Sexual Orientation?


  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Chaz said:
Tachi- said:
Maxon said:
Will you people get over yourselves please? Every single bloody thread that has serious discussion turns into a damn slagging match.

:lol: Agreed

i voted BI as a joke.
theres something i wanna say tho.......every thread that involves the sexual orientation of others ALWAYS has CG in them.
CG are you addicted to sex or something?
Sorry Tachi, but I'm gonna have to say this: If you knew (and I thought most would have figured it out by now) that CG would blow a fuse in topics like these, why throw a spanner into the works?
"CG are you addicted to sex or something?" Is that a serious question? To me it sounds very partronizing/insulting, and that's not helping things.

You're not the 1st and only one, so I'm not picking on you. You just happened to make an example of yourself straight after my moan. I just expected a response like this would come, as it's all-too cliche here.


Nope i think your reading too much into things.
"partronizing/insulting" whats patronizing about asking a simple question?
i was merely pointing out i've noticed when theres anything to do with sex or the genders, that CG is always there.
if i'd of said "whenever theres a sex thread CG is always there, probably doesn't get any thats why" (note: im not that kind of person) then you'd have reason to call it insulting. however i haven't said anything remotely like that.

Chaz, from what you've read on here i would assume you understand i don't insult anyone. Even when i say something in retaliation...i do it in a adult level. on that basis there is no valid reason to insult CG.
Yeah, Tachi was clearly making that comment in a lighthearted way. But, this thread, the one about gay marriage and the one about the genders didn't really have anything to do with the act of sexual intercourse, did they?
CitizenGeek said:
Yeah, Tachi was clearly making that comment in a lighthearted way. But, this thread, the one about gay marriage and the one about the genders didn't really have anything to do with the act of sexual intercourse, did they?

Thank you CG for realising that it wasn't an insult.
"But, this thread, the one about gay marriage and the one about the genders didn't really have anything to do with the act of sexual intercourse, did they?" Nope :p i'll admit i was just curious :lol:
CitizenGeek said:
Nah, it's just an interesting topic for me.

I'm surprised that there's only been one vote for the gay option. Though it seems in line with society in general (1 gay person for every 20 straight people does seem about right) but, usually, there's a higer percentage of gays on anime forums.

I've noticed that too about anime communities, lots of bisexuals too. Though given some of the comments I can understand some lurkers not wanting to come out into the open and admit to homosexuality in some forums at times :(

CitizenGeek said:
Tachi- said:
Nope i'll admit i was just curious :lol:

Ah, I see. Well, rest assured that I'm not obsessed with sex, at least not any more than anyone else! :p


I like the Tshirts like the "sex.....when its good, its excellent. when its bad.......its still pretty good :D"

i personaly own the following T shirts;
"if lost, return to nearest pub"
"save the worlds water. drink beer"
"save the water, eat a beaver" (me and my mates laughed for half an hour when i first went out in public wearing it:lol:)
"Whileyourreadingthisi'mstaringatyourboobs" (always a bad idea for 1st dates or in a room full of fat guys:()
To Tachi + CG: Well, if that was the case then I'm sorry for pointing the finger at ya Tachi. If I was asked that I WOULD find it insulting if I were in CG's shoes. I guess when I saw Lin say:
plus the arguements between him, Kurogane and CG, I just blew a fuse.
I would find it insulting lie if someone came up to me (and if I had blonde hair) and they asked "You're gonna dye your hair, right?" You know, the whole stereotypical "blonde = dumb" arrogance. Maybe I just felt like it was a similar situation.

I made a mistake, so I'm sorry guys that I almost spoilt a proper discussion/question. I can be a hopeful optimist at times, or a damning cynic in others.

Anyways, back to topic. It's easier to admit things when you're not face-to-face I'd say. The confessions boxes aren't face-to-face so they can tell the priest anything more comfortably. Maybe it's just psychologically more secure to let things out on a forum (where eyes aren't staring like in a performance) than it is at a pub or to a group etc.

That, and I feel there's a lot more acceptance to homo/bisexual influences in anime/manga. Maybe reading and watching those things as an animation gives them a mental backing to become more open about themselves.
CitizenGeek said:
but, usually, there's a higher percentage of gays on anime forums.
Perhaps some of our Bisexuals are just young Gay people who haven't anchored themselves down yet, or the Gay people you usually perceive actually identify themselves as bisexuals. Or they're just very camp straight guys. Or everyone is lying to themselves or the poll and we all really procreate by releasing spores.
Chaz said:
That, and I feel there's a lot more acceptance to homo/bisexual influences in anime/manga. Maybe reading and watching those things as an animation gives them a mental backing to become more open about themselves.
So the question is, does Anime/Manga bring homo/bisexual people out of themselves, or does something about Anime/Manga attract them to the medium? And if the answer is 'camp value', do we have to hide our heads in shame?
Good point, kupoartist! About the bisexuals just not wanting to brand themselves as gay yet in certain cases.

