if i saw it cheaper now i would feel probably cry :lol:
Ryo Chan said:
what on earth do you do for a living to afford all this stuff :wink:

Haha, I don't do anything for a living. I think I'm just a really good saver (I still have money left from a two week stint in a factory over the summer). Actually, I'm not a good saver at all, I just use my parent's money for going out with friends and stuff like that and then spend my own money on anime and manga. Ah, it's great being 17, and soon enough I'll be in college, so I'm taking full advantage of my parents while I have the chance ^_^