Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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jonboy said:
Outlawstar said:
History of Violnce 10/10

Amazing movie, stunningly visceral, and some truly memorably directed scenes, man anyone who hasint seen this, Id advise you do so NOW!!!!

I have got this and eastern promises in my dvd collection waited to be watched. Looks like they will be going near to the top of the pile!

Nice, Eastern Promises is amazing aswell, not your average gangster movie by any means, make sure you watch History of Violence first though....have fun^^
Underworld - 8/10.

The critical reception to this movie was dire, so I wasn't expecting much (but I still gave in to the coolness of the film's plot - which is basically: aristocratic vampires vs. brutal werewolves - and bought the DVD in a sale). But it was very entertaining and the visual style was impressive. I also found the intricate backstory was interesting and I want to know more! :]
My Stepmother Is an Alien, 7/10.

That rating is way too high, but this movie is hilariously bad. I watched it because of Alyson Hannigan and Seth Green, and let me tell you; Seth Green has changed a lot since 1988... Alyson, not so much.

Aliens drinking car batteries ? ludicrous I say.
Yes Man - 8/10 best movie of the season, IMO

The spirit - 4/10 looks amazing, but killed a character I really liked with some superpower non-sense =( The spirit used to be fun without having any super power.
Once Upon a Time in High School - 8.5-9/10

Going into it, I was expecting no more than a decent, low budget martial arts flick. I got it for £1.99 new and it's a Korean film - I didn't see how it could be great. How wrong I was...

Rather than being an action film, it turned out to be an involving drama about high school life in Korea back when it was normal for kids to be beaten by military people inside schools. It was a story about a boy becoming a man, a love story, a tale of friendship and, of course, it had some nice fight scenes thrown in. I thought the actors were excellent - they all looked AND acted the parts they had to play. The film also had beautiful visuals and music. It was very close to being perfect.

...however, I do have a few issues with the film:

1: How did Hyun-soo go from not being able to fight to being able to fight Woo-sik? I thought at first Hyun had hid his real skills but that doesn't go with how he couldn't take punches and didn't fight very well in the mass brawl scene.
2: This is related to the above. I didn't like how it took Hyun all of five minutes to learn how to fight like Bruce Lee...or rather, since he was a fan and knew some of his moves already, I didn't like how quickly he was able to train his body.
3: Why did Hyun hit the head of the student patrol on the back of the head multiple times just before the end, when they were headed to the roof to fight? I know the student patrol never fought fair but it seemed odd for the main character to cowardly attack from behind... I thought the idea of Hyun fighting him was to beat him without cheating.

I can ignore the above points and enjoy the film (I've watched it twice already), but they do bother me somewhat.

The Last King of Scotland (rewatched) - 8.5-9/10

A very, very, very good film. Forest Whitaker, who I always remember for his distinctive lazy eye that makes him standout from his perfect looking Hollywood peers, put in the performance of his life and made the film brilliant to watch. How he switched from scary to funny and back to scary was totally believable - he fooled me into thinking I was watching a real African dictator and not an American actor.

My only issue with this film was the ending. Although the rest the film never felt forced or impossible to accept, I couldn't swallow how the Scot was allowed to randomly escape after the people torturing him left him, giving him the chance to do a runner. It was even more difficult to accept the fact that a black doctor helped him, even after telling the Scot that he deserved to die.

Mean Streets - 6-7/10

I didn't get this film at all. It seemed to move along with no purpose from start to finish, never having much impact on me and never coming across as a very well made film. I found out after watching that it was made based on the experiences of the director, which didn't surprise me when I'd thought it was more like a documentary than a film while watching. The random ending left me feeling indifferent about the film.
In Bruges 8/10

Solid film. I did have a few issues with it but as long as you don't expect a full on comedy most should enjoy it. Great use of the city as well.
High Plains Drifter - 9/10

One of the best and darkest westerns I've ever seen and with a great air of mystery at the conclusion. Eastwood's portrayal of the American west and the lone rider makes John Wayne seem like a teddy bear in comparison. Eastwood's stranger is unlikeable and self serving, within the first 10 minutes of entering the town he kills three men and rapes a woman. He then continues throughout the movie to take whatever he wants with the premise that he's going to help the town.
Yes Man - 8-9/10

