The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Just ordered Nausicaa manga #2. I ended up going to Amazon since 1. it's only£5 w/out postage and 2. it's as rare as hens' teeth outside of net retailers!
ZAFF said:
Got the kaleido Star thinpak boxset
The only problem with that boxset is ADV have done their usual thing and only licensed half of the series (same with Super Gals which is being released as a thinpak soon as well) and the only way of watching the second half is by getting a less than legit version!
I try to avoid anything by ADV these days, as they can't be trusted with anime or manga. I only buy old releases I KNOW are complete.
I didnt know there was more than 26 episodes as It was a whim buy. Once ever month or so I start a random series that I have heard nothing of. So far I think its AWESOME! So whats the deal with it theres more than 26 episodes to finish the series :S
ZAFF said:
I didnt know there was more than 26 episodes as It was a whim buy. Once ever month or so I start a random series that I have heard nothing of. So far I think its AWESOME! So whats the deal with it theres more than 26 episodes to finish the series :S
I tend to check how many episodes a series has before I buy anything these days, as I bought Super Gals as individual DVDs when they first came out, only to wonder at the awful ending, to then discover it had a second season that ADV didn't bother to license - most annoying. I'm reading the manga now, just to see how it should end!
Kaleidostar has a second season that ADV were supposed to license but never did (there was an episode from season 2 on one the Newtype USA sample DVDs over a year ago), so I was expecting there to be a second season release, but there never has been and I doubt there ever will be and when you email ADV they aren't very helpful AT ALL!
There's a total of 51 episodes and like I said, I just bought less than legit DVDs to see the rest, which is even better than the first season ^_^

I got volumes 5 - 11 of Happy Mania through the post today. It's a manga series I've wanted to complete for ages but UP1 never has them in stock and ocassionally I get annoyed patiently waiting for something which never turns up (I'm still waiting to see if they can get MKR vol 6 for me, it's been on order since May), so I bought them from someone I buy lots of manga off of on ebay for £4.99 each brand new ^_^
Yeah, that's the thing... I try to only buy complete boxed sets at a time, because I don't want to get drawn into having to download, or buy the manga just to see how a series ends... It's expensive enough to buy anime, and so I just look for neat and tidy sets that contain a complete series. I don't mind buying the odd movie like The End of Eva, or Raxephon, but it's all money...
Have just bougth Wolf's Rain vol 1!! Woot that was the qucikest shopping trip ever.

Normally people buy the first vol in the series before they buy the rest, but seeing as i already had a fake copy i already knew what happened. I wanted it to full up my artbox ^__^
Should really wait for the region 2 release lol
Mangaminx said:
Just to point out ADV US have now finally solicited the first DVD for the second season of Kaleido star for the New Year.
As I said, this was supposed to happen a year ago, so if they actually release it this time it will be a nice "shock" for everyone who has been waiting for it :lol:
Having seen Akira around the shops and thinking "I'm going to spend my £20 on something more recent" I was pleasantly surprised when I found it for £8.99. I'll have that :D
I didnt feel good at all today so i came home from college. I just did 22 episodes of Kaleidostar. The ending is sooooo moving really one of the most awsome series I have ever watched now easily in my top 5. I dont know If I can wait for season 2 release or not >.< I could wait only to be dissapointed (if they delay release) or I could download *cough* and then buy them if they are released.
ZAFF said:
I didnt feel good at all today so i came home from college. I just did 22 episodes of Kaleidostar. The ending is sooooo moving really one of the most awsome series I have ever watched now easily in my top 5. I dont know If I can wait for season 2 release or not >.< I could wait only to be dissapointed (if they delay release) or I could download *cough* and then buy them if they are released.
You should really have posted this in the anime you are currently watching thread! I know what you mean about the end of the first season, but the second season ending is even more stunning ^_^
Finally volume 2 of Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden is out and I got my copy today in the post. I can't wait to read it ^_^
I also got W Juliet vol 7 and my long awaited vol 2 of Full Moon Wo Sagashite. I think Viz underestimated how popular this title would be, as at one point vol 2 went out of print!
i most recently ordered the delivery of Chobits vol 1 and yes it isn't anime, i ordered hero also..seen the film..thought it was great so now getting it on DVD to enjoy more
I seem to be very addicted to Japanese Flower Comics manga books at the moment and yesterday I got another 4 through the post ^_^ I also got 3 of those mini mangas where there are around 40 pages at most. One of them is called Couple by Yuu Watase and I can't find details of it anywhere on the net :( I like to see if I can find translations of her works that haven't been released in English yet and this is the only one I can't find so far. One of the other minis looks like an opposite version of Guru Guru Pon Chan, as it looks like it's a male dog who turns into a guy ^_^