Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Ironman - 8/10 - Found this to be a fairly strong addition to the superhero films as of late, very well cast and nothing seemed overdone at all. Wee clip at the end was nice too, so going to look forward to Ironman 2 when its released.
Dragonball: Evolution - 2/10

Wow. Just wow. Recommended to all those with suicidal tendencies and want something to give them that extra push.

The acting was bad, the dialog was cringe-worthy and when Picollo meets the good guy, he has the lousiest entrance I could of thought possible. I thought that he had a chance of saving the movie, but no dice.

And if you're planning to watch this for some live Dragonball-esque fight then don't get your expectations up. There are none. They just fire beams at each other...
The exception is Chi-Chi's fight which didn't last long.

Guys, expect a sequal.

"The Dragonballs are gone!"
"Well then, we better go find them again!"
A Korean film called Blood Rain directed by Kim Dae-seung.

10 out of 10.

Excellent everything! Sets, costumes, direction, cinematography, performances etc. It's a beautiful film. It's also got plenty of gristly bits. The plot is soooo good!

I recommend this to EVERYONE!!! I thoroughly enjoyed this film all the way through. My wife didn't like the end but hey, you can't please them all.

I have the official Korean release. I don't know if/when this terrific film will be released in the UK. It's bound to though in my opinion as it's fantastic.

I haven't seen it yet but to everyone who enjoys Korean horror, Hansel and Gretel is getting it's UK release on April 6th!
After finishing the Watchmen novel today (Which was a good read, nothing amazing.) I rushed to the cinema to catch the last screening of the day to see the adaptation. Gonna risk my neck out here but... I liked the film more so than the graphic novel itself.

There was some alterations obviously and a few scenes were taken out that I enjoyed like Dan and Laurie's mention of DEVO but it's nothing awful. The film is far more violent than I anticipated so I guess the graphic novel isn't very "graphic". Har har har. Laurie wasn't that much of a whore in the film either, most of her whiney/annoying dialogue was gone.

So the ending got changed, no big deal, at the end of the day the same result happens, Rorschach's death in general was far better with Nite Owl actually watching his friend getting obliterated and Ozymandius got beaten a little which I felt he needed in the comic so I'm pleased with that. Dr. Manhatten I never liked much in the comic because of his views and how he percieves time as a whole, but I liked him a little more in the film, but ah well.

8/10 for me.

I resisted temptation with the graphic novel but after seeing him in the film I think I have fallen to his charm, I have decided I will become a fan of the Heath Ledger of Watchmen, Rorschach. He feels so lifeless in the comic, but bringing him to life has won me over, his mannerisms and voice... my God.
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Lupus said:
Rorschach's death in general was far better with Nite Owl actually watching his friend getting obliterated

You can't be serious. It's a good scene, I agree. But it's spectacularly cliché and as such not in the spirit of the graphic novel.
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I think the last film i watched was Dances with Wolves. It's a pretty slow paced film, but for someone who is really interested in Native American culture and history like me it was really enjoyable. I give it 7.5/10
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus said:
Rorschach's death in general was far better with Nite Owl actually watching his friend getting obliterated

You can't be serious. It's a good scene, I agree. But it's spectacularly cliché and as such not in the spirit of the graphic novel.
Why wouldn't I be serious...? Of course, I think it was better doesn't mean you will as well. Holywood cliché with the "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" was far more rewarding than Nite Owl and Silk Spectre II just... laying there together.
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Tales Of The Black Freighter and Under The Hood. 7/10

I can see how they were missed out of the cinema release of the Watchmen as I can't see how they would have been fitted in and not turned off the general movie going public. They were both well done and do add something to the overall experience, but unless they are fitted in correctly they will just make a long film longer and could detract from the main story.
Snatch - 10/10.

Rating it on how much I enjoyed it, a full 10. Instantly became one of my favourite films. The characters made the film. Funny, stylish and gruesome.
Hoping to watch Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels tonight, now!
50 First Dates - 5.5/10

I gave it an extra .5 since i found it oddly touching at the end, but all in all it was a watchable but pretty adverage romantic comedy.
Quantum of Solace - 2/10

Just rewatched this and this time I've been much less favourable towards it. The frantic cuts that last no more then a couple of seconds each, the shaky camera work and the fact that the camera is zoomed in extremely close to the action makes scenes confusing and on the small screen practically unwatchable.

The saving grace is the opera scene which actually made me remember Bond was a spy somewhere in there. It's a shame because Craig is a great Bond but this doesn't show it. This movie needs to be reedited and rereleased.
Juno, 10/10.

I love over-the-top unrealistic pop-culture referencing dialogue, and because of it, I knew I'd love this movie and I did. Juno felt like Rory Gilmore during some scenes, maybe a bit more upfront than her, but the high witticism level between both characters is the same. Directing was average, but the screenplay, from my point of view was worthy of the Academy Award. Ellen Page's delivery of that larger-than-life text was impressive as well.
Dumplings - 7/10

A random azn horror film I watched with the girlfriend a few nights ago! But yes, I'll some it up in one word:


I don't think I'll ever choose Chinese dumplings next time I go a restaurant...

Spoiler tags, not because it's a spoiler, but because you might be eating lunch or what not while reading this ^^:

The story line is about a woman who cooks fetuses and uses them as the main ingredient for her dumplings. Apparently to more human-like they are, the more nutritious the dumplings become. Crunchy Crunchy bones... oh, yeah. People actually eat these, disregarding what's in them! It's all in an effort to look younger and improve their complexion.

Oh, and there's a sex scene or two ^^
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Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
The story line is about a woman who cooks fetuses and uses them as the main ingredient for her dumplings.
On a related note for those who don't already know,
the placenta can reportedly be eaten
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'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' - 8/10

And here me, thinking this was going to be a happy film. It gripped me to the end, despite the little niggles. I mean, little kids working in the camp? They were immediately killed by gas for being young.

I liked how the friendship between these two boys developed, it was rather good to see. But the ending just made me die a little inside as Bruno pretend to be a Jew to get into the Concentration Camp with Schmaul, trying to find his father, but they, along with the others, were all guided to the gas chamber, killing them =/

I think it's a good ending and I wouldn't have it any other way. But it's the reason I don't want to watch it again. It really had an effect on me =/
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Watchmen - 7.5/10

It was a very decent film. The characters were deep and wonderful, the world and the storyline rich. I imagine that if i had been a fan of the graphic novels before watching the film i would have given it a higher rating. But as i wasn't i thought it was too long, with the story i feel perhaps getting lost in places. I would have enjoyed it more if i could have watched it in two or more parts on the tv, with space to digest each characters role more fully.
Revolver - 8/10

I finally got the chance to watch it, as you can see. It was quite a good film, but very confusing and really plays with the minds of the viewers. Nonetheless it was due to this fact that it was quite interesting and very smart. Some of the gun fights in it were quite entertaining to watch too.

Ray Loitta was amazing.
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