Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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The Dark Knight 9/10. I think it was a very good film and had many well thought out scenes. I am not going to rate it any higher as I still feel it was not totally perfect in the pacing of some sections.
Christmas TV eh!

The Polar Express - 3/10
Tom Hanks everywhere you look! The whole movie just seemed like one event after another and for the most part just seemed like an excuse for something to happen. I didn't really care about the characters or what they were doing but it was a nice message in the end I suppose. Tom Hanks is a crappy Santa but maybe that's just because he voices about 5 other characters in the movie without really sounding much different. It felt Christmassy at least.

The Bridge on the River Kwai - 10/10
A true classic for me and one of my favourite movies. Alec Guinness gives an amazing performance as the conflicted Colonel Nicholson. The final scene where he realizes just what he's done is still one of my favourites. Every time I see it part of me thinks that it'll be different but it's of course always the same. Jolly good show.

March of the Penguins 9/10

Not many people don't like Penguins and even less don't like Morgan Freeman. Freeman has the perfect voice for narration, capturing the humour and hardships these animals endure. I don't know if it was the elements of the movie combining it into a narrative but I found the connection the Penguins have to their young moving. The attachment is something that I'm sure humans can relate to as well. It made me realize that Penguins would probably be better parents than a lot of people are.

What else did I watch...

Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death - 8/10
As always, a big mess of fun. Spotting all the little jokes and references always provides a good reason to revisit and the Ghost reference just tipped it over the edge. Good times.
Cloverfield (re-watched) - 9/10
It was less exciting second time around but I still feel it's the best 'big monster' film in existence. I love how the handheld camera adds a sense of realism that every other film involving a gigantic monster lacks. A real steal for only £2.99 (Play.com).

Tears of the Suns - 7/10
The dialogue was woeful and Bruce Willis was wooden throughout. It would've been much better if Monica had got naked and it had a decent script. The epic shootout near the end saved the film from being quite poor.

Eye of the Needle - 7/10
It was made in 1981 and its age showed. The performance of Sutherland as a German spy was great, and Nelligan put in a good performance (both in terms of hur chest and acting) as tragic love interest. It was enjoyable to sit through due to the quality acting but the story was a bit too straightforward, the romance was far too rushed and it didn't have a great deal of impact on me.
The Number 23 - 5/10

Nothing amazing but I honestly don't see why this movie has been derailed by critics as much as it has been. Some were even calling it one of the worst movies they've ever seen but really it's not THAT bad in the slightest. At the very least the premise is genuinely interesting and the cast give all round solid performances. The movie does get easy to predict and goes in some odd directions but it's not as unwatchable as they make out.
Sy said:
Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death - 8/10
As always, a big mess of fun. Spotting all the little jokes and references always provides a good reason to revisit and the Ghost reference just tipped it over the edge. Good times.
Oh Yes, It was cracking good fun. Not one mention of any Wensleydale Cheese! I didn't enjoy The Curse of the Were-Rabbit much, so it made up for it. 8/10

If your counting Christmas specials:

Gavin & Stacy, 9/10. To tell you the truth, when the series first began I really wanted to hate it but I fell into it and now I'm happy to say I like it, Oi. I hope they make a third series, because I don't see the American one being as funny as this. I have some hope, though; The Office US is actually quite good.

The Royle Family, 8/10. Hilarious, as always - Fair point well made, Jimbo. It really missed out on not having some Anthony taking care of "Baby" David.

Lead Balloon, 9/10. Unfortunately, I've missed about four-to-five episodes of this series. Not that continuity is needed in it. Anyway, it was great. I don't want to wait another year for more Rick Shaw! Every character adds some personality to the show, and I really, really adore the way it's filmed. It's noticeably different to most other things on the BBC.

...I think that's all, and the only other two movies I've watched semi-recently have been:

Enchanted, 7/10. This movie made me groan so much. I adore the Disney Princess archetypal character so much, so seeing this Amy Adams acting in real life as one wasn't particularly pleasing, Admittedly, she didn't do a bad job. As it went on, It did pick up and turn into quite the enjoyable flick. It's still a spoof of their own movies, by epic proportions but it carries itself nicely. Worth a watch.

And Wall-E, but I've mentioned that on this thread at least two times. My opinion fluxuates every time I watch it.
Jayme said:
The Royle Family, 8/10. Hilarious, as always - Fair point well made, Jimbo. It really missed out on not having some Anthony taking care of "Baby" David.

Oh man that had me in bits

"Fair point well made Jimbo"

"Oh and Bar-bare-a"


Hancock - 8/10

I really was not expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. A strong cast, good humour, clever plot and perfect pacing - it's brilliant light entertainment, and Will Smith was just about bearable! :]
Christmas in August - 9/10 - call me melodramatic, but this movie is awesome, very touching and so human. Can't remember who recommended me that, but whoever it was, recommend me more stuff as I really liked that.
Godzilla (rewatched) - 5/10

28 Weeks Later - 6/10

Blue Streak (rewatched) - 6.5/10

28 Days Later - 7.5/10

Taken - 8/10

Disturbia - 8.5/10
Four Brothers - 7.5/10

An enjoyable revenge film. It wasn't epic and it doesn't have a story that's able to compete with The Count of Monte Cristo but it wasn't bad.

Iron Man - 8/10

Not jaw dropping but still a very good superhero flick. It would've been better if it had had a decent villain and not just a fat idiot.

Coach Carter - 8.5/10

A very well made film, starring the second of the two black men in Hollywood. I'm not a fan of basketball and couldn't relate to the characters but it was still very enjoyable to sit through.

Borat (rewatched) - 9/10

Who doesn't find this film hilarious? It's probably the most funny film in existence. I always laugh at the part where Borat chases after an American who seems to assume Borat is going to attack him for some reason.

On a related note, the film has the best extras ever. The deleted scenes, which I'd seen before picking up the DVD, could've all fitted in the film, the puppy and massage ones in particular since they always getting a smile out of me.
Journey to the centre of the earth - 6.5 / 10 enjoyable and easily forgettable as well.

batman gotham knight - 7.5 / 10 - It's a good prequel to the dark knight the different animation styles are fun to watch.
The Calamari Wrestler 7/10

Good fun and silly film in a way only the Japanese know. Full of cliches but entertaining enough.
The X-Files: I Want To Believe - 9/10

Totally changed my tune on this one. Before I thought it was good but seemed more like a storyline for a double episode but now I see it as it's strength. It was a stripped down story and that's exactly what The X-Files needed after the last convoluted mess of the TV series. It was back to basics just like it used to be. Also the soundtrack is fantastic and really captures a maturity and bleakness of the cinematography.

I want more but I'll be happy if this is the end.
Aion said:
Iron Man - 8/10

Not jaw dropping but still a very good superhero flick. It would've been better if it had had a decent villain and not just a fat idiot.

Jeff Bridges wasn't so bad, he was just screaming out for some decent character development in the script as opposed to "oh, I'll go mad with power now".
History of Violnce 10/10

Amazing movie, stunningly visceral, and some truly memorably directed scenes, man anyone who hasint seen this, Id advise you do so NOW!!!!
Outlawstar said:
History of Violnce 10/10

Amazing movie, stunningly visceral, and some truly memorably directed scenes, man anyone who hasint seen this, Id advise you do so NOW!!!!

I have got this and eastern promises in my dvd collection waited to be watched. Looks like they will be going near to the top of the pile!
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