The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Got the CG Appleseed movie in the post today - watched the theatrical trailer and a few minutes of the third chapter; it looks stunning! I'm disapointed I almost believe what certain people said about (I heard everything from "it looks terrible" to "it looks like a PlayStation 2 game"). I can only hope the story is up to scratch, too! Also got RahXephon vol. 3 in the post and I was saddened to find that there's only a mere 3 episodes on the disc!

Oh, and I ordered vol. 4 of RahXephon from, too! ^__^



Enjoy. [Yes, that is my hand. ;/]
Colour - VIZ, Your Joking! I'm getting that sexy thing right now. Its literally a Shonen bible. I'm still slowly working my way through Kenshin. The problem is.. I'm going to have to get some other stuff if I'm getting that. Pfft. Whatever. *orders*.

BTW: To save me looking it up, What other titles are VIZ doing in this Big versions, I think I read Dragon Ball somewhere.. Not entirely sure anymore.

Are there any Japanese kanzeban's released for Bleach/Naruto, etc?

If so, I'd probably wait to collect them now that Viz are doing colour pages, which they very stupidly didn't put it in their tankoubon versions.

It'd be nice for them to un-edit all the stupid things they've done, as well, for the Big editions.

Sadly though, I don't see any such Big edition for any of these newer titles for a few years.

Lupus Inu said:
Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z which start in May, and apparently Slam Dunk.

And Vagabond.

EDIT: Actually, Lupus, could you check to see if there are any pages at the back (for notes/translator notes etc) that link pages to the actual book, and see if they correspond to the real page number in the Big edition numbering, please?

This is mainly because Tokyopop went and ruined their omnibus/big editions by just sticking all the content from the tankoubon releases into a massive book, without doing anything to it at all. Tokyopop are so cheap nowerdays - it's a real shame! (That's not an empty statement either, it's true - their boxsets are paper thin card with little to no proper 'art'work on them, which is a total change from the proper chipboard artboxes they used to do - and they've redone many of their old style covers (used with the original Tokyopop symber and not the big fat ugly red thing that takes over the whole book) and made them look less 'arty', an example of this is the Jing:King of Bandits manga, which used to have a foil embossed cover and some awesome artwork, but now just has plain artwork.

Shame on you Tokyopop!
melonpan said:
If so, I'd probably wait to collect them now that Viz are doing colour pages, which they very stupidly didn't put it in their tankoubon versions.
I'm not that worried they didn't put colour pages in the tankobons. Japan don't even do they, They get the grayscale the same as us. I like these Aizobans Viz are now releasing. Very noice.

I'm happy that Viz went with Kenshin for its "trial-run" for these. Hopefully they do get a lot of purchases so they actually continue on with these for a lot of other series.

The only thing about Viz manga that I hate is the ****** numbers they stick on the front along with the generic style. So.. Dull and yet irritating.
Jayme said:
I'm not that worried they didn't put colour pages in the tankobons. Japan don't even do they, They get the grayscale the same as us. I like these Aizobans Viz are now releasing. Very noice.

I'm happy that Viz went with Kenshin for its "trial-run" for these. Hopefully they do get a lot of purchases so they actually continue on with these for a lot of other series.

The only thing about Viz manga that I hate is the ****** numbers they stick on the front along with the generic style. So.. Dull and yet irritating.

Whilst trying to recover from the total embarrassment of posting fake details of the Code Geass release on the main forum on AnimeOnDVD - I'll post a reply, and hopefully not all of it will be me thinking before I click the submit button!

Tankoubon's do have colour pages, yes, many books I have do have colour pages, some on that reflective plastic-like paper with pure colour on (ala Eureka Seven), and some with just colour printed onto regular paper pages (ala Oh! My Goddess). Viz are the exception, by not printing colour, even though they do in their Shounen Jump magazine.

Now I shall look up the true meaning of aizoban and kanzeban, as I thought kanzeban means a 'big' edition, like the Viz ones, and thinking about aizoban I think that means a special edition, with the other being wideban - which I don't know if that could mean a larger style book, like the ones released in omnibus form.

EDIT: Aha, it's actually spelled kanzenban, and it's the same thing as aizoban. Great.
melonpan said:
EDIT: Aha, it's actually spelled kanzenban, and it's the same thing as aizoban. Great.
Aizoban are more of a special edition version of Kanzenban's I believe.

Also, Fine... Jump tankobons have grayscaled coloured pages, I read it the other day [in a manga]. Am I alone by hating the way Viz present their manga with the ugly format and generic font that is used on every one of their books. Especially O-Parts Hunter at the side, Its done in Tahoma or something and its SO BORING. God, Its boring. Considering 80% of the manga I own belongs to them, Its really saddening how pathetic they make it look.

..Lost my train-of-thought. Sorry. ;p
Personally, I love the way Viz present their manga.

I just don't like the way they present the material (i.e no colour where there's meant to be colour, and editing), and how they edit seem to edit at will anything, but let other things slip - their editing team are a bunch of idiots.
melonpan said:
EDIT: Actually, Lupus, could you check to see if there are any pages at the back (for notes/translator notes etc) that link pages to the actual book, and see if they correspond to the real page number in the Big edition numbering, please?
'k, will look now and edit my post and tell you.

EDIT: Wait, it does have page numbering, and once you finish a volume it does say like... "Volume 2" from after the first seven chapters and then once you get past chapter sixteen says "Volume 3"

CitizenGeek said:
Wow, that looks awesome Lupus!

CitizenGeek said:
How much did it cost?
£12 street price

CitizenGeek said:
It's all in colour, yes?
First fifteen/twenty pages are, and the back has colour pages of the three volumes it covers.

CitizenGeek said:
Is Rurouni Kenshin good?
Yes, very good.
Ah hmm, thanks for checking that.

If there are any pages in future omnibus editions - that reference to previous pages in the book (i.e a page of translated notes or sound effects translations - that link to previous pages) that page number actually corresponds, i.e they've updated it for the omnibus edition, and likewise with the page numbers throughout. That's what I'm getting at, as Tokyopop totally failed according to reviews - with both the Azumanga omnibus and the Fruits Basket "Deluxe" version.
Manga, manga and more manga :D

Death Note vol.4
Escaflowne vol.5 & 6
Hunter x Hunter vol.18
Negima vol.16
One Piece vol.10, 11, 12 & 13

New model kits:

Noriko Takaya (Gunbuster)
Gunbuster machine
Belldandy & Holybell
SD Motoko Kusanagi
Motoko Kusanagi (same costume as SD figure)
Himaru Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)