Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

st_owly said:
I hate and despise the Tsubasa anime with a passion. They sucked all the life out of the manga and made Sakura into a useless wimp. I'd love an FMAB style remake done by a different studio.

the fmab series looked tooo cartoonish to me.

I mean look a the original ....despite it not strictly following the manga....it actually turned out pretty good,

it was darker
I felt emotion
and it doesn't feel like the series was trying to side with the main characters
everything didn't fit in to place

I honestly think the 2003 fma is better
You missed the point by a country mile, AF. By FMAB style remake, I meant one which adapted the manga story completely. I like the first FMA anime. I've read the manga, I liked that too. I've not seen all of Brotherhood aside from the first few episodes when it first aired. The Tsubasa anime is not good compared to the manga it's adapted from. The original FMA anime is.
st_owly said:
You missed the point by a country mile, AF. By FMAB style remake, I meant one which adapted the manga story completely. I like the first FMA anime. I've read the manga, I liked that too. I've not seen all of Brotherhood aside from the first few episodes when it first aired. The Tsubasa anime is not good compared to the manga it's adapted from. The original FMA anime is.

but the fmab is a bit too childish unlike the original.

I thought tsubasa anime was light hearted but the ovas went a few levels up and made it awesome
Part of my problem with the Tsubasa anime is that the original Manga is extremely visual, and extremely intricately drawn - and dare I say it, the anime was put together looking slightly cheap (though this perhaps a sign of the times it was made in). I have no doubt if it was re-done today the visual standard would be much, much higher.
st_owly said:
animefreak17 said:
but the fmab is a bit too childish unlike the original.


Don't worry, I understand what you mean and I agree. I'd also like to see the same kind of treatment for Soul Eater.
Sengoku Basara Season 1 5/10
This was just average. There was nothing remarkable about this series that makes it stand out. The only thing I can really say is that I found myself wishing an episode would just end to many times to say I enjoyed it.
Princess Jellyfish

I absolutely adored this show. Grabbed the blu ray at a bargain price not knowing anything about the show and I was absorbed by a sweet and funny show unlike anything in my collection.

Great music, an endearing story (of which id love to see continued) and a fine balance between laugh out loud funny and touching scenes.


This show has made me realise I might actually like anime that are predominantly romantic comedies. If anyone knows of any that are similar in tone to this then please do drop me a pm!
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 10/10 (Rewatch)
I adore this series! This is my second time watching and I enjoyed it just as much as the first. I much prefer the more optimistic tone of the Manga to the more cynical 2003 Anime. Though I did spend most of the last few episodes crying (I should stop getting attached to fictional characters). The series has a colourful cast and incorporates pretty much everything I like to see in an Anime. All in all this series is near enough perfect in my eyes.
One Piece Movie Collection 2
MUCH better than the previous collection

One Piece The Movie: Dead End Adventure
A decent One piece movie. It follows the basic shonen routine. New bad guy. luffy must defeat said bad guy. The end. But even though the formula wasn't anything new, it did include some really cool new characters, like Shuraiya, who was a real badarse. His fight with Needles was probably the highlight for me in the movie. The beginning scene in the bar was pretty good aswell and gave the movie a huge scale.

One Piece The Movie: The Cursed Holy Sword
Great stuff!
The best part for me was the characters and their development. Saga and Maya stole the movie for me, and i felt REALLY bad for Maya, who only wanted Saga to return to her. The action here was pretty top notch! I would say this is one of the more action packed One Piece movies! I also really liked the story, even if it wasn't anything new. I just thought the fact that a sword possessed someone is pretty cool. Only bad thing i have to say is that the animation was a lil sloppy at times and i even noticed a animation error.

One Piece The Movie: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
What in the actual **** did i just watch?!? This was incredibly creepy for a One Piece movie! Some of the imagery in this film will haunt me for ages! The overall tone was very dark and disturbing, which to me made the movie feel fresh and original. I would say that this movie stands out from the rest because of it's overall terrifying last half an hour and dark and depressing theme. I also LOVED the style of animation here, and thats due to the director being Mamoru Hosoda, who also directed The Girl Who Lept through time and Summer wars!

Overal. One Piece Movie Collection 2 is FAR better than the previous collection. I would recommend getting this just to see the 6th film, just for it's weirdness and originality.
Thermae Romae

it was a bit like hetalia.

its about a roman who makes baths and is sent back in to modern day japan some how and takes the ideas from there and adds it to romans baths

it was good

Welcome to The Space Show

Really enjoyed this film, i'd heard mixed things about it with people saying it wasn't original enough (citing Spirited Away, other Miyazaki Works, Galaxy Railway etc) but I thought it was a fun romp through space with touching moments and a likeable cast of child characters. Visually it was gorgeous, and the creativity on display with regards to the many aliens and locations seen throughout was of a high quality.