Chaz said:
Anyways, back to topic. It's easier to admit things when you're not face-to-face I'd say. The confessions boxes aren't face-to-face so they can tell the priest anything more comfortably. Maybe it's just psychologically more secure to let things out on a forum (where eyes aren't staring like in a performance) than it is at a pub or to a group etc.

Yeah, that's probably true to an extent. But I know of some forumers (not necessarily on here) who would worry that if they 'came out' on their forum of choice, no one would really take them seriously any more and they'd be fodder for offensive 'jokes'. Indeed, the behavior exhibited by some of this very forum's less intelligent members seems to prove their presumptions true: I posted about how I thought women were funny, and Kurogane refused to take me seriously citing the fact I was gay, and Lin, Otaku-san (his posting of a joke AIDS cure is absolutely outrageous) and (again) Kurogane have all made weirdly offensive jokes in this very thread, and some of the talk in the gay marriage thread was truly cringe-worthy in how offensive it was, really.

That, and I feel there's a lot more acceptance to homo/bisexual influences in anime/manga.

Well, that's somewhat true, I suppose. But, the yaoi fangirls of the internet are ridiculed on a huge level and most male anime fans are mortified by the minor gay touches in certain anime. Case in point: the Kaworu and Shinji thing in episode 24 of Evangelion. There are anime fans so homophobic that they would deny any kind of romantic feeling between those two in that episode; even though it's clear as day that was Anno's intention.
CitizenGeek said:
Well, that's somewhat true, I suppose. But, the yaoi fangirls of the internet are ridiculed on a huge level and most male anime fans are mortified by the minor gay touches in certain anime

The anime fan is a strange thing we hate each other it's a big circle of hate.
As for the gay thing i know people who have whacked of to boku no pico.(men straight men)
I suppose the whole yaoi anime thing and the bisexual are possibly linked, with the boys in which like anime. They might watch it and feel comfortable about it and yet, they have their own excuses to get out, if someone discovered they liked it such as the whole "story" and "interesting characters" thing.

One of the reasons, I believe CitizenGeek took to Evangelion is because of the bi-shonen character designs. I know there is more to it that attracts him to the series, but on first look he can't deny that you thought the characters were hawt... ;D It works the other way, for the straight people, I think. Cute designs and stuff, -May- attract us to check into a series a little more than purely based upon story.

(Sorry for writing that in-directly, CG.. It just worked out that way. ;p)
CitizenGeek said:
Well, that's somewhat true, I suppose. But, the yaoi fangirls of the internet are ridiculed on a huge level and most male anime fans are mortified by the minor gay touches in certain anime. Case in point: the Kaworu and Shinji thing in episode 24 of Evangelion. There are anime fans so homophobic that they would deny any kind of romantic feeling between those two in that episode; even though it's clear as day that was Anno's intention.

I think it depends on the age, male anime fans tend to chill out on the whole as they get older a bit and get more comfortable with their own sexualities. Females seem to reach this point earlier for whatever reason, maybe on the whole they just worry less about it and worry about other things instead. This is a generalisation as I have encountered homophobic females too; they just don't seem to state it as often.

I don't think BL is very much like real life homosexuality but it probably does help ease us into the idea of it being normal and cool (Kaworu in your Eva example has such a good attitude that he was instantly interesting to me). The type of GL I read - i.e. not bishoujo smut - tends to feel a lot more "realistic" than most BL, probably because it's aimed at girls and the writers have a closer grip on what they're writing about. I love the more realistic BL though as well personally.

BTW I don't think there's much cause to criticise CG for mentioning being gay in a thread which is entirely based around the contributors' sexualities really :) it's not like he just burst into the Sales topic and went into a homosexuality debate out of nowhere or something.

kupoartist said:
Chaz said:
That, and I feel there's a lot more acceptance to homo/bisexual influences in anime/manga. Maybe reading and watching those things as an animation gives them a mental backing to become more open about themselves.
So the question is, does Anime/Manga bring homo/bisexual people out of themselves, or does something about Anime/Manga attract them to the medium? And if the answer is 'camp value', do we have to hide our heads in shame?
Personally, I view that matter of attraction to anime is just for the style of art etc. The non-hetrosexual aspect is somewhat an element of their fandom if anything.
The thing is does the exposer of more gay/bi element in such media necessarily influence (thought to be) hetros to change their feeling towards gay/bi lifestyle? Or does it bring out unaware homo/bisexuals into the light?

As I mentioned in another topic, I still dont believe you can be born gay (but we've talked about that already, lets not dig up old fossils). However, even though I feel these element can comfort the gay/bi comunity, I don't think people are going to "brainwash" people from hetro to gay etc. There's usually a medium between them, where the people themselve have had a homo/bi environment (or anti-hetro depending on circumstances) and therefore after watching such programming (like anime), they feel a lot more accepting to expanding their feelings.

