Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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I don't know his name - never seen him before - but he was the star of the movie. He was totally believable as the leader of the seven, he never made a stupid move or let emotions cloud his judgement. The clapping trick he used to test the rookue cowboy's speed was excellent. If the collection was his I would've seen all 4 films by now.

It must be embarrasing for Mcqueen for him to play a secondary role in a film that's part of a movie collection with his name on. I wouldn't be best pleased.

Edit: For those interested, here's a link to the tin set for £5. It's worth it just for TMS alone.

http://hmv.com/hmvweb/advancedSearch.do ... rimaryID=5
Lucky Number Slevin: 8.5/10

I haven't the faintest clue why this film got so many bad reviews. It's stylishly directed, the dialogue is funny (often verging on brilliant) and the plot keeps you interested. And as for acting - Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Ben Kingsley and Lucy Liu. Beat That.
Koyaanisqatsi: 9.5/10

Double post again! I'm watching more films than anime...

Fantastically, awesomely brilliant film. It only doesn't get 10 because some of the stock footage jars quite badly with the scenes shot specifically for the film. Nothing a good remaster couldn't sort out, I'm sure.

For those who don't know it, it's simply footage juxtaposing the natural and man made worlds set to a spine tingling Philip Glass soundtrack. At the risk of sounding twee, it really is one of those films you owe it to yourself to watch at least once.
I found myself watching a number of movies this weekend.

The Hunchback of Notredame, 8/10. Still working my way through the Disney canon, and haven't been disappointed yet. I hear the original novel was much darker and Quasimodo wasn't as likeable as this version, but the film was brilliant. Not my favourite Disney, but some real great songs. I disliked the Gargoyles, though.

Knocked Up, 9/10. My second Apatow/Rogen comedy, following Superbad, which was good, but I liked Knocked Up more. Something I find terrific in these movies is that through all the superficial comedy there lies some really strong relationships between the characters.

Dumbo, 7/10. Early Disney is often the most strange thing, enjoyable but very strange. I can't bring myself to say I love the movie or it's characters, but I enjoyed it very much. The Pink Elephant scene has been weird ever since it's creation.

The Little Mermaid, 9/10. The first in the Disney Renaissance I found to be a fabulous Disney princess-movie, and a movie I have never ever seen. I knew the songs and I knew the characters but to see the story and the animation was magnificent.

Stardust, 8/10. The rating was either going to be a high 7, or a low 8, and that is what it got. I haven't read Neil Gaiman's Graphic Novel, so I didn't know what to expect, but what I found was an amazing romance story with some comedy which was occasionally ruined by some fantasy cliché's. It began like a Harry Potter movie, with it's awful over-use of CG (which plagued it throughout) and iffy-yet-real British accents together with some Narnia (I hated) and Lord of the Rings elements thrown in for good measure. A movie I tried to dislike, but as it went on, fell into it's charm.
Cloverfield 7/10 - Entertaining and fun to watch. The ending was dumb, though.

Dogtown and Z-boys 9/10 - This is a documentary. It's what Lords Of Dogtown is based on. Really good and the footage and photos were quite interesting.

The Shining 9/10 - Wow. I can't believe I haven't seen this earlier. It's a really strange and interesting film. The characters are all very weird and unusual. There's lots of parts which don't make sense at first and are very mysterious, but later on they tie in with other parts and make sense :p.

Waynes World 7/10 - It was funny at times. Nothing great. Best part would have to be when that huge guy throws Garth. So, he goes out to his car, and strangely enough he has a belt with some electricity generator.. thing(?) on? It made no sense, but was strangely entertaining ;D.
American Psycho - 10/10 I've been watching all sorts of horror movies every Saturday and finally made time to watch this and I wasn't disappointed. Even though I knew what to expect, I was still very much impressed.
...or maybe it's just because a chainsaw was included *-*

Resident Evil Degeneration - 7/10 I haven't been up to date on a lot of game or anime related news since I've been without my lappy so I wasn't aware of Degeneration's existence! *major facepalm*
It wasn't bad. I'm a Resi fan anyway so I was pretty pleased with how they followed the story but as I watched it online, I can't really criticise much.

Suicide Club - 6/10 A random Japanese spoofy-horror that I watched one Saturday when I probably should have been doing some coursework. There was plenty to satisfy my newly found weekend bloodlust (even though it was orange O-o)
However, I'm just not a fan of the ending but I didn't really take the movie seriously to begin with, it was just a somewhat fun movie to watch.

Twilight - 2/10 T_T Well I decided against being the grouchy one in my group of friends, gave in to peer pressure and watched this on the last day of school.
I'm not even going to comment on it.
The best part was the trailer for "The Spirit" before the movie started.
>>Xel<< said:
Twilight - 2/10 T_T Well I decided against being the grouchy one in my group of friends, gave in to peer pressure and watched this on the last day of school.
I'm not even going to comment on it.
The best part was the trailer for "The Spirit" before the movie started.
I find it worrisome that the best part of a movie is a trailer.... but yeah, the spirit will be awesome =)
chaos said:
>>Xel<< said:
Twilight - 2/10 T_T Well I decided against being the grouchy one in my group of friends, gave in to peer pressure and watched this on the last day of school.
I'm not even going to comment on it.
The best part was the trailer for "The Spirit" before the movie started.
I find it worrisome that the best part of a movie is a trailer.... but yeah, the spirit will be awesome =)

Yeah, I mean, I'm probably being a bit harsh on Twilight. I attempted to read the first book and managed well enough but I just didn't enjoy it.

