Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Watchmen 9/10

I went in with the assumption that it wouldn't be as good as graphic novel - which it wasn't, but as far as comic adaptions go this is one of the best I've seen. The plot made it almost entirely entact, while some of the shots look like they've been lifted straight out of the comic book. Pretty much the best job I could have hoped for on a Watchmen film.

Perhaps it was a little too long, but that never bothered me much - it made good use of it's running time.
Osmosis Jones - 6/10

Entertaining, but felt that the live-action/animation mix didn't work completely
Watchmen - 8/10

Loved it. It was a brilliant realisation of the comic, IMO. My only gripes are the miscasting of the Veidt character and the overtly-cartoony feel of the fight scenes (far too reminiscent of Power Rangers and that kind of mindless fighting) which betrayed the original grittiness. Other than that, I think it was excellent. The choice of music really added to the movie, and the writers done a good job with abridging the story.
The Chaser (Korean) - Well made film but there were things that annoyed the hell out of me.

For that reason I am undecided between a 7 or 8.

But definitely worth watching.
Watchmen 8/10. I think it is becoming a bit of a consensus. I loved the opening and the first 2 hours or so but then it started to lose it. Missing out bits that should have stayed to develop the story, like all of Adrian's history. Although they did leave probably Rorshach's best line in "None of you understand. I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me."
Yeah, the character of Rorschach was perfectly cast. I think that line was brilliantly delivered; the entire audience in the cinema loved it. Veidt was not well-cast at all, but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Overall, I'm very very happy with how the movie turned out :]
I really hope if they do something like a full on 5 hour DVD set of the director's cut they actually put the Black Freighter pieces in and all the character back stories, like why Dr Manhattan is seen carving the symbol for Hydrogen into his forehead, and how Rorschach gets his mask.
CitizenGeek said:
Was the story of Rorschach getting his mask even in the original comic?

Yeh. It was when Rorschach was working in a tailors, or some similar clothing outlet. He was asked to design a custom dress but the customer didn't like it so he created a mask out of it.
Rorschach's mask question came up a few times when my friends got out of it, and I had to explain. :/

Watchmen, 8/10.

My first 18-rated movie, and it was a spectacle. I've not seen 300 but I think I'll be able to stomach all the slow-motion now! Generally, though, I was happy with the way the movie fell together. I thought it would feel disjointed, but it flowed nicely. Snyder's static camera-work makes me feel like I've just watched a comic book and I couldn't be more happy with that.

My rating will probably go up to 10/10 when the film turns up on disc [The Black Freighter Extended Super Version]. It's a definite purchase for BD.
Watchmen - 6/10

Wasn't as big on it as some of you lot seem to be. Quite an exhausting experience, a lot going on with a long running time. Still it was pretty ballsy for a super hero movie, they didn't seem to hold anything back. That's not always a good thing though. I think this time I agree with Alan Moore, as a graphic novel you have time to take it in.

Gran Torino - 9/10

What can I say, I'm a big Eastwood fan and this doesn't disappoint. Even nearing 80 years old he proves just as, if not even more, an intimidating force as he did 30 years ago. At it's core though the movie was about relationships and the key to that was they didn't feel forced or unnatural but grew with the film.
The Da Vinci Code - 5/10

Not anywhere as good as the book (and good adaptations with abridged stories are possible - Watchmen, for example) and the pacing, particularly at the start of the movie, was atrociously bad.
Sy said:
I think this time I agree with Alan Moore, as a graphic novel you have time to take it in.

I think it works better along side the novel. I can't see myself understanding a lot of it without reading the novel prior. Also, I thought you'd give it lower than an 6...
Stargate, 5/10.

I'm surprised something so meager can spawn such a franchise that seemingly relies on the concept of the Stargate. I'm also surprised by the fact that most fans say the movie is pure brilliance as opposed to their 15 season, two show Sci-Fi darlings. Yeah. I'm still going to look into S G-1, then Atlantis, then Universe and hopefully be surprised by something that isn't as ... undeveloped and "Independence Day" as this was.
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