These are just my views and theories, so I bet there's gonna be holes in them. Poke away... ;)
kupoartist said:
CitizenGeek said:
but, usually, there's a higher percentage of gays on anime forums.

Chaz said:
That, and I feel there's a lot more acceptance to homo/bisexual influences in anime/manga. Maybe reading and watching those things as an animation gives them a mental backing to become more open about themselves.

So the question is, does Anime/Manga bring homo/bisexual people out of themselves, or does something about Anime/Manga attract them to the medium? And if the answer is 'camp value', do we have to hide our heads in shame?

The gay community are well represented in the guy who loves another so much to give up his special power (cardcaptors) or even the girl who is infatuated with the heroine (bleach) and so on and on and on.... Not to mention the androginous characters.

I believe that anime represents the gay community outside of the gay community oriented stuff. Which might be a cause for gay / bi / whatever to identify themselves in it. My two p's....
Chaz said:
To Tachi + CG: Well, if that was the case then I'm sorry for pointing the finger at ya Tachi. If I was asked that I WOULD find it insulting if I were in CG's shoes. I guess when I saw Lin say:
plus the arguements between him, Kurogane and CG, I just blew a fuse.
I would find it insulting lie if someone came up to me (and if I had blonde hair) and they asked "You're gonna dye your hair, right?" You know, the whole stereotypical "blonde = dumb" arrogance. Maybe I just felt like it was a similar situation.

I made a mistake, so I'm sorry guys that I almost spoilt a proper discussion/question. I can be a hopeful optimist at times, or a damning cynic in others.

Anyways, back to topic. It's easier to admit things when you're not face-to-face I'd say. The confessions boxes aren't face-to-face so they can tell the priest anything more comfortably. Maybe it's just psychologically more secure to let things out on a forum (where eyes aren't staring like in a performance) than it is at a pub or to a group etc.

That, and I feel there's a lot more acceptance to homo/bisexual influences in anime/manga. Maybe reading and watching those things as an animation gives them a mental backing to become more open about themselves.

Thanks for the apologies mate :thumb:

Don't worry about it, everyone has one of those days. and i'd prefer for someone to blow a fuse at me by mistake and get everything boiling up out of their system. rather than taking it all out on someone who'll get really upset about it.

Agree with the hair comment (refering to the bleach hates gingers thread) i've said my hair used to be blonde, then faded to ginger, and has now faded to brown. so i know where your coming from :)
have had the;
blonde = dumb
ginger = hated by most
brown = has no fun.
(im just happy to say all of them are the complete opposites to me :lol:)

So i know that it could of been construed as offensive. but it wasn't intentional.

Back to the thread. (sorry for going off track everyone)
theres loads of Bi's on anime forums??
well thats news to me :lol:
awwell, whatever floats your boat i guess :)
I think that there's something about Japanese RPGs and anime that attracts us gays. Certainly, there is a disproportionate amount of gay guys on anime and RPG forums (particularly Final Fantasy forums). I reckon a lot of it has to do with how stylish and slick most RPGs and good animes are, but more of it has to do with - I think - the strong female characters (though this, of course, does not apply to all that moe stuff). Whether it's Misato in Eva, Orihime in Bleach, Paprika in Paprika, Major Kusanagi in GitS, Lust and Winry in FMA, Kallen in Code Geass, Rinoa in FFVIII, Tifa and Aeris in FFVII, Yuna in FFX, Ashe in FFXII etc.; there are generally more strong, admirable female characters in anime and RPGs than in any other form of entertainment. And I think that gay guys appreciate that :]

Jayme said:
One of the reasons, I believe CitizenGeek took to Evangelion is because of the bi-shonen character designs. I know there is more to it that attracts him to the series, but on first look he can't deny that you thought the characters were hawt... ;D It works the other way, for the straight people, I think. Cute designs and stuff, -May- attract us to check into a series a little more than purely based upon story.

No ... not really, at all. Most of the characters in every single anime are generally attractive and at the least, not ugly. So, that wasn't really a reason I decided to watch Evangelion. Sure, Shinji, Kaworu, Kaji and Toji are easy on the eye, but if it was good looking male characters I was after, there's better out there and it certainly isn't even remotely relevant to why I love the series so much :p Though, I do agree that an especially attractive cast can be appealing (case in point: Gundam 00).
CitizenGeek said:
Oooh, there are now 2 gay votes! I wonder who the second voter is?
not mine. I'm somehow like retrorainbow. If I were a girl, I would be a lesbian =) specially when I think on my hot lesbian friends, how I wish they were bi... =P
chaos said:
CitizenGeek said:
Oooh, there are now 2 gay votes! I wonder who the second voter is?
not mine. I'm somehow like retrorainbow. If I were a girl, I would be a lesbian =) specially when I think on my hot lesbian friends, how I wish they were bi... =P

True say :lol:

i dared two of my friends to make out for me,
was really good, so i joined in :D

and lauren and em want me to go swimming with them on saturday,
and maybe i can get jenni and lisa to come with ^-^