I know i don't usually post on the recently bought/watched threads, but i just felt like stopping by this time 
Thank god for the play.com sale!
This is what i bought:
Grave of the Fireflies
Barefoot Gen/2
Ghost in the Shell 2:Innocence
Millennium Actress
Battle Royale Special Edition (gonna watch this soon, and preorder the special edition of movie 2
Sky Blue
That's the films, now the series, it's great that play.com seem to be doing volume 1's of tons of MVM's series, so i got:
Chobits vol1
Fullmetal Alchemist vol1
Texhnolyze vol 3 (1+2 were in the previous sale xD)
Samurai Champloo vol1
Oh and Escaflowne Collection 1
(ordering collection 2 asap)
Zone of the Enders vol 1 (had 3,4,5 (i think), for like a year from another site's sale lol, need to get all the dvd's !!!)
That all came today, but still on order is:
Haibane Renmei vol1
Counter Strike Source lol

Fullmetal Alchemist vol 6 with tin, omg!
Something else as well but i can't remember :O
I noticed something as well, the FMA dvd cover quality is pretty bad, i think my scanner could do better :/ I think it's a joint release with Madman though, along with Chobit's cover being bad quality too, the others seem ok
And another thing, i saw this in a thread a while back, but it just popped up again seeing it on the actual dvd cover. GITS 2 says 'From the creators of Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle' LOL, my guess is that Manga ent are being sneaky and playing on the general UK publics ignorance, to get people who know nothing about it but have seen Spirited Away etc pick it up and think omg another thing by them, i'll buy it.
Anyway, i can't say that that's a bad thing, even though it looks a bit odd, more sale is always a good thing
I may start posting in the recently watched post but i doubt it lol, i will probably post in this post more often as well, because i tend to save a ton of money then spend it all at once, like i did here, Christmas + Bday money = OMG ANIME!!!!
Thank god for the play.com sale!
This is what i bought:
Grave of the Fireflies
Barefoot Gen/2
Ghost in the Shell 2:Innocence
Millennium Actress
Battle Royale Special Edition (gonna watch this soon, and preorder the special edition of movie 2
Sky Blue
That's the films, now the series, it's great that play.com seem to be doing volume 1's of tons of MVM's series, so i got:
Chobits vol1
Fullmetal Alchemist vol1
Texhnolyze vol 3 (1+2 were in the previous sale xD)
Samurai Champloo vol1
Oh and Escaflowne Collection 1
Zone of the Enders vol 1 (had 3,4,5 (i think), for like a year from another site's sale lol, need to get all the dvd's !!!)
That all came today, but still on order is:
Haibane Renmei vol1
Counter Strike Source lol
Fullmetal Alchemist vol 6 with tin, omg!
Something else as well but i can't remember :O
I noticed something as well, the FMA dvd cover quality is pretty bad, i think my scanner could do better :/ I think it's a joint release with Madman though, along with Chobit's cover being bad quality too, the others seem ok
And another thing, i saw this in a thread a while back, but it just popped up again seeing it on the actual dvd cover. GITS 2 says 'From the creators of Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle' LOL, my guess is that Manga ent are being sneaky and playing on the general UK publics ignorance, to get people who know nothing about it but have seen Spirited Away etc pick it up and think omg another thing by them, i'll buy it.
Anyway, i can't say that that's a bad thing, even though it looks a bit odd, more sale is always a good thing
I may start posting in the recently watched post but i doubt it lol, i will probably post in this post more often as well, because i tend to save a ton of money then spend it all at once, like i did here, Christmas + Bday money = OMG ANIME!!!!