Here’s me splitting FMA due to F/A box 1releasinh same dayI pre-ordered some more Aniplex goodness last night, this time from Tokyo Otaku Mode, as they were having a 48-hour 20% off sale, which included AoA titles. I ordered 4 more releases to add to my growing Aniplex collection - both Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Blu-ray box sets, and both Fate/Apocrypha box sets, and saved myself $95 over Rightstuf's AoA prices.
I'll have to call Rightstuf today and cancel my pre-order there for the two FMA:B sets. By saving $40 on the series through TOM, and just recently selling my Funimation 2-part sets and the OVA combo set for $70, I'll get the two Aniplex box sets for just $89 total, which isn't bad at all!

I plan to get set 2 wth F/A box 2 in feb