ConanThe3rd said:
Not to put too fine a point on it, but my Jimmies will be infinately rustled if BBB doesn't come with it's TV Dub as part of the deal.
How is it we were practicaly 1:1 with Space Dandy and since then not even CR's gotten it right (With SAO, Madoka and F/Z's dubs being blocked out)?
You should probably prepare for disappointment. If it came from FUNimation (and I severely doubt it did), it won't include the simuldub, it didn't for Death Parade. If it came from Anime Limited, they haven't included the simuldub for Seraph of the End. So unless it's an unusual deal, I doubt it'll include the dub.
But there's something weird about the way BBB is being handled by Viewster anyway, why announce a title if you have no clue when it will go live and it is not a priority for you? Viewster said to somebody on twitter that they didn't want to commit to a date with simulcast season about to begin. Announcing it like that makes no sense, and seems like a waste of promo, unless it was a gambit to get everybody's attention on their new simulcast announcements.
I'd treat Aniplex of America titles as an exception, rather than the rule. The only reason they've embraced streaming as wholeheartedly as they have is to try and stave off bitching about their prices. I'm guessing they don't want to stream dubs outside North America so as not to affect negotiations with licensors, as it would almost certainly cause prices to plummet (since they won't give us a lot of their nice bonus features, the dub is the only major advantage over streaming for many people).
Aldnoah.Zero's not being simuldubbed anywhere in the world, as far as I know, so I wouldn't blame CR for not having that.