Wasn't sure whether to give it an 8 or 9, so leaving it somewhere around there anyway. Very enjoyable and very funny film, good to see Jim Carrey playing a great role too, the last one i saw him in wasn't as great as i had hoped. Still definitely worth the watch this was, and no doubt one i'll buy when released.
Yes Man - 4/10

Not that great. By the book comedy similar to other films he's done like Liar Liar and Bruce Almighty. Carrey doesn't go all out wacky constantly which is fine by me because I tire of his style of comedy very quickly. Carrey is really starting to show his age too. He needs to move on and leave these kinds of roles behind him. I got a few chuckles but the thing is Bruce Almighty took a similar story structure and made it a whole lot more entertaining. Guy who feels trapped in his life, finds a way of dealing with it (saying yes/becoming god), going too far and hurting people he loves, followed by the big realization. Lesson learned.

In the end it wasn't really a chore to sit through but the movie is so underwhelming that it might as well not have been made at all.
Underworld: Evolution - 8/10

I know that, objectively, this series is probably not very good. But it's just so cool and entertaining that I don't even notice! I'm looking forward to Rise of the Lycans :]
Resident Evil: Degeneration - (7)8/10

Was waiting for this for a long while, glad i finally got to watch it, and its definitely something i'd watch again. Story wise, its typical Resi style, just as i'd hoped it would be, and not only that back to basics. End was, at least for a big resi fan like me, brilliant, and links directly into Resident Evil 5 more than i expected. Tricell taking over Wipharma, Tricell being the organisation that is working in africa in RE5.. The 7 in brackets is, in my view, what i'd give it if i where to just watch it as a stand alone thing, or new to resi.
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Getting into my Herzog / Kinski boxset...

Aguirre, The Wrath of God: 8.5/10
Like Apocolypse Now (or Heart of Darkness, if you prefer) with Conquistadors. Coppola even acknowledges it was an influence on him. A very good film about an isolated group of men driven (or quite possibly already) insane for dreams of power and wealth.

Fitzcarraldo: 9.5/10
I don't know if words can adequately sum up this film, so here's a picture:

That's a 300 ton steamboat being dragged over a mountain. For real. See this film.
Seven Pounds - 10/10

You know it's nice to go to the cinema and see a movie with originality and doesn't patronize the audience. I've seen people say that it's confusing well they must not have seen the same movie I was watching because it's all clear in the end. Throughout the film Smith goes around without explaining his actions. He knows what he's doing but we don't. It keeps you guessing, it keeps it interesting and it also helps to put you in the place of the people he meets. We know about as much as them and it helps a lot. Perfect performances all round and Smith deals with so many conflicting emotions in the lead with ease.

I'm giving this a perfect 10 because it's been a while since I've seen a new film and come away feeling completely satisfied and like I've seen something fresh.
Role Models - 8.72/10 - It was funny, the jokes were great, but it seemed a bit awkward/unfunny at parts. Overall, very enjoyable and definietly worth a watch.
Mad Detective 8/10

Very good unusual film. I am not sure how valid my score is because you certainly need to watch it more than once. It can be confusing at times so I probably missed some important points.
Repo! The Genetic Opera 8/10.

It suffers a bit from the usual getting untrained actors to sing, but all the actors seem pretty well cast and the music is a pretty good mix up of opera meets industrial meets show tunes. The story is a pretty basic and predictable one but works well, you can finance you organ transplants and surgery but fail to pay and the Repoman comes to collect. In style it is very much a Blade Runner meets Rocky Horror with some gore thrown in.
American Psycho 8/10
Deliciously sinister movie about a wall street ******** by day and murderous deviant by night. The best moments in this film IMO focus on the materialistic mentality of the main protaganist's colleagues and the elitism present in his social circle. The Huey Lewis scene actually had me cracking up whilst other scenes left me feeling distinctly uneasy.
A great performance by christian bale who shows the clear contrast between his two personalities, his night-time assailant and the working hours facade.
Tis good
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