The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Since they got taken over by the company behind allyourmusic, Importcd, deepdiscount etc they make no promises regarding VAT dodging. You might get lucky but I've been caught periodically especially with the heavier orders that end up shipping with UPS.
I'll be honest I've had three orders and not got caught once as I believe the reship It via Europe. It still works out cheaper even with customs.
None of my Wow HD orders have ever been hit by customs or fees, though I'm unsure how they package bigger items or multiple items together which is more of a concern for me than the price. They tend to use those corrugated cardboard mailers for single Blu rays and small box sets I.e the Ranma 1/2 boxsets
Anything over 4lb goes by courier (UPS,DHL etc) which WILL be caught. Outside of that I can only go off what I've read and experienced via their other outlets (Deep Discount etc)
I've been an advocate of allyourmusic etc for a while but haven't used wowhd before. I've just given them a shot for Dimension W, Gangsta, Grimgar and One Punch Man. I guess I'll see how it goes.
Thinking that a one month subscription to Loot Anime meant that it self cancelled after one month, not a recurring monthly subscription, I accidentally purchased May's crate. Now to just hope I like something in it...
Bought Samurai 7 and the LE of Panty and Stocking on eBay (have a copy of the Anime Classics edition for sale in the marketplace if anyone wants to buy/trade)

Also won:
Is this a Zombie seasons 1 and 2 LE
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