Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

I can't decide whether he gets +rep for having admirably broad horizons, neutral rep for not knowing anything about the shows before he watches them, or -rep for trying to pretend that he doesn't seek them out on purpose. :p
Rui said:
animefreak17 said:

hey RUI if your reading this, this anime is something you might like.

Haha, I like the personalised recommendations. I played the games for Sukisho so I liked them a bit more than the anime (bias) :)

Kudos as always for trying out series which most guys run a mile from!


they had games of sukisho the anime?............... to be honest i kinda like the the boy love boy animes ( im not gay) because iv never watched them before 4 weeks ago, at first i was like * pretend there girls pretend there girls * and after watching loveless, princess princess and a few others i found them entertaining like any other anime iv seen, i saw past the boy love boy thing and just enjoyed the story and they can be funny too. i bet it would be the same if you was watch a anime with girl love girl anime lol
ilmaestro said:
I can't decide whether he gets +rep for having admirably broad horizons, neutral rep for not knowing anything about the shows before he watches them, or -rep for trying to pretend that he doesn't seek them out on purpose. :p
its a little of all -
i like getting animes that i know of
i like getting animes that i have no idea of what there about. ( i like to be surprised ) * i make sure there not hentai *
i like to buy many cheap animes so i get them in huge piles-

i have this formula -
i get my dvds from axlemusic.

if i start by buying loads of the cheapest animes like 10 dvds or something then i can work my way up to the expensive ones and by the time i get to the expensive ones they might have discounts on them or the prices might come down a bit.

if im getting a series thats in collections e.g. tsubasa i make sure i buy the 1st and 2nd and so on seasons, movie and ova all in one like i would get -

season 1
season 2
the movie
and ovas

you forget im the animefreak
funny ha ha ha anyways

raman fighter miki

i love this anime i first watched it a week ago but i wanted to watch it again, thats how awesome it is, you know those 7 minute looney toons cartoons well raman fighter miki is kinda like that but its kinda 2 storys in 1 episode each story has twelve minutes.
there are 13 episodes which makes 26 storys.

anyway this anime is brilliant 100% brilliant it was only on english sub but it was brilliant

the animations awesome
the characters are all lovable and funny
the storys are basic but brilliant
its hilarious very hilarious

i really really really really really really really recommend this to every single anime fan and to those who aren't fans would enjoy this.

theres only one downfall to this anime and that is.....................it wasn't long Enough i really wanted to see more episodes.
hey guys give this anime a watch you'll regret it if you dont

the reason im not giving it a extra 0.1 cause the series wasn't long Enough
Lawrence said:
Ian Wolf said:
Lawrence said:
Ian Wolf said:
Strike Witches: Series 1

On the whole is was OK. It was an entertaining story, with nice characters, but the plot was at parts predictable. Shame more time wasn't devoted to the story and less to the fan service. Also, how come the main British characters are the clutz and main human baddie?

Score: 6 / 10

Ah, but that's where you are wrong, the British character isn't British, she's Canadian (or she was). And I don't think it was quite as straight forward as him being a bad guy, if I'm not mistaken, it was supposed to be a throw back to the differing ideas held by Trafford Leigh-Mallory and Keith Park during the Battle of Britain. Of course, in the end it was Mallory who remained in charge.

But this time instead of the friction being caused over the "Big wing" issue, it's over the matter whether the witches should be participants in the war or not, especially since it is the 40's and women were/are second class citizens.

Thanks for the Canadian correction. In terms of witches being participants in the war, are we sure that the women in the dimension Strike Witches is set in are treated the same as women in our dimension?

Perhaps a little better maybe? But it was during the war that women began to gain independance anyway, so maybe not?
Certainly religion is not the same in that universe, it doesn't have the same widespread appeal, so it doesn't further the divide between men and women, in the same way Christianity and Judism does.

Perhaps they are treated a little better but by the time WWII roled around, it was possible for a woman to be a pilot, though they were few in number, compared with the men.

Well, both world wars arguably helped women become more independent. It was during WWI that women in Britain finally got the vote.
girls high

im like.......... so thats what a high school girls life is like and a funny school life it is lol.

im glad i watched this anime cause ( even tho its a anime and most stuff in it fantasy but some of it how girls school life is real)

its a good school comedy telling the school life of 6 girls and how the coup with there high school lifes, boyfriends, friendship, awkwardness of teenage life but more comical.

it shows how the other halfs lifes are.

its a funny anime thats worth a watch
plus it has some fan service (the 12th episode * i want a massage to*)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth

I'm late to the party and I never investigated all the infos about the history and the making of Evangelion, but I must say I don't understand the utility of this release. The "Death" part is just a re-arrangement of some footage from the series, it's done pretty well, but nothing really new. The "Rebirth" part is composed of new footage, and while watching it I thought "cool, things are finally getting serious". But almost all these scenes were included in "The End of Evangelion"... On one side I must say it's pretty good stuff, on the other side I must say buying this DVD is just wasted money.

Score: 6.5 / 10

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

After watching "Death & Rebirth" I was thinking that "The End of Evangelion" was going to blew me, since the "Rebirth" part really got me excited. So I was quite disappointed in discovering that the first part of this DVD was just a repetition of "Rebirth"... The second part was quite far from my tastes. I can understand the need to give such a kind of mind-screwing philosophical ending, but simply I prefer other ways to end a series. Too bad, since the first 20 episodes of the series were just awesome, and the first 2 tries to end this story leave a bitter feel. Now hoping for the third try to be better (and to be released before my grandsons will be born).