The lengthy run time flew by and I was never once bored. Highly recommended.

they literally took scenes from a game and made this movie.... it wouldn't of been better to make a series instead of being lazy and putting the scenes together .....wasn't bad tho.


to be honest after watching the whole series, movie, ovas ect it was a 8 over all but Im going to do it individually starting them orderly

season 1
when I watched this I knew it was going to be about a kid who gets entangled with a something he doesn't understand and it would take place in school.......no surprise there. shana I didn't like in the beginning because of how heartless she can be but I do understand why the way she is. yuji I thought was the boring idiot who had annoying screams. its about shana and shes a flame hazes and she has a responsibility to take down monsters who eats the existences of humans.........and as well as it taking place in school theres a bit of romance going on and love triangles and such and such you all know where this is going, and while they keep going beating monsters and such nothing new I seen before but its action is great tho and the animation is great too.


shana movie

basically a new look with new scenes of season 1 but it still was good tho and im sure they had some left over scenes to make it a movie from season 1 but it was ok


season 2
continuing from season 1 basically the same as seasons 1 but more slice of life which annoyed me a lot....I was like, come on show me more of the action but mostly it was slice of life and the same of what happened in season 1 but the action was still there and sometimes I wish I could slap a few of the charecters for ether being heartless or idiotic but something happenes at the end that makes way for it 3rd season.

basically mini missions ....filler if you will nothing major but the last two made me want to punch shana but again doesn't


shana season 3

after being kinda disappointed with the first two seasons cause I knew what I was expecting......school life, romance, ect ectt you lot seen it before in other anime.........

this season brought its A game and it was the best of the series I wont give a lot away but I will say this ......if you gave up the series cause you know what to expect from the first 2 ,...... well pick it back up and watch it till the end......

everything goes down in this season

yuji goes missing and is fused with a god.
yuji he tries to get the body of the god who was imprisoned
he looks away shanas powers
he goes on the enemys side

it just just bigger in this series and it was a wild ride il til ya......it was much much better the the first two I promise you that.


as a whole even tho the 3rd season was the best out of the lot of them it still gets a 8 cause of it being predictable and you knowing what to expect from seeing other anime......you know the recycling anime thing.


animation 8.5/10......love how they do the fire in this
charecters season 1 and 2 7/10 season 3 8/10
music 8/10

decent series

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Taro the dragon boy

This is what a Disney film would be like if Disney was Japanese using myths and legends ..... It's pretty good to be honest and looking how old it is it does have that thing that drags you in but there are a few things that's awrkward about it.....like child frontal nudity or women showing there breasts......it was ok back then I supposes...for back then both on tv and in history during the old times of Japan.

It's about a boy who gose on a journey to find his mother who was turned in to a dragon and he has the strength of a hundred men and on his journey he helps people on his journey ....simple enough.

The animation is old but has an nostalgia feel to it
The characters are somewhat ok
The dub is bad
The story pretty good

Arpeggio of Blue Steel - 9/10 (bordering on 10, but I don't like to give 10s to contemporary shows - I think a full rating requires hindsight of a show's influence on the medium as a whole, long term)

Put it simply, this blew me away. I'd had it saved up to watch in one go for a while, but I never even dreamed I'd enjoy it this much. From an excellent premise, to an intelligent treatment of its subject matter, this just keeps getting better and better. At only 12 eps too, it feels very lean compared to so many other sci-fi anime of the moment. Not a single ep is wasted.

I love that in many ways, this is essentially a harem show, but with the romantic element largely removed. It also does the whole 'these are the number of villains we'll be revealing over the course of the series, and these are there powers - oh, and we'll make you really care about them too' as well as any show out there (one of the reasons I love Bleach so much)

I like that it manages to do the whole 'oh, the baddie was defeated - but obviously they're not dead, and they're going to switch sides' thing multiple times, but without it feeling contrived.

The ending episode is stunning - I've rarely seen CG integrated into a show so well, but this looked a dream throughout, from the battles to the characters.

All in all, I'd heartily recommend this.
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Man I can't believe how boring this was............actually saying this most yuri anime to me is boring with a few exceptions which was ok

This how ever was just plan boring and nothing stands out

Growing up
Bla bla bla

I watched all the way through and I couldn't get in to it.


Right now time to go watch lupin the first series......now this will be fun to watch
st_owly said:
The manga is also being released in English. Not read it myself but it might be something you want to check out given you enjoyed the anime so much.

Definitely going to give it a go as I hear the plot diverges quite a bit from the anime.