After finishing the Watchmen novel today (Which was a good read, nothing amazing.) I rushed to the cinema to catch the last screening of the day to see the adaptation. Gonna risk my neck out here but... I liked the film more so than the graphic novel itself.
There was some alterations obviously and a few scenes were taken out that I enjoyed like Dan and Laurie's mention of DEVO but it's nothing awful. The film is far more violent than I anticipated so I guess the graphic novel isn't very "graphic". Har har har. Laurie wasn't that much of a whore in the film either, most of her whiney/annoying dialogue was gone.
So the ending got changed, no big deal, at the end of the day the same result happens, Rorschach's death in general was far better with Nite Owl actually watching his friend getting obliterated and Ozymandius got beaten a little which I felt he needed in the comic so I'm pleased with that. Dr. Manhatten I never liked much in the comic because of his views and how he percieves time as a whole, but I liked him a little more in the film, but ah well.
8/10 for me.
I resisted temptation with the graphic novel but after seeing him in the film I think I have fallen to his charm, I have decided I will become a fan of the Heath Ledger of Watchmen, Rorschach. He feels so lifeless in the comic, but bringing him to life has won me over, his mannerisms and voice... my God.