The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Received the following,

Anime: Lucky Star volume 6 (still angry that Bandai scrapped the limited edition!)

Manga: Eden: It's An Endless World! volume 2, 3, and 4 (at a cost of 99p per volume and £1.00 shipping cost from
Yubisaki Milk Tea v.2 & v.3

The first volume was interesting but something of a mess. I read scans of the next few chapters to decide whether or not I wanted to continue and, well, I do.
It's still messy but that's how I like my love triangles.
Armitage III OVAs
Armitage III Poly-Matrix/Armitage Dual-Matrix
Bleach Volume 17
Ah My Buddha Volume 3
Darker Than Black Volume 5
Moribito Volume 4
A nice slice of Armitage there, Dracos. I myself think that another sequel or prequel would be good for the franchise. It's certainly delicious cyberpunk, but it never managed to reach much of a storytelling pinnacle.
Zin5ki said:
A nice slice of Armitage there, Dracos. I myself think that another sequel or prequel would be good for the franchise. It's certainly delicious cyberpunk, but it never managed to reach much of a storytelling pinnacle.

I realised I had only seen the first film. So when I saw some for cheap on SS, I thought why not get them.

^ My SS order from a few days ago.

Getting the Zeta sets for such lowly sums when I'm assuming they'll be like the Code Geass double disc sets was too hard to resist. The first set will let me known if the series is worth watching, and if I like it I can watch more online, before switching back to the DVDs.

But, knowing my luck, SS will send the third set and not the first. They did something similar when I ordered E's Otherwise 1-6 - sending 2-6 but not the first volume, despite it being in-stock.
Thanks to Aion's post in the Sales topic, I bought myself a copy of Claymore chapters 1+2 (DVD) on Ebay.
Nice find, much appreciated!
Bought Naruto 13 and DBZ 2 thanks to Aion's SSpin reminders. Scary to think I'll almost have the full sets of both (DBZ vol 2 was a gap in my collection; I forgot to buy it at the time).


I should probably have waited until the third set dropped to £15.xx, but it's taken so long for the second set to drop to where I wanted it... I thought it was time to stop being so cheap. It isn't as if the price is going to drop much lower, going on the price of the first set.

The wait for the third set to drop from £25 starts now. :/

Edit: Also, since I just noticed that there are only 27 volumes currently out in English and I own 24...



They only cost £4 each - the lowest manga usually sells for new - so it was worth getting up to date. I can decide if I want to keep paying £4 per volume when/if I ever read beyond volume 6.