It could be due to the fact that the book is crap or that it ruins one of my favourite horror conventions - Vampires.
I know for a fact that it was the hype that annoyed me the most though, being in an all-girls school means that any tripe targerted at or around my age group will be ringing in my ears for the next few months. D=

But I'm a hypocrite, I moan when girls are being fangirly, but then I go and do the same for something else. Just something a trillion times better - i.e Batman
HellBoy II 8/10 Easy watching to be honest. Story had a beginning and end however HellBoy wasn't as beefy as he was in the first film and Fish buy was played by a different actor. As expected the special effects are what make the movie. Their awesome.

The Holiday 6/10 Was ok I suppose. Watched this more for my misses sake. I find all these Rom Coms to be very generic nowadays. Still an ok film like.
I didn't post here, because I was planning on watching another movie over the course of the weekend, but that as of yet hasn't happened. So, on Saturday I watched:

Close Encounters of a Third Kind, 8/10.

Brilliant film. Neary annoyed me though. Spielberg for some reason forgot didn't mention what happens after this loser goes off with some aliens. He established and built upon for an considerable amount of time the idea of his family, only to leave the conclusion up to us. Many people saw the ships, but none of them had such bad prioritising that they had to leave everything behind to be probed. Ugh. The pointless red lights, The Significance of the Devils Tower ? PFFT

Luc... Spielberg made a mess of his own creation. But, alike Lucas, it was memorable.
chaos said:
>>Xel<< said:
Twilight - 2/10 T_T Well I decided against being the grouchy one in my group of friends, gave in to peer pressure and watched this on the last day of school.
I'm not even going to comment on it.
The best part was the trailer for "The Spirit" before the movie started.

I find it worrisome that the best part of a movie is a trailer....

Any films that contain Vampires and have a rating of "U" can't be good.

Die Hard 2 - 6/10

Not bad, but nothing on the first one either. Can't really top Alan Rickman as a German terrorist XD.
Maltos said:
chaos said:
but yeah, the spirit will be awesome =)
The trailers looks pretty good but I worry because Frank Miller directed it. And Frank Miller's gone bloody mental recently.
Miller's just balanced on that genius/insanity line, he tends to fall off to one side from time to time. This would seem to be one of those occasions. And not one where he came down on the genius side.
8MM - 8.5/10

This has to be one of the most underrated films ever made. 6.2/10 on IMDB and I'd never even heard of it until I saw Play trying to get rid of it for £1.99 a few days ago. I'm VERY happy I ordered it anyway due to Cage and Phoenix being in it and some people calling it "Se7en 2."

The story of 8MM is about a private investigator (Cage) getting a job to investigte if a snuff film found in the safe of a dead rich man is real. At first he assumes it's just pornography but it soon becomes apparent that what's on the film isn't fake when his investigation leads him to the mother of a missing girl. From there he enters into the dark world of underground pornography in order to find out what lead up to what took place on the film and who did it.

I wouldn't go quite as far as to suggest that 8MM is on the same level as the brillance that is Se7en. The same writer created the stories of both films, and both films deal with dark and difficult subjects, but the execution in Se7en was near perfect and the lead duo put in their best performances. There was also no jaw dropping twist at the end of 8MM - it had a thrilling yet straightforward ending in comparison. However, it's fair to say that 8MM does at the very least live up to its title as "Se7en 2" because it'd be a worthy sequel.
^Pretty much agree with that. Thought the direction was a little clunky but was solid and intentionally made you uncomfortable while at the same time the need to depict the brutality graphically was restrained (at least from what i remember).

Normally I don't enjoy Cage's acting much but this is one of the times that he held his own. It wasn't a stand out performance but he worked in the role. Enjoyed is the wrong word to describe how I felt after the film, much like Seven but I was engrossed throughout and it left an impact. I'd give it around a 7 - 7.5/10.
^ That's the good thing about both Se7en and 8MM: as much as possible was left to the imagination of the viewer. The scene in Se7en where a guy was forced to screw a prostitute with a knife instead of his dick is a great example - it was only described. I think only actual killers would've wanted to see graphic depictions of the crimes, so it was a wise move not to make them into gore festivals.

Stir of Echoes - 7.5/10
A decent flick about a guy starting to see ghosts and ending up solving the puzzle behind the dead girl that haunts him. It wasn't a great film, with the main character seeming to turn a bit nuts with little shown, and I already saw a similar story involving Bacon before. It was thanks to Bacon that my interest levels never went too low - he's a top draw actor, one who picks difficult roles to challenge himself.

The Life of David Gale - 9/10
Terrific story. Spacey's always a joy to watch and he was fantastic as David Gale - a man who was forced to watch his life fall apart after a rape allegation ruined his career and caused his wife to leave him. Even though the majority of the film was a series of flashbacks that occurred during the final 4 days of Gale's life, with the focus switching back to the present every now and then, the film never bored me - it was really well put together.

The Candyman - 6/10
Going into this, I was expecting to **** my pants. As a precaution I even went to the loo in advance. Yet, even though I watched it in the dark, the film never scared or shocked me. Most disappointing for a film some describe as "the most scary film ever." Maybe they watched a different film? But, on the brightside, the main character had great tits, and that makss the film worthy of my 6/10 score.
The Dark Knight - 8/10. Watching it a second time, on on DVD as opposed to cinema, really takes the shine off of this movie. It's still fantastic, but not 10/10 quality as I originally thought.
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