The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Bought a big load of anime today today...

Gurren Lagann Part 1
Bleach Movie
Panda Go Panda!
Neon Genesis Evangelion Vol.1
Samurai 7 Vol.1
Samurai Champloo Vol.1
Paranoia Agent Vol.1
Le Chevalier D'eon Vol.6
Texhnolyze Box Set

I am now skint broke :(

Gunslinger Girl is well worth that money. The next series is out soonish in the US, it is not as good as the first though. I will get it anyway but I am not in a big rush as I saw it over at Funimation when you could still see their stuff from the UK.

Today I bought Strawberry 100% Volume 9.
Il Teatrino pales in comparison to the first series, the animation is a huge disappointment, but if there had been no first series, Il Teatrino would have been considered pretty good. It doesn't have the character focus, and it's a little disappointing that the girls are more cutesy and peppy, but it does have a really good story to it, it's much more story focussed than S1, and it still has a couple of really poignant moments to it.

I also prefer the theme tunes to Il Teatrino, Doll is amazing.
ilmaestro said:
I love the concept art/dvd covers for Il Teatrino.

That makes me think of Leon.

Is Gunslinger Girl anything like Leon? If so, do want. I've avoided it before and I'm not quite sure why - perhaps I prefer my killer lolis insane, like in Higurashi?
Man, it's years since I saw Leon. I'm not really sure how to answer your question other than to say you should definitely watch GG, though. ^^;
I have the R2 release of Leon on DVD. I never watch it because the lolita elements were cut, removing a lot of the character development from the film. I need to pick up an unedited copy at some point...

As for GG 2, I dropped it after one episode. The art looked vastly inferior, the choice of bright colours ruined the mood and the camera shaking replacing actual animation all combined to make me dislike it. I doubt it's worth watching beyond the first episode.
Yesterday, I ordered volumes 16-17 of FMA from TBD. They'd both dropped below £5, so I thought I'd get them because I was going to do so in the future anyway.

Today, to my surprise, DVD Pacific informed me that they'd sent the first Gundam 00 set. I must've pre-ordered it and forgot. I guess this means I'm collecting the series now... :/

HMV also messaged me saying my Black Lagoon set has been sent (I'll cry if its just a standard sized DVD case set). Amazon ALSO messaged me saying my Naruto 42-43 order has been sent. poor credit card. ;_______________; I haven't had a bill in ages and it qon't make for pretty reading.

In terms of receiving ****, my Spiral set arrived, in mint condition. The DVDs aare packed in a sturdy art box. Looks like good value for money. I also received my R1 Silent Mobius set, which I paid £12 for.

Talking of SM, it was packed in a large box for no reason. Due to my 'information leak' a few days ago and me not having ordered anything that should've been paxked in a large box, I put my ear to it first to see if I heard ticking or the sound of movement inside it.
An even better SSpin coupon has debuted (they're trying to kill me). I was restrained and bought six volumes of Ranma only. I only needed one set but with the coupon the singles were so ludicrously cheap that I may as well just get those. Need two more but I've been collecting Ranma for over a decade and there's no rush now.

My interest in SS has cooled. For one there's little to nothing left for me to order because all of their prices are high now. For two I received a PS2 game with a manual and SS told me they sell games without original cases (probably meaning covers).

I hope my Fantastic Children and Banner of the Stars 2 sets arrive without issue...
Case Closed Season 5 was just posted so got that to look forward too... Still need to find Season 2 for a cheapish price though. What is it with PlayUSA and it's dislike of Season 2 anime boxsets? Case Closed, Yu Yu Hakusho, One Piece all have Season 2 missing for some reason
PlayUSA randomly add titles, missing out a lot of new R1 releases. They have one person who adds and prices items, it seems.

They have Eureka Seven 2, but not the first set. That means I'll have to pay £17 + £6 shipping to get it from DVD Pacific if want it.
Speaking of PlayUSA, they've just sent the ADV release of Now and Then, Here and There on its merry way. I shall report back my findings on the video quality... some day.
Rui said:
An even better SSpin coupon has debuted (they're trying to kill me). I was restrained and bought six volumes of Ranma only. I only needed one set but with the coupon the singles were so ludicrously cheap that I may as well just get those. Need two more but I've been collecting Ranma for over a decade and there's no rush now.

Could you elaborate on this? I've never used them before. What's the coupon exactly? Do you already have to have an account with them to use/get it?
You must pay SS a £5 membeship fee in order to use their coupons. After that, you can use them as much as you want.
ilmaestro said:
Could you elaborate on this? I've never used them before. What's the coupon exactly? Do you already have to have an account with them to use/get it?

The coupon is on their front page on the annoying flashing banner. No catches! Just enter "Hot3DVD" at checkout in the box.

I sound remarkably like an advertising spambot.
