Relationships and Romance

deep breath So I broke up with my long-distance partner cuz even though I rly care about him I just couldn't handle the distance thing, we are still talking as friends but that's all, I had a date with a guy who lives pretty close by me last night and it went rly well but now I'm worrying that it will all go wrong cuz I always worry about that, he seems rly nice though and he's super cute, and we're meeting again later this week 🥰 I do feel rly excited to see him again 🥰 Here's an existential Evangelion-style puddle emoji to represent my internal discord 🫠

Ohh, K-drama? Neat. Are you watching those online?

It's been mainly Nintendo Switch gaming for me in my free time, dude. I've 100%'d a bunch of Mario games, so that's been a really fun challenge.

I did see Lonely Castle in the Mirror at the cinema earlier this month, though. And I watched the first episode of my Gunbuster Blu-ray set at some point last year. You've definitely watched more than I have lately! 😆
@Neil.T Yep - mostly on Netflix, but I've also been using another streaming service (Viki) for ones Netflix doesn't have! 😄

Mario games are always a good way to spend your time! I don't think I've ever managed to 100% any though 🤔 Have you had a fav so far?
I'm single again but I do have a nice thing to report, I have a really nice cute friend who I've had feelings for for a long time, and I finally told him how I feel, he did turn me down but he was super kind and sweet about it and said some stuff to the effect of he finds me appealing just doesn't want that kind of relationship with me, we were as we always have been, plus we properly hugged (borderline cuddled tbh lol) and we've never really done that before, I'm really happy I have friends as lovely as him and I do believe the right guy is out there for me somewhere and I will find him (as in, there's prob more than one guy who would be a good match, so the odds are better than there's only one guy out there, but I'd be happy just to find and get together with one of them). Honestly it feels like a massive weight has been lifted cuz it was really hard not telling him how I felt, and my heart felt warm and calm after I told him, I feel really great right now 🥰
I had the best first date of my life last night and we're gonna see each other again soon, great chat great laughs great sex and he's rly cute and lovely, I also got a decision on my benefits and they are awarding me the same rates as before so rly happy about that too 🥰

(Everything's coming up Milhouse!) :D
I had the best first date of my life last night and we're gonna see each other again soon, great chat great laughs great sex and he's rly cute and lovely, I also got a decision on my benefits and they are awarding me the same rates as before so rly happy about that too 🥰

(Everything's coming up Milhouse!) :D

That fizzled out but the guy friend who turned me down before changed his mind and he and I cuddled and made out and did uhhh... other fun things and I'm also getting increasingly intimate with my lovely closest girl friend, I'm on cloud 9 today tbh and also have realised I am very very bi and not so heavily straight-leaning, cuz if you asked me what I do in practice I'd say "I mostly go w guys, don't have much luck w women on that front" but if you were to ask me "do you want to have sex and makeout w lots of pretty women? Do you feel deep emotional connections w women that are very intimate sometimes?" it's a definite YES. Also saw my long term FBW yesterday and that was awesome he's amazingly lovely. I'm kind of wondering now if I just love intimate connection both physical and emotional and am not so fussed about the romantic relationship part? Tbh I've had far better more loving respectful treatment from friends I've gotten physical with than pretty much any guy I've tried actually dating. I'm not aromantic exactly, I just really value friendship a lot? Like these people have been there for me through so much and they mean so much to me and they try so much harder for me than most men I've dated, both in and out of the bedroom!


Last week was the best week of my whole life, the weekend rocked, ended up making out w my closest girl friend on Saturday, and then had an amazingly fun lovely date on Sunday w a cutie from London and we def wanna see each other again... he was rly cute and a bit nervous cuz he was so happy and excited to be around me it was sooo sweet, he's non-monogamous too... I'm kinda a lil bit singlehandedly keeping this thread going at this point lol but I'm ok w that XP Hope all's well with everyone, @Vashdaman have you set a date for your wedding? (not asking what that date is cuz that's prob too much info, am just rly excited and happy for you!) :)

The only downside is that now I'm becoming a more extroverted social butterfly, time at home alone is a lil dull and hard to fill lol, I keep stopping by a nearby supermarket just to talk to the people there and so I can bump into the cute guy who works there who keeps complimenting my outfits (and in one recent instance, my lipstick) XP

Thanks Radfem, and glad to hear you're doing pretty darn awesome by the sounds of things! No, no date yet set for the wedding or anything. We're both hoping it won't be too far away and like to sometimes talk about how we want the wedding to be and what songs we want played and stuff, but we've got more immediate financial and job issues to resolve first before we can really put our energy in to it and set a date on anything. It's still really nice for both of us to know that it will be happening at some point (in the hopefully near future) though. Since our engagement we've somehow only become even closer and more inseparable. I feel so chuffed whenever I think that we'll be getting married.
Recently we've put together a small list of mostly classic anime shows to watch through together, so that's exciting. We've started with Pluto though, we're about half way through, I should try to write a review afterwards!
Thanks Radfem, and glad to hear you're doing pretty darn awesome by the sounds of things! No, no date yet set for the wedding or anything. We're both hoping it won't be too far away and like to sometimes talk about how we want the wedding to be and what songs we want played and stuff, but we've got more immediate financial and job issues to resolve first before we can really put our energy in to it and set a date on anything. It's still really nice for both of us to know that it will be happening at some point (in the hopefully near future) though. Since our engagement we've somehow only become even closer and more inseparable. I feel so chuffed whenever I think that we'll be getting married.
Recently we've put together a small list of mostly classic anime shows to watch through together, so that's exciting. We've started with Pluto though, we're about half way through, I should try to write a review afterwards!

