The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

It is a such I will never touch the series again I stopped all my manga purchasing of the series etc as I blame them allowing him to continue with his new one which gladly Viz ain’t translating

I'm not going to prevent myself enjoying an anime thats like 20 years old just because of something that happened recently.
So am I I just don’t want him to financially benefit from it, which is obviously why Viz didn’t translate his new manga.

Lucky then this is a used set since Madman don't sell the original series anymore. It contains episodes 1-27 so I just need to get the S2 set now sicne I don't care for the AO S3.
Finally went for it and ordered Sailor Moon Season 1(Madman Australian DVD release) from UP1USA.
I was debating between the DVD and Blu ray release but because I mostly use my laptop for most of my watching I decided to for the DVD release in this case.
Caved in and pre-ordered the March Comes in like a Lion CE bundle from AL before it expired. I really liked the first season so wanted to have it physically eventually anyways-the poster sealed the deal.
Same I ordered the March Comes In Like A Lion Collectors Edition Part 1(Will also be my first CE order from AllTheAnime) as well,just couldn't pass it up as the Anime is gorgeous.
I pre-ordered some more Aniplex goodness last night, this time from Tokyo Otaku Mode, as they were having a 48-hour 20% off sale, which included AoA titles. I ordered 4 more releases to add to my growing Aniplex collection - both Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Blu-ray box sets, and both Fate/Apocrypha box sets, and saved myself $95 over Rightstuf's AoA prices.

I'll have to call Rightstuf today and cancel my pre-order there for the two FMA:B sets. By saving $40 on the series through TOM, and just recently selling my Funimation 2-part sets and the OVA combo set for $70, I'll get the two Aniplex box sets for just $89 total, which isn't bad at all!