Score: 7.5 / 10

It's nice to read some criticism of Eva that isn't just "this show is the worst show ever because I personally didn't like the ending".

I can only agree with you about the way Death and Rebirth (and the others various edits that were made around the time) were handled, when you look back on it now. I'm sure that at the time there was probably more of a feeling of progression and relevance.
ilmaestro said:
It's nice to read some criticism of Eva that isn't just "this show is the worst show ever because I personally didn't like the ending".

My problem with the 2 endings is that I don't feel much coherence with the rest of the series, they give me the feeling that they were done that way just to close the story due to external pressure (I presume lack of budget for the original, and fans' wrath for "The End"). I'm not against philosophical endings (I LOVE how Lain ends), I'm not against endings depicting a reset of the world (Wolf's Rain for example), and I'm not against total negative endings where most, if not all, people die (like in Basilisk). The way Eva ends is, superficially of course, a mix of these three ways, so I should be able to appreciate it. But I feel it's not much coherent with how the series developed until the last episodes (for example I find the last Angel quite misused in the overall development of the plot), my impression is that the story needed much more episodes to reach a full developed ending (even an open one), and Anno only tried to fulfill the external requirements both times. I'm not against that type of ending, I simply think it does not flow well, it's someway forced.
Of course these are just my personal impressions after my first viewing, so personal (and irrational) tastes have a strong impact on this.

ilmaestro said:
I can only agree with you about the way Death and Rebirth (and the others various edits that were made around the time) were handled, when you look back on it now. I'm sure that at the time there was probably more of a feeling of progression and relevance.

I'm quite ignorant about this. When I decided to buy the series I looked for what was available to buy. The Italian version of "Death and Rebirth + The End" is an edit with supposedly some changes (I'm reporting what I read), since Amazon had some used copies of the UK DVDs of the original versions, I decided to go for them because I tend to prefer the original versions to recuts/edits/whatever when I have the choice. With my wannabe review I wanted to point out to people in my same conditions that buying "Death and Rebirth" is not essential, if someone buys the series and "The End" then he has everything. I liked how the "Death" part was re-assembled, it was well thought and very disturbing, but I think that DVD is just for the completists.
Now I'm waiting to save the last money to buy a good BD player and a huge TV, so I'll be able to watch the first 2 rebuilds. But I must be honest and say that as much as I loved the first 20 episodes of the series, as much I hate the George Lucas syndrome (rethreading on someone's biggest success), so I'll start with a lot of prejudices against them.

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ilmaestro said:
It's nice to read some criticism of Eva that isn't just "this show is the worst show ever because I personally didn't like the ending".

I can only agree with you about the way Death and Rebirth (and the others various edits that were made around the time) were handled, when you look back on it now. I'm sure that at the time there was probably more of a feeling of progression and relevance.

Well summary movies are pretty much part and parcel of the anime genre as a whole. Very few shows go without one, I suppose it's for people who just like a digest sized version of a series.
kite - before i say anything about the review on this i just want to say: if you intend to get this cause of kite liberator make sure you get the edited version *trust me*

its about a girl who goes on missions killing people who are pedophiles, celebrities, politicians ect ( sounds like what we should be doing kill the pedophiles) she works for a cop who is ironically a pedo but she kills him at the end lol anyway kite isn't for the faint hearted.

i got this cause i got kite liberator which isn't as bad as the first kite.

this first movie is a let down cause of the unnecessary sex scenes but with any luck kite liberator wont be as bad cause of the age difference the first is a 18 and kite liberator is a 16 so it should be better-

kite liberator

its better then the first kite but it leaves a freakin huge cliffhanger and they tried to fit in a good story with in 58 minutes.
this should of been a series a 12 episode series cause -

the animations awesome
it has humor
the story and plot is good

its about a girl hunting pedos but unlike the first film it has no sex scenes (thank christ lol) but its good but a big disappointment cause of it being a cliffhanger

teonzo said:
Now I'm waiting to save the last money to buy a good BD player and a huge TV, so I'll be able to watch the first 2 rebuilds. But I must be honest and say that as much as I loved the first 20 episodes of the series, as much I hate the George Lucas syndrome (rethreading on someone's biggest success), so I'll start with a lot of prejudices against them.
Well, all I will say is, I am very hopeful that they will change your mind. :)

Sparrowsabre7 said:
ilmaestro said:
It's nice to read some criticism of Eva that isn't just "this show is the worst show ever because I personally didn't like the ending".

I can only agree with you about the way Death and Rebirth (and the others various edits that were made around the time) were handled, when you look back on it now. I'm sure that at the time there was probably more of a feeling of progression and relevance.

Well summary movies are pretty much part and parcel of the anime genre as a whole. Very few shows go without one, I suppose it's for people who just like a digest sized version of a series.
True (although I think you're exaggerating somewhat), but that isn't entirely what has happened with Eva. They have tended to be more revisionary than usual in their approach.
Lawrence said:
Taka88 said:
Cowboy Bebop The Movie


I bought it last year. Todat it is first time i watch this. I think it is really good story, good action and fit girl :)

Good to hear you finally got round to watching it then :)
Since it is a pretty good film, not as good as the series, mind you, but good enough.

I agree with you. the series is very good. I need rewatch it but my friend got my two disk :(
gunslinger girls OVA
and like the second season of gunslinger girls it as that sparkle that makes you want to watch more and the animations so freakin beautiful and the musics beautiful too but i think i prefer the first season music. the girls are so cute too. but its a shame it didn't continue to follow the manga cause i this it would of been successful.
but the last 6 minutes of the last episode was kinda silly with the illusion of the dead girl
