The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Where i live there is a Waterstone and a Borders a few meters from each other and they both have quite alot of One Piece. I'm pretty sure they had them all up to 13 or 14; because i was contemplating starting collecting them again.
Maltos said:
I ordered 'The Art of Miyazaki's Spirited Away'. The book looks really awesome quality and its seems and brilliant addition to one of my favourite films.

I ordered one of those a few weeks ago actually. They're out of print now, so it's pretty damn awesome that they're still available.
Shame the same can't be said for a great many other things.

On the subject of One Piece (from above), does anyone know why there were two editions of the first volume of the manga made? One was a limited edition and one was not. I doubt they'd make a limited edition just to replace Zolo with Zoro, but I did here that in earlier volumes Zoro's name was actually kept (and I would assume that the subsequent first volumes are actually 2nd editions). Can anyone give me some more information on this? Google does not provide : (.

pneboy said:
i might consider just ordering Viz prints from amazon

I take it you mean artbooks?
melonpan said:
On the subject of One Piece (from above), does anyone know why there were two editions of the first volume of the manga made? One was a limited edition and one was not. I doubt they'd make a limited edition just to replace Zolo with Zoro, but I did here that in earlier volumes Zoro's name was actually kept (and I would assume that the subsequent first volumes are actually 2nd editions). Can anyone give me some more information on this? Google does not provide : (.
I know for a fact that Zoro was Zoro in the earlier editions. In the print I have he is Zolo though. I have the ninth printer (June 2007). Since FUNi said that everything apart from the anime he shall be referred to as Zoro does that mean they are in negotiations with VIZ Media about changing his name. I would hope so even if I doubt it. Although - This is my first time hearing that they made two different editions when it was first around. I would love to see VIZ do VIZBIG editions off One Piece. Although I never ever see it happening due to the fact that it hasn't ended and probably proves to be quite unpopular compared to the goldmine off Naruto.
CitizenGeek said:
Wait ... why is Zoro's name such a big deal again?

Not knowing anything about One Piece I'd take guess:

They just want to have the name the Japanese people have, so that they can have complete authenticity.

Its much like how Alucard's name from Hellsing is Arucard in Japan but still pronounced the same.
CitizenGeek said:
Wait ... why is Zoro's name such a big deal again?

I think that's glaringly obvious, and needs no further explanation.
What are the connotations of Zoro? The famous swordsman from the film. What are the connotations of Zolo? What the ****?

Would you like to see little Shinji from Evangelion get a name change to Binji or something similar? No, I didn't think so.


Censoring of any kind makes me feel violently ill. So much so that I refuse to buy any manga that has been edited. I doubt I'll ever read the Naruto manga from the boxset I bought. It's nice to have a look at, but not to think about the horror of the edits inside. (However small they may be).

Thank the *insert your god here* that there are some companies that do not act so incredibly stupid, and that is why I will be supporting Del Rey and Dark Horse (since they officially stopped editing) and Tokyopop (for the most part) and boycotting Viz (except for series I know are completely unedtied), CMX (for everything because they're just pure evil and must die a slow painful agonising death).
melonpan said:
Censoring of any kind makes me feel violently ill. So much so that I refuse to buy any manga that has been edited. I doubt I'll ever read the Naruto manga from the boxset I bought. It's nice to have a look at, but not to think about the horror of the edits inside. (However small they may be).
Pfft. Daniel May! What The ****!. You should still read it, I've read it all now and there are no censoring off any type, Some translations that are different - But only for a little bit and actually are translations unlike Fansub translations which are only half done. Later on in the series they have the moves in Romanji along with the translation. Its actually a pretty decent read. I really can't fault the translators at VIZ either, I found no spelling or grammatical mistakes at all through the entire collection. Its one off their better jobs I think.

I've already spoke my part about the Zoro/Zolo case, Its just annoying, There is no reason whatsoever for me to talk about it any more

I don't think I'll be changing my views on the matter for a considerable length of time, no matter how stupid it may be.

I doubt I'd be getting round to reading any manga for a long time anyway, I've all the anime to watch first, and I've decided to wait for Viz to release all the boxsets of Part 1 first, so I can marathon it all, someday. Then finally I can start Shippuuden. Damn, it's been too long.

I don't know how long it was ago that I witnessed the Naruto vs Sasuke fight.
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Zen's post reminded me that Little Norse Prince is the only film i'm missing in the Ghibli set. So i proceded to order it!
Thanks for reminding me Zen!!
Todays post Fafner box set and £17 to the Royal Mail (don't mind the taxes) still hate paying £8 to the Royal mail for nothing though.

Thought I better start getting some of the Geneon titles I put off getting, before they start getting to hard to get. Mind you I will have to make a list and check which have a UK release, so I can concentrate on the US ones first I can alwys pick up a R2 release if necessary then for the ones I miss out on.
Got vol. 3 of the Eva manga in the post today (already have the special edition version, but that's ugly and doesn't go with the other vols. I own, so I had to buy the same material again)

I'm disapointed that my yuri and shonen-ai short story collections haven't shown up yet :/

melonpan said:
I think that's glaringly obvious, and needs no further explanation.
What are the connotations of Zoro? The famous swordsman from the film. What are the connotations of Zolo? What the ****?

Well, Zoro from One Piece really doesn't resemble the legend of Zoro at all, so the connotations really mean nothing. Besides, it's not "censorship", right? Isn't Zoro copyrighted in the US?

Would you like to see little Shinji from Evangelion get a name change to Binji or something similar? No, I didn't think so.

That's a ridiculous comparison. "Zolo" doesn't sound as silly as "Binji" :roll:

Censoring of any kind makes me feel violently ill. So much so that I refuse to buy any manga that has been edited. I doubt I'll ever read the Naruto manga from the boxset I bought. It's nice to have a look at, but not to think about the horror of the edits inside. (However small they may be).

Just seems like yet another excuse, trotted out by certain folks, not to buy anime or manga ;]