Thankyou - I'm so happy you're happy, that all sounds so lovely! I get how things like money can be a bit of an obstacle but I'm 100% rooting for the two of you you sound adorable together 🥰

I'm seeing my lovely girl friend today, rly excited! Though my mental health's dipped a bit for other reasons, but I'm really looking forward to seeing her anyway she's so cute aaah I love the way she blushes X3 My rly hot guy fren is away for a bit and I can't see the exciting new dude until prob next week cuz he's got plans w someone else this weekend, but it's prob a good thing for me to not completely forget how fun just spending time alone at home can be, I feel like my hobbies will likely take more of a backseat going forward, but I do still enjoy them sometimes, would like to keep reading, doing creative projects, watching anime and whatnot... just can be difficult for me to transition between my extrovert and introvert sides, perhaps partly cuz of my being autistic, but hopefully I'll get a better handle on that soon, prob takes a bit of practice like many things in life :)
Think I'm falling (mutually) in love with my closest girl friend... I have been thinking it over, and given we're both perfectly content to be non-monogamous (like seriously she finds it so cute when I gush over how cute the people I'm into are, and this means I don't have to swear off attractive men! And it means that she doesn't have to worry about me being jealous or insecure of her attachments to others either), I feel like this could be a really good thing, I love making her smile she's just so cute and pretty aaaa X3 <3 I realised that perfect relationships don't exist and no matter who I was with romantically I'd have some issues and they would too, and that that's ok, that made me feel a lot better about everything. I think maybe it's about finding someone whose issues kinda work w yours/don't cause too much upset for each other? Realising that allowed me not to feel so guilty/forgive myself for not being every aspect the perfect dream partner. I wanna go out on cute dates w her just so I can show off how proud I am to have her on my arm to everyone and be so publically affectionate that it makes at least one bystander roll their eyes and go "ugghh" 🤭 I'm seeing her tomorrow and then my lovely long term FWB on Friday - yaaaaaaaay!!! :D

Also, a cute slightly older man I saw in the street told me I'm beautiful and everything I'm wearing looks very nice today, which was a lovely little surprise on a day with no social plans :)
I'm going to be 30 in around 3 months time, which has made me think about my relationships and romance - hence I'm making a comment on this thread.

I haven't been in a long term relationship since I was 24. I have had a few casual encounters between then and now, but nothing major. I'm of the generation that experienced the rise in social media and technology as a teenager/young person; I had a Facebook account in ~2008 and dating apps like Tinder were just coming out and gaining popularity when I was finishing college and starting university. I ditched modern social media a while ago now and my mental health has been much better for it - I prefer forums and communities like this where it is a lot slower and what you see isn't decided by some algorithm.

I have been with both men and women and I would say that I am quite open to most people. For me, it's about how someone makes me feel and how we connect with each other - of course, physical attraction is important as well. I guess what I am trying to say is I'm not bothered about what someone has between their legs, how they identify, or their sexuality - "any hole's a goal" as they say.

Despite all that, I find myself feeling quite apathetic when it comes to looking for a relationship nowadays, probably like many people. In my free time all I want to do is relax, unwind from work, and do activities that I am interested in - do I really want to spend my free time trying to impress someone, paying for dates, getting ghosted, stood up, and all the other things that come with modern dating?

I think it would be nice to be with someone long term again and to have someone to spend time with and do things with, but all the baggage that comes with a relationship is not appealing to me. I guess we'll see where life goes - I really don't want to turn 30 😅
I'm going to be 30 in around 3 months time, which has made me think about my relationships and romance - hence I'm making a comment on this thread.

I haven't been in a long term relationship since I was 24. I have had a few casual encounters between then and now, but nothing major. I'm of the generation that experienced the rise in social media and technology as a teenager/young person; I had a Facebook account in ~2008 and dating apps like Tinder were just coming out and gaining popularity when I was finishing college and starting university. I ditched modern social media a while ago now and my mental health has been much better for it - I prefer forums and communities like this where it is a lot slower and what you see isn't decided by some algorithm.

I have been with both men and women and I would say that I am quite open to most people. For me, it's about how someone makes me feel and how we connect with each other - of course, physical attraction is important as well. I guess what I am trying to say is I'm not bothered about what someone has between their legs, how they identify, or their sexuality - "any hole's a goal" as they say.

Despite all that, I find myself feeling quite apathetic when it comes to looking for a relationship nowadays, probably like many people. In my free time all I want to do is relax, unwind from work, and do activities that I am interested in - do I really want to spend my free time trying to impress someone, paying for dates, getting ghosted, stood up, and all the other things that come with modern dating?

I think it would be nice to be with someone long term again and to have someone to spend time with and do things with, but all the baggage that comes with a relationship is not appealing to me. I guess we'll see where life goes - I really don't want to turn 30 😅

Speaking as a 35 year old, it's honestly not as bad as you think, I'm actually having way more and better encounters than I did in my 20s! :)

But I totally get what you mean about how much effort you typically have to put into finding a romantic relationship, it can be very frustrating, and while I'm really glad that dating apps exist (I met most of my best friends on them), I think one of the unfortunate aspects of them is that it becomes a reason you're "not allowed" to just give up on dating and do other things, which is sad IMO, we've kind of forgotten how many different routes there are to happiness perhaps? :)