Post a photo of your entire anime collection!

So, your first anime just 18 months ago, and now you got all that - isn't it amazing how fast anime can replicate in such a short period of time? They're more frisky than even rabbits or mice, it seems... :eek:
Definitely more frisky. I'm obsessed with collecting all dubbed anime! Damn it's hard to keep up
Just my DVDs (mostly Manga Force Collection) and manga (and graphic novels) for now. I'm in the process of getting it all sorted, so Blu-rays will have to come later as most of them are in my pile of shame where I threw lovingly placed them after they arrived. Should get new bookcase later this week.





Fixed it for you.
I don't know why they printed them that way around. All DVDs and Blu-rays (and books) are printed so the spine can be read by tilting your head to your right. So instead of having to change the tilt of my head every time I went to pick out something to watch, I turned them the other way and just had to put up with the age certifications being upside down!
Hmm, I have no problem reading the text on the spines sideways without tilting my head either way - and if I did I'd probably lose my sense of equilibrium and fall and break my hip, old codger that I am... :p
I don't know why they printed them that way around. All DVDs and Blu-rays (and books) are printed so the spine can be read by tilting your head to your right.
In English speaking countries - the reverse is true in (I think) most of Europe. Perhaps Hachette, being French, didn't know any better (like how the spines were that way round on the first few Kaze UK releases) and didn't want to correct it once they'd started because it would spoil the unified "look" of the collection.

I'll never understand why other European languages do this because in Latin alphabet languages we read top to bottom, which to my mind says titles should start at the top of the spine and end at the bottom the way ours do. It feels weird reading up the spine like it would feel weird reading up the page of a book. Doing spines the English way also means the title is the right way up on the spine when the book is placed flat on a table with the front cover showing - If you do that with a French book, the spine is upside down. Which also seems wrong.
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In English speaking countries - the reverse is true in (I think) most of Europe. Perhaps Hachette, being French, didn't know any better (like how the spines were that way round on the first few Kaze UK releases) and didn't want to correct it once they'd started because it would spoil the unified "look" of the collection.
So Manga not to blame this time!
Did a little organizing so thought I'd finally upload mine. I've been collecting Anime since 2013 and Manga since late 2016.

Excuse the rubbish pictures...



I've customised my Space Dandy S1 O-card with scissors and I don't regret it one bit, baby! :cool:





On to manga now @Gemsy-chan will recognize lots of these. :p




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