Captain Karen
Does anyone know how often subbed yu-gi-oh GX episodes are going to be added?
Dannielle said:Crunchyroll have added God Eater : ... ater-anime
- Start date and times are still to be announced, but don't worry, a big helping of God Eater is on the way! In the meantime, here are the territories that will be able to view the show: North America, Central and South America, UK, Ireland.
NormanicGrav said:Dannielle said:Crunchyroll have added God Eater : ... ater-anime
- Start date and times are still to be announced, but don't worry, a big helping of God Eater is on the way! In the meantime, here are the territories that will be able to view the show: North America, Central and South America, UK, Ireland.
So like Monogatari series: Second Season, GOD EATER ended up being timed exclusive. Well I guess we now know why there was one slot left on Crunchyroll's Summer Simulcast line-up.
Here you go folks - the link to the CR
I guess this is a sign that there's more anime coming up to the service very soon. Heh heh heh. :lol:sweet! Let's see how up to speed it can get in a few weeks :X
Rui said:Sweet work as always, NormanicGrav; we should get you on staff and put these lists up in a permanent section of the site!
Buzz201 said:As an aside, Anime Ltd. have put up a piece about Ultimate Otaku Teacher, a show that FUNimation seems to have, that is currently simulcasting on Viewster. It's written by a freelancer, but appears to read slightly like an advertisement? I've not heard anything positive about the series, but it seems to be vaguely popular, could AL be testing the waters?
Smeelia said:If these "Ultimate Edition" releases keep being successful, a Mushi-shi Ultimate Edition would be delightful. I guess it'd also need the movie to really be "Ultimate" (though not necessarily the live-action one, which still might be an interesting bonus).
I'm not certain, but I'm sure I heard that mixing titles from different distributors or production committees was near impossible to work out, so they probably couldn't include the first series from FUNimation and the second from Aniplex of America in the same set without a degree of hard work.
anime_andrew said:Buzz201 said:As an aside, Anime Ltd. have put up a piece about Ultimate Otaku Teacher, a show that FUNimation seems to have, that is currently simulcasting on Viewster. It's written by a freelancer, but appears to read slightly like an advertisement? I've not heard anything positive about the series, but it seems to be vaguely popular, could AL be testing the waters?
Smeelia said:If these "Ultimate Edition" releases keep being successful, a Mushi-shi Ultimate Edition would be delightful. I guess it'd also need the movie to really be "Ultimate" (though not necessarily the live-action one, which still might be an interesting bonus).
I'm not certain, but I'm sure I heard that mixing titles from different distributors or production committees was near impossible to work out, so they probably couldn't include the first series from FUNimation and the second from Aniplex of America in the same set without a degree of hard work.
For Ultimate Otaku Teacher - wee bit of clarification, we wrote a piece to promote there as we're huge fans of what they do and framing it round one of their newer shows made sense as a change. So more of a statement of how much we care there!
I thought for the UK all rights for Mushishi had lapsed to AoA - it's on my list of shows to look into so watch this space.
Dannielle said:I know it's not confirmation or anything of the sort but ..
I just started My Love Story the other day and it seems like a pretty great Shoujo/Romance (quite a bit of comedy too). I guess it started last season though so maybe it doesn't count as "new".vashdaman said:There is an absolutley disgraceful lack of new slice of life/romance/shoujo shows on CR at the moment. Someone recommend something to me please.
I'm not sure if you're nice to try and get such lovely things for us or mean for getting our hopes up when it might not work out. I guess I'll go with nice because it would be kind of awesome if you managed it.anime_andrew said:I thought for the UK all rights for Mushishi had lapsed to AoA - it's on my list of shows to look into so watch this space.