Are people really resorting to bringing up the subjective quality of a work to try and discredit a re-release, when neither the original or new distributor had any creative input?
I purchased MangaUK's DVD releases of
Evangelion 1.11 and
2.22 and while I can't confirm the price I paid for each (retailer no longer exists), I vividly remember their individual prices being at least
double that of HMV's blu-ray sell-off price. Years later, I finally owned a blu-ray player and upgraded using HMV's previously mentioned sales price (I wanted my releases to match
3.33...don't worry, you can laugh). However, I have no ill will towards Anime Limited's upcoming release - it looks really nice, the
Evangelion franchise deserves to be available and the simple fact is, designing and producing the discs, packaging, extras etc costs money that needs to be recouped. Even when excluding Anime Limited's Early Bird, retailer pricing isn't looking too bad if you shop around (£25 on
Really, the only consideration I'd like to see from Anime Limited regarding the original release, is design consistency between the films (fingers crossed that approvals don't become a pain for that!

Are people also
really nit-picking a simple pun in a press release? I mean, if that's the thing that sticks out as "problematic", then it sounds like we've got a perfect release on our hands. Come on people, it's just an inoffensive, throwaway line in an article we'll likely only read once. Any supposed double-meaning is honestly, such a stretch that it should audition for the Fantastic 4.
I also wouldn't consider not following the beginning-middle-end formula as being a flaw, considering
Miss Hokusai didn't either and that film was superb.