Just Passing Through
st_owly said:I got the Kaze Princess Jellyfish cheap at a con. The discs are very badly authored in terms of menus and things, (there's very few chapter markers and stuff) but I didn't notice anything truly awful about the video quality.
The subtitles are fracked. The signs only subs are with the English track, the dialogue subtitles are with the Japanese, and the audio options are locked. If you come across screen text while someone is speaking, it won't be translated and you'll want to switch to the signs to see what it meant. You can't. And this happens a lot in this show. When I reviewed it, I had to rip the discs, and burn the episodes to DVD-Rs with the lock removed to understand what was going on. Funimation's release has decent subs.
If you're a fan of the dub, then the Khazi release will do in a pinch, but the Funi discs have extras that the Khazi release or even the AU release don't have.