Here's what I brought back from Glasgow and Scotland Loves Anime:

Happened across FFVII in CEX; it was only 50p for the two-DVD edition. The packaging is in very good condition, and the discs are completely unmarked.
Dominion Tank Police Acts III & IV cost a bit more, but it completes the set for me, and the packaging is in mint condition.
I was hoping HMV would have both parts of Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga in stock, and they did. Part 1 was originally mislabelled as still being £14.99, but I checked at the till, and it was the same price as part 2. Big thanks to @llamareborn for the unintentional heads-up on this back in August.
Plus points on my store card.
Also picked up the SLA 2018 programme, which is an absolutely outstanding piece of work; looking forward to delving into that.
And I got an art card for each of the films I saw, very kindly handed out in the cinema by @Jeremy Graves. The cards are absolutely lovely — glossy and very high-quality.

The day after I got back, I popped into HMV to get the latest Satoshi Kon reissue, plus double points. Tokyo Godfathers on UK BD: what a time to be alive.

Happened across FFVII in CEX; it was only 50p for the two-DVD edition. The packaging is in very good condition, and the discs are completely unmarked.
Dominion Tank Police Acts III & IV cost a bit more, but it completes the set for me, and the packaging is in mint condition.
I was hoping HMV would have both parts of Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga in stock, and they did. Part 1 was originally mislabelled as still being £14.99, but I checked at the till, and it was the same price as part 2. Big thanks to @llamareborn for the unintentional heads-up on this back in August.
Plus points on my store card.
Also picked up the SLA 2018 programme, which is an absolutely outstanding piece of work; looking forward to delving into that.
And I got an art card for each of the films I saw, very kindly handed out in the cinema by @Jeremy Graves. The cards are absolutely lovely — glossy and very high-quality.

The day after I got back, I popped into HMV to get the latest Satoshi Kon reissue, plus double points. Tokyo Godfathers on UK BD: what a time to be alive.